ISI Web of Knowledge — New Interface / New URLS

ISI Web of Knowledge has a new face and powerful new search features built into its newly designed interface. Based on months of intensive usability testing and studies, we have developed a new approach to research. Both novice and professional researchers have told us what they wanted — a simplified user interface and a streamlined search process that’s easy to navigate, with easy-to-read fonts and a clear, intuitive presentation of search results. You will soon see these new features in all ISI Web of Knowledge products.

What’s New in the Current Release? (February 2008)
The current release includes the following research tools that are fully integrated into the ISI Web of Knowledge family of database products.

  • Web of Science® — Structure Search
  • Derwent Innovation IndexSM (includes Compound Search)
  • Web Citation Index™

Visit ISI Web of Knowledge: What’s New for more details.

Categorized as:Web Tools

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