Links to References from All AIP Journals Back to Volume 1, Issue 1
Now you can access links spanning 80 years of seminal physics research
AIP is happy to let you know that live links are now in place for references in all AIP journal articles going back to the very first issue of each. This final stage of an ambitious initiative brings the total of linkable references to the backfiles of AIP journals (see list below) to nearly 4,000,000. The initiative incorporates reference links that extend as far back as 1930 — the year AIP published the debut issue of Review of Scientific Instruments.
- Applied Physics Letters
- Biomicrofluidics
- Chaos
- Journal of Applied Physics
- Journal of Chemical Physics
- Journal of Mathematical Physics
- Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
- Low Temperature Physics
- Journal of Physical & Chemical Reference Data
- Physics of Fluids
- Physics of Plasmas
- Review of Scientific Instruments
Linking to a vastly greater volume of scientific literature and to A&I services — such as ISI, CrossRef, Inspec, PubMed, arXiv, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), and Dialog — provides researchers with expanded access to logically related articles and allows them to easily move from a reference to the abstract of a cited journal article. Quite often, these articles are located on a different server and are published by a different publisher.
One important byproduct of the project is that once these links became operational, AIP was able to send the reference sections to CrossRef to register the metadata and have Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) assigned. CrossRef, acting as a type of digital switchboard and effecting links through DOIs, enabled AIP to establish inbound and outbound links with a wide range of other publishing platforms.
Source: AIP Library Matters, Winter 2010
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