Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT)
MERLOT is a leading edge, user-centered, searchable collection of peer reviewed and selected higher education, online learning materials, catalogued by registered members and a set of faculty development support services. MERLOT’s vision is to be a premiere online community where faculty, staff, and students from around the world share their learning materials and pedagogy.
MERLOT’s strategic goal is to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning by increasing the quantity and quality of peer reviewed online learning materials that can be easily incorporated into faculty designed courses.
MERLOT’s activities are based on the creative collaboration and support of Individual Members, Institutional Partners, Corporate Partners and Editorial Boards.
Integral to MERLOT’s continuing development of faculty development support services are its:
- Building and sustaining online academic communities
- Online teaching and learning initiatives
- Building, organizing, reviewing, and developing applications of online teaching-learning
MERLOT maintains its currency through ongoing and continuing communication with its worldwide supporters in a variety of ways, including the annual MERLOT International Conference, the Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT), member publications, news, and our new Voices website to enable MERLOT users to communication with others.
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