Stanford University Libraries

Chemical Abstracts (Print): Subject Sections

  • For ease of browsing, abstracts are grouped by subject area.
  • Currently there are 80 subject sections, divided into five broad groups.
    • Biochemistry
    • Organic Chemistry
    • Macromolecular Chemistry
    • Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
    • Physical, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
  • CAS web site provides details on the sections.
  • Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry used to come out in odd-numbered weeks.
    Macromolecular Chemistry, Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Physical, Inorganic and Analytical Chem. used to come in even-numbered weeks.
    Now, abstracts are added in all sections each week.
  • Cross-references are used where a given abstracts might appear in more than one section.
  • Subject sections change with time to reflect current research.
  • Subject Coverage Manual gives a detailed definition of each section, and a table of changes over the years.
  • Some online versions allow searching by Section.