DIPPR and DIADEM: Updated Versions
DIPPR and DIADEM: Two Key Resources for Thermophysical and Environmental Property Data
DIPPR 801 Database
Web Versions are available via Brigham Young University or via Knovel
DIPPR 801 Database Highlights:
- The public version contains 1944 compounds
- Lists values for 49 thermophysical properties
- Provides chemical data for 34 constant properties
- Includes 15 temperature dependent properties
- Contains raw data from the literature
- Contains critically evaluated, recommended thermophysical values
- Predicts appropriate values when experimental chemical data is not available
- References, notes, and quality codes included for all thermophysical data points
DIADEM (Site-licensed Software, PC Only)
Download DIADEM (requires SUID authentication)
The new and improved DIADEM interface enhances your ability to view, calculate, plot, and compare the thermophysical properties in the DIPPR 801 database. With a 200-method property prediction package, comparison capabilities, and user data graphing tools DIADEM now offers much more than just an interface for DIPPR 801.
DIADEM Database Interface Highlights:
- Predict properties using the automated prediction package
- Search and compare multiple components
- Compare user database with DIPPR 801 Database®
- View multiple components at a time
- Graph and plot thermophysical data points
- Convert values
- Calculate and compare properties at different temperatures
- Set default units/add user units
- Create and manage a user database
- View 2- and 3-D models of database compounds
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