— August 1998 —
The REGISTRY File is a chemical structure and dictionary database containing unique substance records that are produced as new substances are identified by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry System. The REGISTRY File contains records for all the substances cited in the CAS Registry System. These include substances cited in CAplus, CA, and CAOLD files, and special registrations, for example, registrations for regulatory lists such as TSCA and EINECS
File Data
More than 16.2 million records (3/97)
Updated weekly
BEILSTEIN is a major structure and factual database in organic chemistry. The organic substance records contain the critically reviewed and evaluated documents from the Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry covering the chemical literature for the period 1779–1959. In addition, BEILSTEIN also contains organic substance records for unreviewed excerpts from the primary literature until 1991.
File Data
6,843,554 substance records (07/96)
Updated irregularly
The GMELIN File is a structure and factual database on inorganic and GMELIN is a structure and factual database on inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Substance records contain the critically reviewed and evaluated data from the GMELIN Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry issued in 1975 and before, covering the chemical literature for the period 1817–1970. Also included are selected data from a pool of the 112 most important journals of inorganic, physical, and organometallic chemistry, and other journals of physics from 1970 to the present.
File Data
988,241 substance records (1/96)
Updated periodically
The MARPAT File (R) is a Markush search service. It contains the Markush structure records for patents found in the CA File with patent publication year 1988 to the present.
File Data
1988 to date
More than 101,990 records (4/97)
More than 303,000 Markush structures (4/97)
Updated weekly with approximately 250 citations and 750 Markush structures
The CASReact (R) File (The Chemical Abstracts Reaction Search Service) is a chemical reaction database with reaction information derived from documents covered in the Organic Sections of Chemical Abstracts (R) (CA): journals from 1985 to the present and patents from January, 1991 to date.
File Data
1985 to the present
More than 156,800 documents (2/97)
More than 1.36 million single-step reactions (2/97)
More than 1.98 million multistep reactions (2/97)
Updated weekly with 600 to 1,300 new reactions in 250 to 1,000 new records
ChemInformRX is a chemical reaction database containing reaction information derived from documents covered in ChemInform. The ChemInform Document Number is the Accession Number in ChemInformRX. The document-based database contains both single-step and multistep reactions.
File Data
1991 to the present
More than 55,700 records (10/96)
More than 259,000 single-step reactions and 190,000 multistep reactions (10/96)
Updated quarterly with about 5,000 new records
CHEMREACT is a reaction-based chemical reaction database containing about 300,000 organic reactions selected from published reactions in the chemical literature of 1974–1991. The basic data originate from the VINITI/ZIC structural database, which has been built jointly by the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Academy of Science of the former USSR (VINITI) in Moscow and the Zentrale Informationsverarbeitung Chemie (ZIC) in Berlin. The database is in English.
File Data
More than 392,430 records (2/97)
Single-step chemical reactions
Updated irregularly
The Derwent Journal of Synthetic Methods File (DJSMDS: subscriber file; DJSMONLINE: non-subscriber file) is a structure-searchable chemical reactions database, designed on the principles set out originally by Theilheimer, which provides key references to novel synthetic methods from the worldwide patent and scientific literature. The strict selection criteria ensure that only new or the most synthetically useful modifications of known methods are abstracted. In addition, all references are cross-referenced to relevant prior art and other similar reactions.
File Data
1975 to 1994
60,000 records (10/96)
53,514 single step reactions
15,000 records from 1975 to 1979 do not contain structures
Currently not updated