Cambridge Structural Database and SuperStar
The Cambridge Structural Database has been updated. Any earlier versions you downloaded have expired. SuperStar, a program for Predicting Protein-Ligand Interactions Using Experimental Data, will be available for downloading for Stanford students, faculty, and staff soon.
Three methods are being used to make the CSD available to you:
- Download from server
- Check out CDROMs from Swain
- Use CSD via web browser and Citrix plugin
Here’s a status report on where things stand w/ CSD:
- Download: Mac & PC versions are up on a server. Accept the Usage Conditions to download the file. Note that CSD is over 1 GB in size.
- Checkout CDROMs: Mac, PC, and Unix versions of CSD are available at Swain for a two-hour loan.
- CSD via web browser: not available yet.
Descriptions of both products are available from the CCDC.
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