Attachments: Tips for Teaching: Teaching Aids
The Chemical Information Instructor Column
Journal of Chemical Education: Papers published or in process June 1998
- Abrash, Henry I. (California State University, Northridge)
A course in chemical information retrieval.
J.Chem.Ed., 1992, v.69, p.143+.
- Baysinger, Grace (Stanford University)
Identifying unknowns: library support in an undergraduate organic chemistry course.
J.Chem.Ed., 1995, v.72, p.1107-1111.
- Butkovich, Nancy J. and Minard, Robert (Pennsylvania State University)
Student-designed syntheses: Integrating chemical information and chemistry in the learning environment.
- Carr, Carol (University of Pennsylvania)
Teaching and using chemical information; an updated bibliography.
J.Chem.Ed., 1993, v.70, p.719-26.
- Carr, Carol (University of Pennsylvania)
Update of Teaching and using chemical information.
(upcoming after Butkovich)
- Cooke, Ron C. (California State University, Chico)
Undergraduate online chemistry literature searching: an open ended course segment approach.
J.Chem.Ed., 1994, v.71, p.867-71.
- Holmes, Collette and Warden, Joseph (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
CIStudio - a worldwide web-based, interactive Chemical information course.
J.Chem.Ed., 1996, v.73, p.325-31.
- Jenkins, Jerry A. (Otterbein College)
Undergraduate instruction in online searching of Chemical Abstracts.
J.Chem.Ed., 1992, v.69, p.639-643.
- Matthews, Fred J. (Austin Peay State University)
Chemical literature: A Course Composed of Traditional and Online Teaching.
J.Chem.Ed., 1997, v.74, p.1011-1014.
- O’Neill, Patricia and Elaine Goetz (Cornell University)
Electronic Users Group: A Forum for Experienced Searchers.
J.Chem.Ed., 1995, v.72, p.604-605.
- Penhale, Sara J. and Wilmer J. Stratton (Earlham College)
Online searching assignments in a chemistry course for nonscience majors.
J.Chem.Ed., 1994, v.71, p.227-29.
- Ricker, Alison Scott and Thompson, Robert Q. (Oberlin College)
Teaching Chemistry Information in a Liberal Arts Curriculum
In press.
- Smith, Allan (Drexel University)
Teaching citation searching.
- Somerville, Arleen N. (University of Rochester)
Information sources for organic chemistry, 1: Type of reaction and name reactions.
J.Chem.Ed.,1991, v.68, p.553-61.
- Somerville, Arleen N.
Information sources for organic chemistry, 2: Functional group chemistry.
J.Chem.Ed., 1991, v.68, p.842-53.
- Somerville, Arleen N.
Information sources for organic chemistry, 3: Reagents and solvents.
J.Chem.Ed., 1992, v.69, p.379-86.
- Somerville, Arleen N.
Subject search of Chemical Abstracts online.
J.Chem.Ed., 1993, v.70, p.200-03.
- Thompson, Patricia A., Jeffrey J. Jenkins, and Donald R. Buhler (Oregon State University)
Teaching toxicology graduate students online data systems.
J.Chem.Ed., 1995, v.72, p.324-26.
- Wier, Larry M. (St. Bonaventure University)
Chemical Abstracts: Switching from hard copy to electronic access.
J.Chem.Ed., 1994, v.71, p.578+.
* Edited by Arleen N. Somerville, Carlson Library, University of
Rochester, Rochester NY 14627-0236.;
Phone: 716-275-4465; Fax: 716-473-1712.
Suggestions for topics of future columns are welcome. Potential authors
are encouraged to submit ideas to Editor.