Chemical Reaction Searching: Organic Compounds
Why do reaction searching?
- Reactions are bread-and-butter of organic chemistry.
- Reaction searching is graphical — search is done by specifying graphical
- Can search using a specific substance or a substructure.
- Can specify the role of a substance/substructure — reactant, product,
reagent, catalyst, solvent.
- Can specify functional groups.
- Can specify location of reaction site and direction of reaction.
- Results are provided as reaction diagrams.
Examples of reaction databases:
- CASREACT. Chemical Abstracts Service. Organic Chemistry articles, 1985+
- REACCS. Molecular Design, Ltd. MDL file of current literature; entries from
Organic Syntheses, Theilheimer’s Synthetic Methods of Chemistry, and Journal
of Synthetic Methods.
Insert structure searching p. 44-48