Short Course: Examples
Sessions aimed at updating research groups (advanced undergraduates,
graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty, etc.) on information
sources relevant to their group.
Example: Short course for graduate students, University
of Pennsylvania, now 8 weeks
started as a 2 week short course.
Objectives: This course aims to provide students with
basic chemical information skills. Students will:
- Learn to distinguish the various types of chemical information
sources and to choose the appropriate sources to solve specific
chemical information problems
- Become acquainted with the major print and electronic sources of
chemical information, such as Chemical Abstracts, Beilstein,
Gmelin, dictionaries, handbooks, and comprehensive treatises
- Become aware of the variety of electronic resources and information
retrieval techniques
- Learn the basics of searching Chemical Abstracts on STN
- Learn to use Science Citation Index
- Explore the Internet for chemistry-related sources