American Chemical Society Journal News
JCE is now copublished by ACS Publications and the ACS Division of Chemical Education. The First Issue for 2010 is available on the ACS Pubs Web Site. The JCE Archive going back to volume one is also available on the ACS Pubs Web site.
The Journal of Chemical Education is the official journal of the ACS Division of Chemical Education and is the world’s premier chemical education journal publishing peer-reviewed articles and related information as a resource to those in the field of chemical education and to those institutions that serve them.
Publishes high-quality research articles and reviews that showcase chemical, quantitative biological, biophysical and bioengineering approaches to the understanding of the nervous system and to the development of new treatments for neurological disorders.
The new international journal for urgent research, ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters will keep the world informed of important experimental and theoretical results in all aspects of pure and applied medicinal chemistry and their applications to pharmacology.
All new letters from the Journal of Physical Chemistry A, B, and C will be combined into a single, all-electronic journal highlighting the most urgent research results in physical chemistry.
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