Nanotechnology is Now Available on Knovel
Knovel’s new Nanotechnology collection focuses on nanoscale materials, nanostructure-dependent properties and phenomena data as well as fabrication and manufacturing techniques.
Nanotechnology is developing fast. Research predicts there will be $3 trillion worth of nanotechnology-enabled products by 2015. To invest appropriately and for research and development, companies need reliable information on the best practices of applications, fabrications, manufacturing and safety.
Companies are actively working on safety standards, risk management programs and researching the effects on human health and the environment.
Demand is particularly strong in the semiconductor, chemical and energy industries where the technology is advancing rapidly.
Subtopics within the Nanotechnology subject area include: Nanostructures and Micro/Nanodevices, Micro/Nanofabrication and Manufacturing Techniques, Nanobiotechnology, Environmental Nanotechnology and Environmental Safety, and Nanocomposites.
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