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Chemistry 313: Preliminary Report on Grignard Synthesis
University of Scranton

Turn this page in on Thursday, March 14th.  It will be returned the same 
day.  Info on other side should be provided on March 19th with write-up.

Name: ___________________________________________________________

Alkyl or Aryl Halide:    Structure ______________________________

                         Volume to be used ______________________

                         Number of Moles ________________________

Magnesium:               Weight to be used ______________________

                         Number of Moles ________________________

Carbonyl Component:      Structure ______________________________

                         Weight or volume to be used ____________ g or ml

                         Number of Moles ________________________

Diethyl Ether (Anhydrous): Volume used with:

                         Rx _____________________________________ ml

                         Carbonyl Component _____________________ ml

                         Total Volume to be used ________________ ml

Stucture of Product: ____________________________________________

Name of Product: ________________________________________________

Theoretical yield of product: ___________________________________ (g or ml)

Write a balanced equation for the total Grignard synthesis using the 
reagents assigned to you.

Literature Data on Product and Side Products: 

References to synthesis (if any):    _______________________________________


Product:         Melting Point ______________________ 

                 Boiling Point ______________________ (pressure)

                 Specific Gravity ___________________

                 Index of Refraction ________________

Reference for above information:     _______________________________________


Side Products:   Structure(s): 

Physical constants of each:

Literature references: (Give a separate reference for each side product).

Report sheet due with pre-lab write-up, Tuesday, March 19th.