Engineering Library Offers a Series of Workshops
1) Linking Electronic Resources to Class Sites in CourseWork and CCNet
The Engineering Library is sponsoring a lunch-time workshop on how to link electronic content into your Coursework or CCNet class site. All faculty and teaching assistants are welcome to attend. The workshop will be offered Monday, 9/28, from 12 noon to 1 pm and will be held in Conference Room 105 in Y2E2 across from the Coupa Café. Refreshments provided.
Description: This workshop will give an overview of the options within CourseWork and CCNet for linking to licensed content for required or supplemental course reading. Examples of e-books, e-book chapters and journal articles will be covered.
The Engineering Library also offers 1-on-1 consultations for linking content to course management systems.
To sign-up, send email with your name and preferred workshop date to: engreference[at]stanford[dot]edu
2) Cross Search: Using Cross Discipline Research Tools for Enhanced Searching
Please bring your lunch and join us for the second in a series of workshops being offered by the Engineering Library. Comprehensive searching of multiple databases in related disciplines uncovers articles, books and reports critical to your research. Search examples using ISI Web of Science and the new Stanford Libraries Cross Search tool. Email alerts for subject, title, and authors will also be covered.
All faculty, students and staff are welcome to attend.
Date: Monday, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, or 10/26
Time: Noon–1pm
Where: Y2E2 Conference Room 105 (across from the Coupa Café)
To sign-up, send email with your name and preferred workshop date to: engreference[at]stanford[dot]edu. Cookies will be provided.
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