CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
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Keyword Index S
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
Sabkha 33au Saccharification 58f Saccharification catalysts 11j Saccharimeters 5o, 5ac Safety 58f, 61d Safety devices 5aj Safety lamps 5f, 5ad, 5aj Safflower 16o Safflower oil 16g, 16o, 35b Saffron 16q Sage 16q Sagvandite 33ab Sakalovite 33ab Sake 16w, 59f Salad dressings 16x Salep 16o Salinization 33aw Saliva 9b Salivary gland 8d, 30d Salla disease 30t Salsify 16t Salt deposits 33as Salt effect, kinetic 42b, 55g Saltiness 4h, 16v Salting-in 52d, 55g Salting-out 52d, 55e Salts 23ag, 38j, 38z Samarium chalcogenides 23an, 23bn, 23br, 23bt, 23ch Samarium halides 23ay, 23bo, 23bs, 23bt, 23cl Samarium ores 33j Samarium pnictides 23y, 23bp, 23bt, 23cp Samna 16b, 35a Samples 2e Sampling 2e Sampling apparatus 5o Sand 10h, 12e, 33a Sandarac 46p Sandpaper 45f Sandstone 33aq Sandwich compounds 23g, 38w Sanidinite 33ab Sanitation 58g Sansiite 33ab Sanukite 33ab Sap 43b Sapodilla 16k Sapogenins 38c Saponification 50m Saponification catalysts 11k Saponification number 2b Saponins 38f Sapote 16k Saprolite 33aq Sapropel 33as Sapucaya 16n Sarcoidosis 30ah Sarcoma 30ad Sauerkraut 16r Sausage casings 16c Savory 16q Sawdust 10h, 69p Saws 5ao Saxonite 33ab Scab 30r, 43d Scabies 30o Scale (anatomical) 8g Scale (coating) 32k Scale inhibitors 32k Scallion 16t Scallop 16d Scalp 8g, 30ab Scandium halides 23ay, 23bo, 23bs, 23bt, 23cl Scandium ores 33j Scapolite-group minerals 33g Scarlet fever 30n Scattering 14c, 29a, 34h, 42c Scavengers 59m Shalstein 33am Schiff bases 38d, 38e, 38t Schiff-Sherrington phenomenon 30y Schist 33am Schistoporite 10e, 12c Schizoflavins 38i Schizophrenia 30x Schlieren 36h Schmidt number 62a Schmidt reaction 50j Schmidt reaction catalysts 11i Schriesheimite 33ab Schwann cell 3c Schwartz-Bartter syndrome 30i, 30ad Scientists 51g Scintigraphy 19d, 30c, 41g Scintillation 36e Scintillators 59k Sclerometers 5r Scoria (lava) 33ab Scoria (slag) 59q Scouring agents 45f Scraping apparatus 5y Screening 52d Screening, electronic and nuclear 6b, 13c, 34b, 49a Screening, magnetic and nuclear 27b Screening apparatus 5am Screens 5an Screws 5t, 5ai Scrotum 8k, 30h Scrubbers 5y Scrubbing 52d, 58b Sculpture 51a Scum 59q Scurvy 30u Sealing 5y, 10c, 12f Sealing compositions 10d, 12j, 45g, 59b Seals (mechanical) 5aj Seaweed 16o Sebaceous gland 8g Seborrhea 30ac Sebum 9b Second sound 42j 9,10-Secosteroids 38aa Sedimentary rocks 33an Sedimentation 52d, 55f Sedimentation apparatus 5an Sedimentometers 5r Seed 43b, 43f Seedling 43c Segregation 52d, 55e Seismic wave 29c, 33aw Seismology 51d, 51f Seismonasty 43e Seizing 28e Selection rule 6c, 49b Selenates 23ag Selenic acids 38b Selenenyl azides 23t, 23ag Selenides 23ag, 38z Seleninic acids 38b Selenites 23ag Selenium halides 23ab, 23ag, 23av Selenium ores 33j Selenoarsenates 23p, 23ag Selenocyanatesl 23k, 23t, 23ag, 38y, 38z Selenols38z Selenones 38z Selenonic acids 38c Selenothionates 23ag, 23ak Selenoxides 38z Selenyl azides 23t, 23ah Selenyl compounds 38z Selones 38aa Semen 8k, 9b Semicarbazones 38aa Semiconductor devices 5e Semiconductor junctions 5e Semiconductor materials 32g, 59e Semiconductor materials, amorphous 12b, 12l, 54a, 59e Semimetal alloys 32d Semimetal chalcogenides 23be Semimetals 15b, 23be, 32f Seminal vesicle 8k, 30h Semiochemicals 1d Senescence 4c, 30i Senftleben effect 13k, 27b, 27d Seniority 49c Sensors 5g, 5n, 5r, 5ac, 59m Sensory receptors 4g, 8j, 8l Separation 2e, 39e, 55f, 58g Separators 5o, 5y, 5ak Sepsis and Septicemia 30r Sequestering agents 2b, 59m Sequestration 52d, 58g Sericins 48a Sericitite 33ar Serological reaction 21e, 30c Seromucoids 48f Serous membrane 8h Serpentine-group minerals 33e Serpentinite 33am Serpentinization 33aw Servomechanisms 5n Sesame 16o Sesquiterpenes and Sesquiterpenoids 38ad Sesterterpenes and Sesterterpenoids 38ad Seston 63c Setting agents 10a Sewers 5x Sex 4f Sexual behavior 4f, 30i, 30x, 30ah Sezary syndrome 30ac Shaddock 16k Shafts 5y Shaking apparatus 5x, 5z Shale 10h, 33ar Shale oils 33as Shallot 16t Shampoos 59d Shaving preparations 59d Shear 28c Sheehan's syndrome 30g Sheet materials 32g Shell 8b Shellac 46p Shellfish 16c Sherardization 32h, 50c Sherardization catalysts 11c Sherwood number 62a Shields 5aj Shift and relaxation agents 59m Shingles (roofing) 10b Shipping fever 30p Ships 5ap Shirasu 33ab Shock 30b, 30r Shock absorbers 5aj Shock tubes 5an Shock wave 29c, 32k Shoes 45c Shonkinite 33ab Shortening 16x Short-necked clam 16d Shoshonite 33ab Shot 59m Shrimp 16c Shrinkproofing 44c, 47c Shutters 5ac Shy-Drager syndrome 30ah Sialagogues 41g Sialic acids 38g Siallite 33c Sialoglycolipids 25b Sialoglycopeptides 40a Sialoglycoproteins 48f Sicca syndrome 30ah Sickle cell anemia 30j Sideritite 33ar Siderochromes 40b Siderosis 30t, 30aa, 61e Sieves 5an Signaling apparatus 5aj Signal transduction, biological 4f, 13b, 18c, 31b Signs 5ak Silage 16e, 16o Silanes 23m Silathianes 23m, 23aj, 38w, 46m Silazanes 23m, 23t, 38x, 46m Silcrete 33ar Silexite 33ab Silica gel 10h, 23n, 23ae Silicates 23n Siliceous materials 10b, 59m Silicides 23n Siliciophite 33ar Silicite (rock) 33ar Silicoflagellite 33ar Silicon chalcogenide halides 23l, 23m, 23n, 23aa, 23at Silicon chalcogenides 23l, 23n, 23aa Silicon halides 23m, 23n, 23at Siliconization 32h, 50c Siliconization catalysts 11c Silicon ores 33j Silicophosphates 23n, 23v Silicosis 30aa, 61e Silk 46g, 46r Siloxanes and Silicones 10h, 23n, 23ad, 38x, 46m Siloxanols 23n, 23ag, 38s, 38x Silsesquiazanes 23m, 23t, 38x, 46m Silsesquiozanes 23n, 23ad, 38x, 46m Silt 33as Siltstone 33ar Silver chalcogenides 23al, 23bf, 23bg, 23cg Silver halides 23aw, 23bg, 23cj Silvering 12b, 19a, 32i, 47a Silver ores 33j Silverware 5m, 5ao, 51a Silylation 50c, 50p Silylation catalysts 11c, 11o Similarity theory 42i Simmonds' disease 30g Simmons-Smith reaction 50l Simmons-Smith reaction catalysts 11j Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome 30u Simulation and Modeling, biological 22a Simulation and Modeling, physicochemical 22a, 58a Sintering 5l,12f, 39a, 60d Sintering kinetics 24p, 42f Sinus 8l Siphons 5y Sipples' syndrome 30ad Sisal 46r Sitosterols 38s, 38aa Size effect 13g, 42i Size reduction 10a, 12f, 32k, 39e, 41k, 58g Size reduction apparatus 5y Sizes 19a, 44c, 45h, 59b Sizing 47c Sjogren's syndrome 30v, 30ah Skarn 33j, 33ar Skeleton 8i Skimming apparatus 5an Skin 8f Skin, disease 30ab Skin, neoplasm 30ac Skomerite 33ac Sky 63b Slags 10i, 12e, 53b, 59q Slate 10h, 12e, 33ar Slaughterhouse 16u Sleep 4g, 30z Sleeping sickness 30o Slide fasteners 5ak Slide rules 5s Slides 5y Slimes and Sludges 10i, 39c, 59q Slips (suspensions) 12c, 39c, 45b Sloe 16k Slow-reacting substances 21c Slow-reacting substances, anaphylactic 21c Slurries 39c Slushing compositions 45b, 59b Smectite-group minerals 33e Smoke 39b, 56a, 59p Smudge pots 5n Snail 16d Snake 16d Snoek effect 28e Snow 63c Snow substitutes 59m Soaps 45g Soapstone 33am Societies 51g Sodium chalcogenides 23b, 23d, 23z Sodium chloride substitutes 16w Sodium halides 23c, 23d, 23as Sodium ores 33j Sodium pnictides 23c, 23d, 23o Softening 28d, 55d Softening agents 44b, 44d Softening point 28d, 55d Softness 28d Soil acidity 53a, 53b Soil alkalinity 53a Soil amendments 53a Soil analysis 2d, 53b Soil fertility 53b Soiling 58g Soil liming 53d Soil moisture 53b, 53d Soil organic matter 53b Soil pollution 53c, 58d Soilproofing 44d, 47c Soil reclamation 53c Soils 26e, 33as, 39b Soil salinity 53d Soil stabilization 10d, 45u, 53d Soil substitutes 53d Solar collectors 5i Solar energy 60b Solar flares and wind 63c Solar system 63b Solderability 42i Soldering 32k Solders 32k Solenoids 5g, 5i Solfataras 33au Solidification 32c, 52d, 55d Solidification point 55e, 60x Solids 32g, 55e Solid solutions 32g, 54f, 55g Solidus 55c, 55d Solions 5c, 5f Sols 39c, 56a Solubility 42d, 55g Solubility product 42d, 55g Solubilization 52d, 55g Solubililizers 59n Solutes 55g Solution condition 55f Solution process 52d, 55g Solution rate 42f, 55g Solvates 23be Solvation 50l Solvation catalysts 11k Solvation number 6i, 54d, 56b Solvatochromism 36b Solvent effect 42i, 55g Solvent naphtha 59l Solvents 45g, 55g Solvent sublation 52c Solvolysis 50l Solvolysis catalysts 11k Solvsbergite 33ac Sonar 5h, 5r Sonochor 6f, 42j Soot 59q Sorbents 2b, 59n Sorghum 16e Sorkedalite 33ac Sorption 32c, 42i, 52d, 55f, 57b, 62d Sorption apparatus 5an Sorption kinetics 42f, 42i, 57c, 62e Sorrel 16m Sorting apparatus 5an Sotos syndrome 30ah Sound and Ultrasound 29b, 32k, 42i Sound insulators 10d, 12j, 45b, 59n Soups 16x Sourness 4h, 16v Soursop 16l Sovite 33ac Soybean 16n Soybean curd 16n Soybean meal 16g, 16n Soybean oil 16g, 16n, 35b Soy sauce 16n Space, interstellar 63a Space, topological 51f Space charge 13c Space travel 4h, 30af Space vehicles 5ap, 12j Spackling compound 10a Spalling 12c Spandex fibers 45h, 46i, 46j, 46s, 46t Sparagmite 33ar Spark plugs 5e, 5j, 5t Sparks 58g Spasmoneme 37d Spearmint 16q Specific impulse 29b Specific volume 28b, 60y Spectra 14c Spectral hole burning 36a, 36d, 36i Spectrins 48m Spectrochemical analysis 2e, 14d, 36a Spectrochemical series 54b Spectrographs 5ac Spectrometers 5r, 5ac Spectrometry 14d, 42g Spectroscopes 5r, 5ac Sperm 3b Spermaceti 64a Spermatogenesis 4f Spermatophore 8k Sperm oil 35b Sperm preservation 4f, 18b Spessartite (rock) 33ac Sphalerite-type crystals 54d Spheres 5c, 56c Spheroidization 32c Spherules 33as Spherulites 33as, 39e Sphingolipids 25d, 30t Sphingomyelins 25d Sphingosines 38s Spices 16o Spilite 33ac Spin, electronic 27e, 34d, 49c Spin, isotopic 49c Spin, nuclear 34b, 49c Spin, nuclear coupling 34b Spinach 16t Spinae 37d Spinal column 8i, 30w Spinal cord 8j, 30y Spinel-group minerals 33g Spinel-type crystals 54d Spin labels 38y, 59n Spinnability 42j Spinning apparatus 5w, 5z Spinochromes 7b Spinodal decomposition 55f Spin wave and Magnon 27f, 39e Spiro compounds 38k, 38r Spirometers 5a, 5q Spirosome 37d Spleen 8g, 21d Spleen, disease 30l Spleen, neoplasm 30l Splenectomy 30aj Spondylitis 30v Sponge substitutes 45d Spongolite 33ar Spore 43f Spore germination and outgrowth 43f Sporicides 1c Sporopollenins 43a Sporting goods 59n Sporulation 43f Spraying 58g Spraying apparatus 5z Sprays 1a, 39b, 56a Spreading 57d, 62c Spreading agents 59n Spreading apparatus 5z Springs (bodies of water) 33av Springs (mechanical) 5t, 5ak Sprinklers 5z, 5ak Sprue 30e Sputtering 5u, 13d, 32k, 47a, 54e, 57a, 58b Sputum 9b Squeezing apparatus 5w Squid 16d Stability 29e Stabilization energy 60b Stabilizing agents 44d Stacking-fault energy 54a Staining 19a, 36b, 58b Staining, biological 2e, 36b Stains 19a, 44a, 45b, 59b Stains, biological 2b Stalagtites 33av Stalagmites 33av Stalagmometers 5r Stamps (apparatus) 5w Stamps (seals) 5ak Standardization 2e, 42g Standards, legal and permissive 41j, 42d, 42g, 61d Standards, physical 42g Standards, purity and quality 42d, 42g Standards solutions, analytical 2b, 42g, 55b Standard substances, analytical 2b, 42g Stand oils 35a Stannates 23n Stannathianes 23n, 23aj, 38x, 46m Stannoxanes 23o, 23ad, 38x, 46m Star anise 16q Starch substitutes 59n Stark effect 6c, 13f, 14d, 49b Stars 63a Stars, collapsed 63e Stars, exploding 63c Starvation 4h, 26d, 30u, 30af States of matter 42j, 63a Statistical mechanics 29e, 49c Statistics and Statistical analysis 51f Steam 59n Stearoptenes 38ad Steatorrhea 30e Steatosis 30t Steel wool 32g Stellacyanins 48g Stem 43c Stencils 5ag Stereochemistry 6i Stereoelectronic effect 6j, 42c, 49d Stereology 54c Steric effect 42c Steric hindrance 42c Sterility 30i Sterilization and Disinfection 5a, 16v, 41k Steroids 20c, 25e, 38aa Stevens rearrangement 50j Stevens rearrangement catalysts 11i Stiffening materials 59n Stiffness 28c Stochastic process 29f, 51f Stoddard solvent 55g Stoichiometry 42d Stomach 8d Stomach, disease 30e Stomach, neoplasm 30e Stomach, ruminant 8d Stomach content 8d Stomach content, ruminant 8d Stone 10b, 10h, 33as Stone, artificial 10b, 12j Stoneware 12c Stopcocks 5o, 5ak Stoppers 5ak Storage 58g Storax (balsam) 1c, 46a Storax (resin) 46p Stoves 5l, 5m Strain 29d Straining apparatus 5an Strangeness 49c Strange particles 34e Straw 16e, 16q Strawberry 16i Strength 28e Stress, biological 4h, 30ae Stress, mechanical 29c Stripping apparatus 5an Stroboscopes 5ad Stromatolite 33d, 33ar Stronalite 33am Strontium chalcogenides 23d, 23f, 23z Strontium halide phosphates 23e, 23f, 23v, 23at, 23aw Strontium halides 23e, 23f, 23as Strontium ores 33j Strontium pnictides 23e, 23f, 23o Structural chemistry 51c Stubachite 33ac Stucco 10b Stuffing boxes 5ak Stylolite 33ar Subarkose 33ar Suberins 43b Sublimation 5an, 32c, 52b, 55c, 58d Submarines 5ap Substituent constant 42b Substituent effect 42j Substitution reaction 50m Substitution reaction, coordinative 50q Substitution reaction, electrophilic 50q Substitution reaction, nucleophilic 50q Substitution reaction catalysts 11k Suction apparatus 5z Sudan grass 16m Sudburite 33ac Suevite 33am Sugarcane 16q Suint 8n Sulfamates 23s, 23ah, 38z Sulfates 23ah Sulfatides 25b, 25e Sulfation 31e, 50p Sulfation catalysts 11o Sulfenamides 38aa Sulfenes 38a Sulfenic acids 38, 38aa, 38ac Sulfeno(selenothioperoxoic) acids 23a, 23b, 23ag, 23ah, 23be Sulfenyl azides 23t, 23ah Sulfenyl bromides 38m, 38aa Sulfenyl chlorides 38m, 38aa Sulfenyl compounds 38aa Sulfenyl fluorides 38n, 38ac Sulfonyl halides 38n, 38ac Sulfonyl iodides 38n, 38ab Sulfides 23ah, 38ab, 46q Sulfinamides 38ab Sulfinamidines 38c, 38ab Sulfines 38ab Sulfinic acids 38c, 38ac Sulfinyl chlorides 38n, 38b Sulfinyl halides 38n, 38ab Sulfites 23ai Sulfolipids 25e Sulfonamides 38ab Sulfonate 38z Sulfonation 50q Sulfonation catalysts 11o Sulfones 38ab Sulfonic acids 38c, 38ab, 38ae, 46d Sulfonimides 38ab Sulfonitrile compounds 38ab Sulfonium compounds 38u Sulfonylation 50q Sulfonylation catalysts 11o Sulfonyl azides 38e, 38ac Sulfonyl chlorides 38n, 38ac Sulfonyl compounds 38ab Sulfonyl cyanided 38ac Sulfonyl fluorides 38n, 38ac Sulfonyl halides 38n, 38ac Sulfonyl iodides 38n, 38ac Sulfonyl isocyanates 38y, 38ac Sulfoxides 38ac Sulfur acids 23a, 23ai, 38c, 38ac Sulfuranes 38ac Sulfuration 50q Sulfuration catalysts 11o Sulfur burners 5l Sulfur halides 23ab, 23aj, 23av Sulfurization and Sulfidization 32h, 50c, 50q Sulfurization catalysts 11c, 11o Sulfur ores 33j Sulorite 33ac Sultams 38ac Sultines 38ac Sultones 38ac Sum rule 6c, 29f, 49b Sun 63c Sunburn and Suntan 30ac, 36d Sunflower 16q Sunflower meal 16g, 16q Sunflower oil 16g, 16q, 35b Sunscreens 36c, 36d, 36i, 41b, 41h Superconductivity 13g, 32g Superconductor devices 5d Superconductors 5d, 32g, 59e Supercooled materials 59n Supercooling 32c, 55c Superfluids 55b, 62c Superheavy element halides 23ba, 23cn Superheavy elements 15a, 34f, 34h Superlattices 56c Superoxides 23ag Superphosphates 23w Superphosphoric acids 23a, 23w Superradiance 14d Supersaturation 55c, 55f Supersolids 54f Surface 42j Surface activity 57c Surface analysis 2e, 57c Surface area 28a, 57c Surface energy 57c, 60b Surface pressure 29c, 57a Surface structure 54e, 56c, 57c Surface tension 29d, 57c, 60c Surfactants 10a, 32c, 45f Surgery 30ai Suspensions 39c, 56b Sviatonossite 33ac Swamps 33av Sweat gland 8g Sweating sickness 30o Sweet clover 16n Sweetening agents 16x Sweetness 4h, 16v Sweet potato 16t Sweetsop 16l Swelling, biological 4f, 30ah, 43f Swelling, physical 28a Swelling agents 59n Swimming pools 10e Swine fever 30p Syenite 33ac Syenodiorite 33ac Symbiosis 4h Symbol 22c Symmetry 42j Symplectites 33ac Synapse 37a Synchrocyclotrons 5aa Synchrotron radiation 14d Synchrotrons 5aa Syncope 30b Syneresis 42k Synneusis 33aw Synnyrite 33ac Synovial fluid 9b Synovial membrane 8h, 8i, 30v Syntaxy 54c Synthesis 50q Synthetic fibers 10c Synthetic fibers, polymeric 45b, 46r Synthons 38ac Syphilis 30n, 30p Syringes 5w Syrinx 8l Syrups 16x, 46b Systems 55e