CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
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Subject Headings 30aa–al
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
sections: a – z aa – al aa * * * Mendelson's syndrome * * * Mountain sickness * * Bronchi diseases * * * Asthma * * Larynx disease * * * Vocal cord disease * * Lung, disease * * * Coniosis * * * Emphysema * * * Lung, neoplasm * * * Pneumoconiosis * * * * Anthracosis * * * * Asbestosis * * * * Siderosis * * * * Silicosis * * * Pneumonia * * * Respiratory distress syndrome * * Nose disease * * Pleura disease * * Trachea (anatomical) disease ab * Skin, disease * * Acne * * Athlete's foot * * Blister * * Comedo * * Dermatitis * * * Eczema * * Dermatomyositis * * Ehlers-Danlos syndrome * * Erythema * * Keloid * * Keratosis * * Lupus erythematosus * * Mange * * Parakeratosis * * Pruritus * * Psoriasis * * Scalp disease * * * Alopecia * * * Dandruff ac * * Seborrhea * * Sezary syndrome * * Skin, neoplasm * * Sunburn and Suntan * * Urticaria * * Vitiligo * * Xanthoma * * Xenthomatosis * Tail, anatomical disease * (Tumor) * * Cyst, pathological * * Neoplesm * * * Adenoma * * * Avian leukosis * * * Carcinoid * * * Carcinoma * * * Fibroma * * * Granuloma * * * HeLa cell * * * Hodgkin's disease * * * Hybridoma ad * * * Leukemia * * * Leukosis * * * Lymphoma * * * Melanoma * * * Mole (neoplasm) * * * Myeloma * * * * Plasmacytoma * * * Myoma * * * Nelson's syndrome * * * Papilloma * * * Pheochromocytoma * * * Sarcoma * * * Schwartz-Bartter syndrome * * * Sipples' syndrome * * * Transformation, neoplastic * * * Zollinger-Ellison syndrome * * Wart * Urinary tract disease * * Anuria * * Bladder disease ae * * Calculi, urinary * * Diuresis * * Enuresis * * Hydrocele * * Kidney, disease * * * Calculi, renal * * * Fanconi's syndrome * * * Hartnup disease * * * Kidney, neoplasm * * Oliguria * * Ureter disease * * Urethra disease * Stress, biological * * Anxiety * * Dehydration, biological * * Emotion * * Hypokinesia * * Hypothermia * * Immobilization * * Oxidative stress, biological af * * Space travel * * Starvation * * Temperature effects, biological * * Weightlessness * Wing, anatomical disease * (Miscellaneous) * * Acute-phase response * * Alport's syndrome * * Alstroem syndrome * * Ascites, syndrome * * Asthenia * * Autolysis * * Atrophy * * Bannayan-Zonana syndrome * * Beckwith syndrome * * Behcet's syndrome * * Border disease * * Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome * * Cachexia * * Canada-Cronkhite syndrome * * CHARGE association ag * * Cockayne's syndrome * * Cornelia de Lange syndrome * * Cyanosis * * Cyst, pathological * * Dropsy * * Edema * * Ehlers-Danlos syndrome * * Erythromelalgia * * Fever and Hyperthermia * * Fibrosis * * Gardner's syndrome * * Harada's syndrome * * Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction * * Jaundice * * Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome * * Lowe's syndrome * * Malacoplakia * * Manx syndrome * * Noonan syndrome * * Pain ah * * Prader-Willi syndrome * * Proteus syndrome * * Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome * * Sarcoidosis * * Sexual behavior * * Shy-Drager syndrome * * Sicca syndrome * * Sjogren's syndrome * * Sotos syndrome * * Swelling, biological * * Teratogenesis * * Trisomy syndrome * * * Down's syndrome * * Ulcer * * Watson syndrome * * Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome * * Williams syndrome * * Zellweger's disease Health * Public health ai * * Health hazard * * Health physics * * Hygiene * * * Hygiene, industrial Hospitals Laboratories (Medical specialties) * Andrology * Dentistry * Endocrinology * Epidemiology * Gynecology * Immunology * Legal chemistry and medicine * Obstetrics * Pathology * Pediatrics * Psychology * Radiology * Veterinary medicine Surgery aj * Adenoidectomy * Adrenalectomy * Castration * Cholecystectomy * Gastrectomy * Hepatectomy * Hepaticogastrostomy * Hypophysectomy * Hysterectomy * Laminectomy * Mastectomy * Nephrectomy * Ovariectomy * Pancreatectemy * Parabiosis * Parathyroidectomy * Pinealectomy * Pneumonectomy * Prostatectomy * Splenectomy ak * Thelectomy * Thymectomy * Thyroidectomy * Thyroparathyroidectomy * Tonsillectomy Therapeutics * Acupuncture * Blood transfusion * * Apheresis * Circulation extracorporeal * Dialysis * Diathermy * Filtration of blood * Homeopathy * Immunization * Iontophoresis * Perfusion hemo- * Pharmacology * * Pharmacophores * Phototherapy al * Radiotherapy * Resuscitation