Chemistry 130 course documents archive
Bibliography of library resources for identifying unknowns
- ACD’s Interactive Web Laboratory
Advantages:Draw structure to get predicted spectral diagram or to predict a number of physical properties (e.g. mp, bp, pKa)Other info.:ACD/ILab Cheatsheet is available.Physical location:Stanford has a site license. Visit ACD's Interactive Laboratory.
- Beilstein Crossfire (remotely accessed database)
Advantages:Contains selected peak data and many citations to spectral data.Physical location:Available on networked PCs in the Meyer Computer Cluster and in the Swain Library. It is also possible to download the Crossfire client software to your workstation. See Swain Library’s Beilstein and Gmelin Crossfire Page for instructions. Manuals are on Reserve in Swain Library and via the web from Beilstein (choose products, select Crossfire, and then scroll down to bottom of screen for list of user aids and manuals)
- Cheronis / Semimicro Qualitative Organic Analysis: the Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds
Advantages:Contains information on derivative syntheses and deriv. data for a small number of compounds.Physical location:In Swain Reference (1965 ed.) [QD272.M5 C43 1965] and on Reserve (1983 ed.).
- CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Advantages:Web edition’s ADVANCED SEARCH performs physical constant (boiling point, melting point, molecular weight, refractive index) and substance (CAS registry number, molecular formula, name) searching. Structures of most compounds are available for display. Table results can be sorted by clicking on column headers. In print version, different editions may contain different entries. Latest edition has CAS Registry Numbers for most compounds.Disadvantages:May not always contain all common isomers. Structure searching is unavailable.Physical location:CRC HCP web version available to Stanford users, and print available in Swain Reference [See CRC shelf] and on Reserve.
- CRC Handbook of Tables for Organic Compound Identification
AdvantagesThis single volume contains lists of compounds segregated by functional groups listed in order of increasing m.p. or b.p.Disadvantages:Contains a relatively small number of compounds.Other Information:Also contains a helpful NMR-shift table.Physical location:CRC HTOCI web version available to Stanford users, and print available in Swain Reference [QD291 .R28 1967] and on Reserve.
- Criddle / Spectral & Chemical Characterization of Organic Compounds
Advantages:Contains information on derivative syntheses. Also contains derivative data for a small number of compounds.Physical location:In Swain Reference [QD271.4 .C73 1990] and on Reserve.
- Combined Chemical Dictionary
Advantages:Contains melting/boiling point data along with references for derivatives. Includes many common derivatives and selected references to journals.Physical location:Web version of CCD available to Stanford users, and print version is available in Swain Reference [QD251 .H45 1996 V.1-9]. Manuals for the CD-ROM version are available at the Reserve Desk in Swain Library.
- Feinstein / Guide to Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds
Advantages:Excellent source that provides instructions on how to interpret spectra.Physical location:On reserve in the Swain Library.
- Intro. to Spectroscopy: Hypercard Tutorial (software avail. campus network)
Advantages:Tutorial to help you become proficient in interpreting spectral data.Disadvantages:Runs only on Mac workstations that are connected to the campus network.Physical location:Available via Residential Computing Server. See Accessing Selected Macintosh Software via a Server for copying instructions.
- Memory / NMR of Aromatic Compounds
Advantages:Contains thorough tables of NMR shifting and coupling data for many aromatics, especially aromatics containing nitrogen. Chapter 3, pgs. 42-43, 55-57, and Chapter 5, pgs. 147-154 are very useful.Physical location:On reserve in the Swain Library.
- Merck Index (web & print)
Advantages:Contains more extensive physical description of sources. Includes derivs.Physical location:Web version of Merck Index available to Stanford users, and print version is available in Swain Reference [See CRC Shelf] and on Reserve.
- Organic Chemist’s Desk Reference
Advantages:Chapter 17 covers basics for interpreting spectral data.Physical location:On reserve in the Swain Library.
- Names, Synonyms, & Structures of Organic Compounds: A CRC Reference Handbook
Advantages:Excellent source to find synonyms and structures of compounds.Physical location:On reserve in the Swain Library QD291 .N36 1995 V.1-3.
- Pasto / Organic Structure Determination
Advantages:Provides many qualitative tests for unknown functionality and some general procedures on derivatives.Physical location:On reserve in the Swain Library.
- Pavia / Introduction to Spectroscopy
Advantages:Required text for the course.Physical location:On reserve in the Swain Library.
- Properties of Organic Compounds
Advantages:Contains property, structures, and spectra peak data for compounds.Physical location:Web version of POC available to Stanford users. Manuals for the CD-ROM version are available at the Swain Reserve Desk.
- Shriner / The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds
Advantages:Contains many derivative procedures as well as derivative data. Also provides many qualitative tests for unknown functionality.Physical location:In Swain Reference [QD261 .S965 1998] and on Reserve.
- Silverstein / Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds
Advantages:Great alternative spectroscopy text. Unlike Pavia, includes NMR data for complex aromatics, heterocyclics, and hetero-aromatics. Pages 207-222 are especially helpful.Physical location:Old editions in the reference room and latest edition on reserve at Swain.
- Vogel / Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry
Advantages:Contains many derivative procedures and derivative data for quite a few compounds.Physical location:On reserve in the Swain Library.