Chemistry 130 course documents archive
Accessing Macintosh software via server
Several software programs are available via the Residential Computing Server for you to use. You simply download the programs to your workstation along with the Software Librarian icon and restart your workstation. Software Librarian authenticates and manages access to programs for campus use. Software that is available (as of 9/96) includes:
- CSC Chem Office Pro (includes ChemDraw Plus, Chem 3D Plus, and ChemFinder Plus)
- Introduction to Spectroscopy (Hypercard tutorial)
- Kaleidagraph
- LabView
- MathCad
- Organic Reaction Mechanisms (Hypercard tutorial)
Instructions for copying software programs
- Open Chooser and click on the Appleshare icon.
- In the lower left corner of the Chooser window, find the Appletalk zone called ResComputing and click on it.
- In the upper right hand corner, click on the server called ResServer.
- A new window will appear asking how you wish to login. Click on the circle next to Guest. Click on OK.
- Another window will appear. Click on ResComp Public and then click OK.
- Close the Chooser and double click on the icon ResComp Public which appears on your Desktop. Open the folder called Classes and choose the folder Chemistry/ChemEngin.
- Copy three items to your hard disk: README-IMPORTANT!; Software Librarian, and needed software programs in the Chemistry/ChemEngin folder.
- After copying, drag the ResComp Public icon to the Trash.
- Put Software Librarian into your System Folder (it’s placed within Extensions Folder) and restart your computer. Be sure to quit programs you use when you are finished so that they are available for others to use.
- Please do not run programs directly from the server. Instead copy programs to your hard drive. Thanks!