New Librarians in the Engineering Library
One new position and replacements for two vacant positions (Karen Grieg and Susan Payne) were filled recently at the Engineering Library. Please join me in welcoming Sarah Lester, Kathleen Gust, and Pam Gore.
Sarah Lester
Sarah Lester is a recent graduate (2006) of the University of Washington Graduate School of Library and Information Science. While completing her MLIS, Sarah was a graduate reference assistant for 2 years at the Engineering Library where she worked with students and faculty providing reference and developing Web tools. Sarah’s other work experience includes 4 years as a User Interface Designer/Software Engineer for Getty Images and most recently an Indexer/Developer for Microsoft’s Health Vault Search as part of the MSN Health and Fitness portal. Sarah started working in the Engineering Library on Jan. 7, 2008.
Kathleen Gust
Kathleen Gust worked for the HP Labs Research Library for 20 years and was part of many transitions within the Library as HP evolved by spinning off the testing division, acquiring new businesses and surviving the dot-com bust. Kathleen supported the information needs of researchers in a wide-variety of areas including, most recently, quantum computing, micro-needle drug delivery, memory spot RFID and Asian language recognition systems. She also developed targeted newsletters, podcasts and technical topic briefings to alert researchers to new developments in their areas of interest. Kathleen’s MLS is from the University of Arizona. Kathleen started working in the Engineering Library on Jan. 14, 2008.
Pam Gore
Also joining us from the HP Labs Research Library is Pamela Gore. Pam worked for the HP Labs Research Library for 7 years as the content and communications team program manager, developing the library Web portal including the creation of tutorials for the library’s collection of over 100 Web-based research tools, as well as the integration of library content with the corporate Web portal. Pam’s previous work experience includes 2 years developing Web search directories for EoExchange and 5 years in user support at both Dialog and Information Access Company. Pam’s MLS is from Simmons College. Pam started working in the Engineering Library on Jan. 22, 2008.
Subject Specialist Areas for Collections, Reference, and Instruction
Area | Specialist | Phone | |
Aeronautics and Astronautics (AA) | Helen Josephine | | 650-725-1012 |
Bioengineering (BIOE) | Sarah Lester | | 650-725-1018 |
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) | Kathleen Gust | | 650-723-8877 |
Electrical Engineering (EE) | Pam Gore | | 650-721-1014 |
Engineering | Helen Josephine | | 650-725-1012 |
Management Science and Engineering (MS&E) | Pam Gore | | 650-721-1014 |
Materials Science Engineering (MSE) | Kathleen Gust | | 650-723-8877 |
Mechanical Engineering (ME) | Sarah Lester | | 650-725-1018 |
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