Stanford University Libraries

Drexel University: Introductory Questionnaire

In order to tailor this course to your needs and background, I need to know more about you:

Name _________________________________ Student ID ______________________

Department ___________________________ Year of Graduate Study: 1 2 3 4 5

Drexel telephone extension (or, if a part-time student, a phone number at which you can be reached): ___________________________________________________

[1] What journals do you read or scan for your research?

[2] Have you authored or co-authored a paper in the chemical sciences or a related field? ___________
If so, please give a citation(s) [If you don’t remember details, you can provide these later, but give the journals in which they were published]

[3] How often do you use the Hagerty Library? ______________________
What are your main activities there? If you regularly use another library rather than Hagerty, please indicate what this library is.

[4] Do you have an account on a Drexel University computer? __________

Which one(s)?

Computer System UserID
IBM 9121 (DUVM)
Sun 670 (DUNX1)
Other (specify)

[5] What other computers do you use regularly, and where are they? Do you know if they have either dial-up or direct connections to the Drexel network?

[6] Do you use electronic mail on a regular basis? ________________________
If so, what is your email address? ___________________________________
How often do you check your mail? _________________________________
Do you know what your email software/hardware is?
Quickmail/Localtalk (AppleMacintosh local area network) _____ Eudora/Sun 670 _____
TN 3270 or TinCan/IBM 9121 _____ Other ______________________________________________________ I have no idea: all this is Greek to me _________________

[7] Have you ever used the print version of Chemical Abstracts? ___________
If so, how may times in your graduate career? ________________________

[8] Have you ever done an on-line search of the Chemical Abstracts database? _________
If so, how many have you done so, and whose account were you using?

[9] Have your ever used any other database of chemical information, either over a dial-up link or directly from a hard disk or CD-ROM? _________________
If so, tell me about it.

[10] Have your ever used the chemical reference materials (as opposed to journals or monographs) in Hagerty Library? __________________
If so, which one(s)?

[11] Have you used Dragnet, Drexel’s on-line library information system? ____
If so, in Hagerty Library itself? ______________ from another computer?

[12]Do you keep a bibliography of journal articles and other references of importance in your research? ________________
If so, in what form? (i.e. index cards, written references in a notebook, database on a PC, engravings on clay tablets, …)

[13] Have you signed a “Dialog Agreement Form” at Hagerty Library to give you access to the DIALOG databases?
YES _____ NO _____
If not, please do so quickly.

[14] What would you like to accomplish by taking this course?

[15] In a short paragraph, give your own definition of chemistry.