ISI’s Essential Science Indicators: Trial access February 15 – March 14

Trial access to ISI’s Essential Science Indicators

Trial access allows 5 simultaneous users only, so ISI recommends log-off after use. An annual subscription would cost about $16,000 per year. Is it worth the money?

Product Overview

Essential Science Indicators® provides Internet access to a unique and comprehensive compilation of essential science performance statistics and science trends. The chief indicators of output, or productivity, are journal article publication counts. For influence and impact measures, Essential Science Indicators employs both total citation counts and cites per paper scores. The former reveals gross influence while the latter shows weighted influence, also called impact.

It is important to recognize that the data in Essential Science Indicators are limited to Thomson Scientific-indexed journal articles only. No books, book chapters, or articles published in journals not indexed by Thomson Scientific are taken into account here, either in terms of publication or citation counts.

Types of Data

Types of data featured in Essential Science Indicators include most cited scientist rankings, institutional (university, corporate, government research lab) rankings, national rankings, and journal rankings. Brief editorial discussions that provide guidance on data analysis and interpretation enhance the tables, charts, and other data sets presented in the product. Another unique feature is the listing of research areas called Research Fronts, algorithmically derived topics reflecting research intensive and breakthrough areas of current science. An editorial feature called Special Topics gives special attention to selected areas of research.

Highly cited papers and hot papers have been selected based on percentile rankings specific to fields of science and specific time periods. While highly cited papers are chosen from the most recent 10 years of data, hot papers focus on very recent papers (from the past 2 years) that show an unusual rate of citation in the current period. Both highly cited and hot papers are searchable by a variety of attributes.

Special Topics

Special Topics provides citation analyses and expert commentary for selected scientific research areas that have experienced notable recent advances as indicated in the product. The data presented include citation rankings for scientists, institutions, nations, and journals as well as interviews and commentary by prominent scientists.

Categorized as: New resources, Web tools

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