ChemBioOffice Ultra Site License Renewed
Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SULAIR) has renewed its campus-wide site license to ChemBioOffice Ultra 2008 (Windows). ChemBioDraw is also available in a Mac version. This ultimate chemistry & biology suite is designed to meet the needs of both chemists and biologists. ChemBioOffice 2008 includes ChemBioDraw Ultra 11.0, MestReC Std, ChemScript Pro 11.0, ChemBio3D Ultra 11.0, Chem3D interfaces to Schrödinger’s Jaguar and Gaussian, GAMESS Pro 11.0, ChemFinder Ultra 11.0, with support for Oracle, ChemBioViz Ultra 11.0, BioAssay Ultra 11.0, Inventory Ultra 11.0, E-Notebook Ultra 11.0, ChemDraw/Excel, and CombiChem/Excel, the ChemDraw and Chem3D ActiveX Pro Plugins & Controls, as well as a collection of databases: ChemINDEX (Index, RXN, NCI & AIDS) and 1-year subscriptions to ChemACX and ePub. ChemBioOffice Ultra 2008 adds the BioAssay and Inventory applications, ChemBioViz, ChemFinder support for the CS Oracle Cartridge, and a 1-year subscription to ChemACX to the ChemOffice Ultra 2008 suite. *(W = Windows Only)
Reactivating Your Current Copy
If you already have the latest version on your computer, you can reactivate your license by following instructions in Swain’s ChemBioOffice page. FAQ from Cambridgesoft.
Downloading and Installation Instructions for ChemBioOffice Ultra 2008
Please see Swain’s Downloading and installation instructions.
For users who have previously downloaded ChemBioOffice Ultra, because there has been a major upgrade of the software, we recommend downloading the latest version rather than simply reactivating the older version.
Access without Downloading
Mac and PC users, it is possible for you to use ChemBioDraw Ultra and ChemBio3D Ultra without downloading the software. The software is accessible via a Web browser and Citrix plugin on CDSERVER. Unfortunately, the CDSERVER option is not compatible with Microsoft’s Vista operating software. Step-by-step instructions for accessing CDSERVER are available. ChemBioOffice Ultra is also loaded on the computers at Swain and Lane Libraries and will be available beginning this quarter on computer cluster machines in Green and Meyer Libraries and the residence halls.
For More Information
For more information about the programs and databases in ChemBioOffice Ultra 2008, please see Swain’s ChemBioOffice page
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