— March 1996 —
Section 1, Revised
Fall 1995
106 Osmond (unless indicated otherwise)
Wednesdays, 3:35 pm. – 4:25 p.m.
This course is designed to help you gain an understanding of the various resources available in the area of chemical information.
Nan Butkovich
5-3716 or 5-7617
njb@psulias, psu.edu
230 Davey Laboratory
Thursdays 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Fridays 9:00 a.m. – 10.00 p.m.
If I will be available during one of these times periods, I will try to announce an alternate time during class. If these times are inconvenient, you may either make an appointment with me or stop by my office.
Wiggins, Gary. 1991. Chemical Information Sources. New York: McGraw-Hill. Call number QD8.5. W54 1991
(The text is optional. Copies are available for sale in some of the local bookstores. A copy is on reserve in the Physical Science Library, 230 Davey Laboratory.)
A required course pack will be available 20 September at the University Book Store.
Additional materials will be given you in class. Copies of materials given in class, etc. will be placed on reserve in the Physical Sciences Library.
15 hours in chemistry
Homework, quizzes, and attendance: 70%
Term Project: 30%
Homework assignments are designed to help you gain practical knowledge of particular information sources by actually using those sources. Each assignment will be due on the date indicated on the assignment sheet. Late assignments will be penalized 10 points for every day they are late.
Quizzes will be given if necessary. If given, each quiz will count the same as one homework assignment.
Attendance is important. Therefore, you are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions. If you are unable to attend a class meeting Please notify me prior to the class meeting. Notification after the class meeting may result in an unexcused absence. Attendance will count as one homework assignment.
If you are in CHEM 431w, the project will be a joint assignment with that class. If you are not in CHEM 431w, you will not have to do the CHEM 431w portion. Details will be announced later. The project will serve in lieu of a final examination in Chem 400.
Although some sessions will be demonstrations or lectures, we will try other techniques as well. Your feedback throughout the course will be greatly appreciated.
Date | Topic (Location) |
23 August | Introduction (106 Osmond) |
30 August | Chemical Abstracts: Print (106 Osmond) |
6 September | Chemical Abstracts: On-line (C5 Pattee) |
13 September | General Sources (106 Osmond) |
20 September | Crossfire: Beilstein (C5 Pattee) |
27 September | Organic Chemistry and Related Areas (106 Osmond) |
4 October | Inorganic Chemistry and Related Areas (106 Osmond) |
11 October | Analtyical Chemistry and Spectroscopy (106 Osmond) |
18 October | Chemical Safety/Internet (C5 Pattee) |
23 October | 1995 Lesh Lecture on Chemical Information (Nittany Lion Inn) |
25 October | Physical and Chemical Properties (106 Osmond) |
1 November | (Indexing and Abstracting Sources (C5 Pattee) |
8 November | Patents (Government Documents, 2nd floor, central Pattee) |
15 November | Indexing and Abstracting Services (C5 Pattee) |
22 November | You’ve already made up this lecture on 23 October. |
29 November | Evaluation and Wrap-up (106 Osmond) |
Optional tours of the Physical Sciences Library will be conducted at the following times:
Penn State is an affirmative action, equal opportunity university.
This publication is available in alternative media on request.
Due: 18 September 1995
Chemical Abstracts: Use the 1994 Index Guide and CA volume 121 ONLY!!! DO NOT MARK IN THE BOOKS.
Using the 1994 Index Guide, give the full entry for the following:
See Alkylation, Henry
See Isododecane [31807-55-3]
Studies of gel (or jelly) strength itself, or of the gel strength of classes of substances are indexed at this heading. For studies of gel strength of specific substances, see those specific headings.
See also Benzene, derivatives (general), halo derivs.
See 1,3,- Propanediol, 2-methyl-2-propoyl- dicarbamate [57-53-4]
The remaining questions require you to use various indexes included in vol. 121 of Chemical Abstracts and locate entries in the abstract issues. Depending on the index that you need to use, you may also have to use the Index Guide. Some questions may have more than one part.
Coronilla Varia
Find this term in the appropriate index. What is its abstract number?
Locate the entry in the abstract issues. What is the full title of the record?
Proanthocyanidins inhibit hydrolysis of leaf proteins by rumen microflora in vitro
Azulene, 1,4-dimethyl-7(1-methylethyl)- [489-84-9]
P 46167e
Tinted solution-phase electrochromic devices
In what publication did it appear?
Human Immunology
Who is the first author?
Hayao Matsuhashi
Who is the assignee?
University of Texas System