ChemBioOffice 2010 and ChemBioDraw 12 Are Now Available


CambridgeSoft is pleased to announce the new feature-packed release of ChemBioOffice 2010, featuring ChemBioDraw 12 and STATISTICA! ChemBioOffice 2010’s three core applications — ChemBioDraw, ChemBio3D and ChemBioViz — remain the heart of the ChemBioOffice Ultra 2010 suite. Among the new developments in each are:

  • ChemBioDraw includes improvements to Name=Struct and the Sequence Tool, new BioDraw Pathway Templates, Rotation About Arbitrary Centers, ChemScript Integration, support for full RBG Color, and more.
  • ChemBio3D added Stochastic Conformational Analysis, and the MMFF94 Force Field is now enhanced to use multiple processors for calculations, a new fast multi-pole method for electrostatics, truncation approximations and a user-settable dielectric constant.
  • ChemBioFinder with ChemBioViz adds Clustering analysis and integration with STATISTICA Base for more in depth statistical analysis.

New versions of our SQL-based E-Notebook, BioAssay and Inventory applications, access to online databases ChemACX and the ChemIndex, new partner applications MNova Lite and STATISTICA Base, and a host of other tools, round out the ultimate integrated solution for Chemists and Biologists.


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