CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
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Keyword Index P–R
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
Pacifarins 26e Packaging materials 41h, 45d Packaging processes 58f Packing 39a Packing apparatus 5x Packing industry 16u Packing materials 59k Paddlaned 38k Pain 30ag Paintings 19c, 51a Paisanite 33z Pakchoi 16t Palagonite 33z Palate 8d, 30d Paleontology 51d, 51e Palladates 23ce Palladium halides 23ba, 23cd, 23ce, 23cn Palladium ores 33i Palm kernel oil 16g, 35h Palm oil 16g, 35b Panayite 33z Pancreas 8d Pancreas disease 30cl Pancreas, neoplasm 30e Pancreatectomy 30aj Pancreatic extracts 20b Pancreatic hormones 20b Pancreatic islet of Langerhans 8e, 30f Pancreatic juice 9a Panic 16l Pans 5b Pantellerite 33z Papaw 16k Papaya 16l Paper 10b, 45e, 46b Paperboard 10b, 45f Paper substitutes 45c, 45d Papier-mache 45f Papilloma 30ad Parabiosis 30aj Parachor 6f, 57c Parachutes 5aj Paraconglomerate 33aq Paraffin oils 59l Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes 59l, 64a Paraganglion 8j Paragneiss 33al Para grass 16l Parakeratosis 30ab Paralysis 30z Paramagnetic centers 54a Paramyosins 48c Parapertussis 30n Paraproteins 48d Paraschist 33al Parasite 30o Parasiticides 1a, 1c, 1d, 41f Parasitology 51h Parathyroidectomy 30aj Parathyroid gland 8e, 30f Paratuberculosis 30n Paratyphoid fever 30n Parity 49d Parity nonconservation 49d Parkinsonism 30z Parsley 16t Parsnip 16t Parthenocarpy 43e Parthenogenesis 4e, 43e Partial molecular quantity 42h, 60v Partial pressure 29d, 60w Particles 54f Particle size 39d Parting materials 32j, 44d, 47c Partition 42d, 52c, 55e Partition function 29e Parturition 4e Parvalbumins 48a, 48g Passivation 32j, 50i 58b Passivity 42b Pasta 16f Pastes 39a, 45g Pasteur effect 31b Pasteurization 16u Patents 22b, 61g Pathology 30ai Patina 33l Patoite 33al Pauli exclusion principle 49c Pavements and Roads 10d, 45a Pea 16n, 16t Peach 16k Peanut 16o Peanut butter 16o Peanut meal 16g, 16o Peanut oil 16g, 16o, 35b Pear 16k Pearl 59i Pearlitic structure 54e, 56c Pearly substances 19a, 59i Peat 33l Pebbles 33k Pecan 16n Peclet number 62a Pectic substances 46b Pediatrics 30ai Pegmatite 33z Pegmatoid 33z Peierls-Nabarro force 54a Pelicanite 33aq Pellagra 30u Pellets 32c, 39d Pellite 33b Peltogynoids 38s Pencatite 33al Pencils 5ah Penetrating agents 59k Penetrometers 5q Penis 8l, 30h Pens 5ah Pentathionates 23al Pentosans 38g, 46a Pentose phosphate pathway 31b Pentoses 38g Peperite 33aq Pepper (condiment) 16p Peppergrass 16l Peppermint 16q Pepper (Piper) 16o Peptides 38h 46e, 46f Peptidoglycans 40a Peptones 48l Perborates 23h, 23f, 23bd Perbromates 23aq, 23bc Perchlorates 23aq, 23bc Perchlorocarbons 38o, 38r Percolation 52c, 62d Percolators 5l Per compounds 23bc, 38z Perfluorocarbons 38o, 38r Perfluoro compounds 38o Perfumes 59c Perfusion 30ak, 61e, 62d Perfusion apparatus 5r Perhalic acids 23s, 23bb Perhalocarbons 38o, 38r Pericardial fluid 9b Pericardium 8c, 8h, 30b Peridotite 33z Perineum 8b Periodates 23bb, 23bc Periodical 22b Periodicity 42h Periodic system 42h Periodontium 8d, 30d Peritoneal fluid 9b Peritoneum 8h, 30e Perkin reaction 50d Perkin reaction catalysts 11d Perknite 33z Perlite 10f, 33z Permafrost 53s Permanganates 23bd, 23cb Permanganyl compounds 23bc, 23cb Permeability and Permeation 52b, 62d Perosis 30t Perovskite-type crystals 54d Peroxidation 50k Peroxidation catalysts 11i Peroxide number 2a Peroxides 23af, 23bd, 38x, 46n Peroxisome 37b Peroxycarbonates 23af, 23bd, 38z Peroxychromates 23af, 23bd, 23by Peroxydiphosphates 23v, 23af, 23bd Peroxydisulfates 23ef, 23ah, 23bd Peroxymolybdates 23af, 23bd, 23bz Peroxymonosulfates 23af, 23ah, 23bd Peroxyphosphates 23v, 23af, 23bd Peroxyphosphonic acids 23a, 23w, 23bd Peroxysulfates 23af, 23ah, 23bd Peroxytungstates 23ag, 23bd, 23ca Peroxyvanadates 23ag, 23bd, 23bv Perrhenates 23bd, 23ch, 23ce Perrhenyl compounds 23bd, 23cb, 23ce Perruthenates 23bd, 23cf Persimmon 16k Personality 4g Perspiration 4d, 9b Pertechnetates 23be, 23cb Pertechnetyl compounds 23bd, 23cb Perthosite 33z Pervaporation 52b, 62d Pesticides 1e, 1b, 1c, 1d, 44c, 44d Petrochemicals 59l Petrography 51d Petrolatum 38r Petrolenes (asphaltic) 38r Petroleum 10f, 33k Petroleum gases, liquefied 59l Petroleum products 59k Petroleum prospecting 33k Petroleum recovery 58f Petroleum refining 58f Petroleum refining catalysts 11h Petroleum refining residues 59l Petroleum reservoirs 33k Petroleum resins 46k, 46q Petroleum spirits 38r, 59l Petroleum wells 58f Petrology 51d pH 42a Phagocyte 3c, 21d, 30k Phagocytosis 4a, 4h, 21e Pharmaceutical analysis 2d, 41i Pharmaceutical chemistry 41i, 51b Pharmaceutical dosage forms 41h Pharmaceutical natural products 41g Pharmaceuticals 26d Pharmacognosy 41i Pharmakinetics 41j Pharmacology 30ek, 41i Pharmacopeias 41j Pharmacophores 6i, 30ak, 41j Pharmacy 41i Pharynx 8d, 30e Phase 42d, 55a Phase diagram 55b Phase rule 55b Phase transition 42d, 54f, 55b Phenoandesite 33z Phenocrysts 33k Phenodacite 33z Phenolic resins 10g, 46d, 46g, 46n, 46q, 46s Phenols 38b, 46d Phenomenological coefficient 29e Phenylation 50o Phenylation catalysts 11m Phenyl group 17a Phenyketonuria 30r, 30l Pheochromocytoma 30f, 30ad Pheomelanins 7b Pheophorbides 38v Pheophytins 7b, 38y Pheromones 1b, 20c Phlobaphenes 7b Phlobatannins 44c Phlogiston theory 51e Phonolite 33z Phonon 39e, 42j, 54b Phorcabilins 7b Phosphacarboranes 23i, 23k, 23u Phosphagens 38y Phoaphate group 17b Phosphate rock and Phosphorite 33aq Phosphates 23u Phosphatidalcholines 25d Phosphatidalethanolamines 25d Phosphatidalinositals 25a, 25d Phosphatidylerines 25d Phosphatidylthreonines 25d Phosphatides 25c Phosphatidic acids 25d Phosphatidylcholines 25c Phosphatidylethanolamines 25c Phosphatidylglycerols 25c Phosphatidylinositols 25a, 25d Phosphatidylpeptides 25d, 40a, 40b Phosphatidyserines 25d Phosphatidylthreonines 25d Phosphazene polymers 46B, 46h, 46l Phosphazines 38w Phosphazo compoundb 23u, 23w, 38w Phosphides 23w Phosphites 23w Phosphoinositides 25a, 25d Phospholambans 48j Phospholipids 25c Phospholipoproteins 48g, 48j Phosphonitrile compounds 23u, 23w, 38w Phosphonium compounds 38u Phosphonolipids 25d Phosphonoproteins 48j Phosphonylation 50p Phosphonylation catalysts 11o Phosphopeptides 38h, 40a Phosphoproteins 48j Phosphorescence 36e Phosphorescence quenching 36e Phosphorescent substances 59k Phosphorimeters 5ac Phosphorimetry 36e Phosphorodithioates 23w, 23al Phosphoroperoxoates 23v, 23af, 23bd Phosphoroscopes 5ac Phosphorothioates 23w, 23ak Phosphorotrithioates 23w, 23ak Phosphorozanes 23v, 23ec, 38w, 46m Phosphors 59k Phosphorus acids 23a 23w Phosphorus chalcogenide halides 23r, 23s, 23w, 23ab, 23au Phosphorus chalcogenides 23r, 23w, 23ab Phosphorus halides 23s, 23w, 23au Phosphorus mustards 38n Phosphorus ores 33i Phosphorus pseudohalides 23x, 23be Phosphorylation, biological 31d, 43d Phosphorylation, synthetic 50p Phosphorylation catalysts 11o Phosphoryl compounds 23x Phosphoryl halides 23s, 23x, 23av Phosvitins 48e, 48j Photoacoustic effect 36h, 42j Photoaffinity labeling 42a Photochemistry 36i, 51c Photochromic substances 59c, 59k Photochromism 36b, 36c Photoconductivity and Photoconduction 13g, 13l Photoconductors 5d Photoduplication 5ag, 19b, 22b Photodynamic action 4d, 26d, 36c Photoelasticity 28f, 36e, 36h Photoelectric devices 5h Photoelectric devices, solar 5h Photoelectric emission 13h, 13l, 34d Photoelectric property 13l, 14b, 36i Photoelectron spectroscopy 2c, 2e, 13l, 14d, 34d Photoengraving 5af, 5ag, 19b Photographic couplers 19d Photographic developers 19c Photographic development 19c Photographic emulsions 19c Photographic films 19c, 45d Photographic fog inhibitors 19c Photographic hardening agents 19c Photographic paper 19c, 45f Photographic plates 5ah, 19c Photographic processing 19c Photographic sensitizers 19c Photographic stabilizers 19c Photographs 19c Photography 5ag, 19c, 22b, 27d, 36i Photography, color 19d Photogravure 5af, 5ag, 19b Photoimaging compositions and processes 5ah, 19d Photolysis 50f Photolysis catalysts 11e Photomagnetic effect 27e, 36c Photomagnetoelectric effect 13e, 13g, 13l, 27a Photomasks 5ag, 5ah PhotomechanicaI effect 28f, 36c Photometers 5q, 5ab Photometry 36i Photomicrography 19d Photon 14b, 34e, 36i Photoperiodism 4g, 36c, 43e Photophoresis 36c, 62b Photoprotectants 36c, 36i, 41b, 41d Photorefractive effect 36h Photorespiration 31d, 36c Photosensitizers 1c, 36c, 36i, 41a, 41h, 41d, 59l Photosynthates 31d Photosynthesis 31b, 31d, 36c, 43d Photosynthetic systems 31b, 31d, 36d, 43d Phototaxis 26e, 36d Phototherapy 30ak Photothermographic copying 5ag, 19b Phototropism 36d, 43e Photovoltaic effect 13e, 13m Phthanite 33aq Phycobilisome 37c Phycochromes 7b Phycocyanins 48b Phycoerythrins 48b Phyllite 33al Phyllonite 33al Physical chemistry 51c PhysicaI organic chemistry 51c Physics 51f PhysiologicaI saline solutions 41h, 55f Physiology 51b Phytoalexins 1c Phytoallactins 1d Phytochlorins 38v Phytochromes 48b Phytolith 33aq Phytolysins 61c Phytosphingosines 38s Pi bond 6h Pickles 16s Pickling 5x, 32j Piclogite 33al Picrite (rock) 33z Picrodolerite 33aa Picryl group 17a Piercing apparatus 5w Piezochromism 28f, 36b, 36h Piezoelectricity 13a, 13e, 28d Piezoelectric substances 32f, 59e Piezomagnetoelectric effect 13b, 27c Piezometers 5q Piezooptical property 28f, 36h Piezoresistance 13e, 13j, 28d Piezoresistors 5d Pigments 12i, 44a, 59l Pigments, biological 7a Pigweed 16l Pili 37c Pili (Canarium) 43c Pilings 10d Pilins 48c Pinch effect 13d, 27d, 62c Pinealectomy 30aj Pineal gland 8e, 30f Pineal hormones 20c Pineapple 6k Pineapple juice 16j Pinite (fossil wood) 33d Pinocytosis 4a Pipelines and Pipe systems 5x Pipes and Tubes 5x, 12i Pipets 5y, 5am, 12i Piscicides 1d Piston rings 5t Pistons 5t Pitch 12e, 33b, 46p Pitchstone 33aa Pitot tubes 5p, 5x Pituitary gland 8f, 30f Pituitary gland, anterior lobe 8f Pituitary gland, intermediate lobe 8f Pituitary gland, posterior lobe 8f Pituitary hormones 20b, 20c Placenta 8e Placental hormones 20c Plagiaplite 33al Plagioclase group minerals 33f Plagiophyre 33aa Plague 30n Planck's constant 36i Planets 63b Planimeters 5q Plant 26b, 43d Plant adaptation 43d Plantain 16k Plant analysis 2d Plant breeding and selection 18b, 43e Plant cell 43a Plant desiccants 1d Plant disease 43c Plant growth and development 1a, 43d Plant hormones and regulators 1d, 20c, 53c Plant metabolism 31d Plant nutrition 26d Plant organ 31e, 37d, 43b Plant reproduction 43e Plant respiration 31d, 43f Plant senescence 43f Plant stress 43f Plant tissue 43b Plant tissue culture 18b, 43f Plant transpiration 43f, 62b Plasma 13d, 27d, 32k, 55a Plasmacytoma 21f, 30m, 30ad Plasmalogenic acids 25d Plasmalogens 25d Plasmals 25d, 38h Plasmapheresis 41i Plasmid and Episome 18d, 37c Plasmon 13j, 39e Plasteins 48l Plaster 10a Plastic crystals 42d, 54d, 55b, 56b Plastic deformation 28c Plasticity 28c Plasticization 28c, 47c Plasticizers 44b Plastics 10f, 45d, 46n Plastics, cellular 45d Plastics, extruded 45d Plastics, film 45d Plastics, laminated 45e Plastics, molded 45e Plastics, reinforced 45e Plastid 37c Plastocyanins 48g Plastoquinones 38j Plates and Trays 5b Platinates 23ce Platinum-group metal alloys 32e Platinum-group metal chalcogenides 23ap, 23cc, 23ce, 23cj Platinum group metal compounds 23ce Platinum-group metal halides 23ba, 23cds, 23ce, 23cn Platinum group metal ores 33i Platinum group metal pnictides 23z, 23cd, 23ce, 23cp Platinum-group metals 15b Platinum halides 23ba, 23cd, 23ce, 23cn Platinum ores 33i Pleochroism 36h Pleura 8h, 30aa Pleural fluid 9b Plinthite 33c Plum 16k Plumasite 33aa Plumbates 23m Plumboxanes 23m, 23ac, 38w, 46m Plutonium chalcogenides 23am, 23bl Plutonium ores 33j Plutonium pnictides 23y, 23bj, 23bl, 23bp, 23co Plutonyl compounds 23bl Pneumoconiosis 30aa, 61e Pneumonectomy 30aj Pneumonia 30aa Podands 46b Podophyllum (resin) 46p Poisoning 30q, 61a, 61d Poisons 61b Poisson ratio 29d Polar effect 13b, 42j Polarimeters 5ab Polarimetry 36a, 36h Polarimitry 2e Polariton 14c, 36i, 39e Polarity 13b Polarity index 13b, 57d Polarizability 13b Polarization 42h, 58f Polarizers 5ab Polarographs 5g Polarography 2a, 13j Polaron 13j, 39e Poliomyelitis 30p, 30y Polishing 5y, 12f, 32k Polishing materials 12i, 19a, 44b, 45b, 59b Pollen 43a Pollen germination 43f Pollination 43f Polyacenes 38q, 46k Polyacetylenes 46k Polyalkenamers 46g, 46h, 46k Polyamic acids 46c, 46e Polyamide fibers 46e, 46s Polyamides 10g, 38h, 46c, 46d, 46e, 46n Polyamines 38d, 46e Polyanhydrides 38d, 46c Polyantimonic acids 23a, 23p, 46c Polyarsenates 23p Poly(arylenealkenylenes) 38q, 46k Poly(arylenealkylenes) 38q, 46k Polyazomethines 38d, 38t, 38y, 46e, 46g, 46o Polybenzimidazoles 38y, 46o Polybenzoxazoles 38y, 46o Polybenzyls 38q, 46k Polycarbodiimides 38g, 46e Polycarbonates 46d, 46i, 46n Polycarbosilanes 46m Polycritical points 55c, 60x Polycrystalline materials 39a, 54f Polycyanurates 38y, 38z Polycythemia 30k Polycythemia vera 30k Polyelaterite 33b Polyelectrolytes 45e, 46o, 55g, 59e Polyester fibers 46i, 46s Polyesters 10g, 38i, 46c, 46d, 46i, 46n Polyethers 38l, 46i Polygonization 54c Polyhedranes 38k Polydydrazides 46c, 46e Polyimides 38i, 38s, 46c, 46f, 46n, 46o, 46s Polyiodides 23bb Polyisocyanurates 46h Polyketides 38s Polydetones 38i, 46g Polymerase chain reaction 18b Polymer concrete 45e Polymer degradation 50f Polymer degradation catalysts 11e Polymer interaction parameter 42h Polymerization 50c, 50d Polymerization catalysts 11c, 11d Polymerization inhibitors 44d Polymer morphology 45e, 56c Polymers 10f, 46c Polymer-supported reagents 45e, 59l Polymorphism 33aw, 54d Polyolefin fibers 46k, 46s Polyol pathway 4d, 41j, 61b Polyoxyalkylenes 38l, 46d, 46j, 46n Polyoxyarylenes 38l, 46d, 46j, 46n Polyoxymethylenes 38l, 46d, 46g, 46j, 46n, 46s Polypentaerythritols 38s, 46d, 46j Polyphenyls 38q, 46k Polyphosphates 23v, 46c Polyphosphoric acids 10g, 23a, 23w, 46c Polypropene fibers 46k, 46s Polyquinanes 38e, 38w Polyquinoxalines 38y, 46o Polysaccharides 38g, 46a, 46f Polyselenomethylenes 46o Polyselenophenylenes 46o Polysilanes 38w, 46o Polysulfates 23ah, 46c Polysulfides 46ai, 38y, 38ab, 46q, 46t Polysulfonamides 46d Polysulfones 46n, 46o, 46s Polysulfuric acids 23a, 23ai Polytelluroarylenes 46o Polytellurophenylenes 46o Polythioalkylenes 46q, 46t Polythioarylenes 46n, 46q, 46t Polythiomethylenes 38ab, 46q, 46t Polythiophenylenes 38ab, 46n, 46q, 46t Polytypism 33aw, 54d Polyureas 38h, 46f, 46o, 46a Polzenite 33aa Pomace 59f Pomegranite 16k Ponds 33au Poole-Frenkel effect 13j Poppy 16o Porcelain 12a, 12c Porcellanite 33aq Pore 57a Porins 48l Porosity 57a Porous materials and Cellular materials 12j, 59l Porphyria 30t Porphyrins 7b, 38y Porphyry 33aa Portevin-Le Chatelier effect 29d Postalbumins 48l Posttransferrins 48l Posture 4d Potassium halide oxides 23c, 23ae, 23as Potassium halides 23b, 23c, 23as Potassium ores 33j Potassium pnictides 23c, 23d, 23o Potassium tin halides 23c, 23m, 23o, 23as,23au Potato 16t Potential barrier 29d, 60b Potential energy and function 29d, 60s Potential energy surface and hypersurface 29e, 60b Potentiometers 5e Potentiometry 2a, 5g, 13e Potentiostats 5e Pottery 12c Potting 47c, 68f Potting compositions 45h, 59l Pouring apparatus 5y Pour point 62c Pour-point depressants 59l Powder metallurgy 32c, 39a Powders 39a Power 13c, 27d, 34b Pozzolans 10g, 33aa Prader-Willi syndrome 30ah Prandtl number 62a Praseodymium chalcogenides 23an, 23bn, 23br, 23ch Praseodymium halides 23ay, 23bo, 23br, 23bs, 23cl Praseodymium pnictides 23y, 23bp, 23br, 23bt, 23co Prasinite 33al Prawn 16c Prealbumins 48f, 48l Precipitates 39d, 66e Precipitation 6am, 62c, 66e Precipitation, electric 5am, 13f, 52d, 56e Precipitin reaction 21e Precipitins 21b Predissociation 6c, 49b, 60e Pregnancy 4e, 30g Preservation 68f Preservatives 16u, 69m Presses 5w Pressure 6n, 29c, 60w Pressure drop 29c Pressure vessels 6c, 6aj Prilling 68f Primers, explosive 5j, 59e Prins reaction 60a Prins reaction catalysts 11a Printer ribbons 5ag Printing, impact 19d, 22c Printing, nonimpact 19t, 22c, 47a Printing apparatus 5ah Printing plates 5ah Prismanes 38p Prisms 6ab Proanthocyanidins 38c Probability 61f Process control and dynamics 6n, 68c Profilactins 48b, 48c Profilins 48c Profilometers 5q Progestogens 20b, 20c Projectiles 6j Projection apparatus 5aa Projection screens 5aa Projection slides 5aa, 19c Prokaryote 26d Prolamins 48j Promegakaryocyte 3c Promethium halides 23ay, 23bo, 23br Propellants 45a, 59e Propellers 5y Propolis 26b, 46p Propulsion 29a Propylite 33aa Prostaglandins 20a Prostatectomy 30aj Prostate gland 8k, 30h Prosthetic materials and Prosthetics 5a, 12j, 41f, 45e Protamines 48j Protective groups 17b Protein degradation factors 48c Protein formation elongation factors 48c Protein formation factors 48c Protein formation initiation factors 48c Protein formation interference factors 48c Protein formation termination factors 48c Protein hydrolyzates 40b Proteins 26d, 38h, 46e, 46f, 63c Proteins, specific or class 48a Protein sequence determination 6h, 48a Protein sequences 6h, 48a Proteoglycans 38g, 48f Proteoses 48l Proteus syndrome 30ah Protochlorophyllides 38v Protochlorophylls 38v Proton affinity 6e, 42a, 50h Protonation and Proton transfer reaction 6e, 50h Protonation catalysts 11g Protoplast and Spheroplast 3c, 43a Protozoacides 41f Proximity effect 13g Prune 16k Pruritus 30ab Psammite 33aq Psephite 33aq Pseudoanthocyanidins 38c Pseudochalcogens 23be Pseudodiorite 33aa Pseudogout 30v Pseudoguaianolides 38i, 38ad Pseudohalides 23be, 38y Pseudohalogens 23be Pseudoleucitite 33aa Pseudomelanins 7b Pseudomorphism 33aw, 64b Pseudopotential 29e, 60b Pseudopregnancy 4f, 30g Pseudorabies 30p Pseudotachylyte 33d Psittacosis 30o Psoriasis 30ab Psychology 30ai Psychotomimetics 41e, 61b Psychotropics 41e Puberty 4c Public health 30ah Puddings 16x Puerperium 4f Pulaskite 33aa Pulleys 6t Pulp, cellulose 10g, 46e, 46b Pulping liquors 10h, 46b, 69i Pumice 10g, 33aa Pummerer reaction 60j Pummerer reaction catalysts 11h Pumping 58f Pumps 5y Punched cards 22c, 46e Punches 6w Pungent substances 16v Pupae 4c Pupation 4c Purification 42d, 52d Purity 42d Purothionins 48k Purpura (disease) 30l Pus 30q Putrefaction 61a Putty 46h Pycnitite 33aa Pycnometers 6q Pyochelins 40b Pyomelanins 7b Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids 1b Pyribolite 33am Pyriclasite 33am Pyridinium compounds 38u Pyrigarnite 33aa Pyrite burners 5l Pyrite-group minerals 33f Pyrobolite 33am Pyrochlore-group minerals 33g Pyrochlore-type crystals 54d Pyroelectricity 13b Pyroelectric substances 59e Pyrogens 61b Pyroligneous acids 38b Pyrolite (rock) 33aa Pyrometers 5r Pyrometric cones 6l, 6r Pyrometry 32c Pyropheophorbides 38v Pyrophoric substances 32g Pyropissite 33b Pyrotechnic compositions 69m Pyrosene group minerals 12e, 33g Pyroxenite 33aa Pyroxenoids 33g Pyroxenolite 33aa Pyterlite 33aa
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Q-e value in polymerization 42c Quadrupole 13b Quadrupole coupling 13c Quadrupole moment 13a, 34a Quadrupole radiation 13c, 27c Quahog 16d Quality control 58c Qualmite 33am Quantitative structure-activity relationship 6i Quantization 49c Quantum amplification 5i Quantum chemistry 49c, 51c Quantum chromodynamics 49c Quantum defect 49c Quantum electrodynamics 14c, 49c Quantum mechanics 29e, 34f, 42h Quantum number 49c Quark model 34e, 49c Quartzite 33aq Quasars 63b Quasicrystals 54e Quasimolecules 6j Quasiparticles and Excitations 13i, 39d Quassinoids 38d Quaternary ammonium compounds 38u, 46o Quaternary structure 6h Quaternization 50p Quaternization catalysts 11n Quenching 5y, 12f, 32k Quenching materials 59m Quill 8g Quinarenes 38p Quince 16s Quinoa 16l Quinones 38j Quinonoid compounds 38i Quisqueite 33b
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Rabies 30p Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome 30ah Racemization 50i Racemization catalysts 11h Radar 6g, 5q, 14c Radentheinite 33am Radiation 32k, 34f, 42h, 62e Radiation chemistry 34g, 61c Radiation counters and detectors 5g, 5n, 5o, 5q, 5r, 5s, 5ac, 12j, 59m Radiation hardening 32k, 34g Radiation sickness 30r, 34g, 61e Radiation sources 6ac Radiators 5l Radical ions 6e, 13i, 38e, 38j Radicals 38y Radicchio 16t Radioactive decay 34c, 34g Radioactive decay series 34f, 34g Radioactive fallout 34h Radioactive substances 34h Radioactive wastes 34h, 69p Radioactivity 34g Radiochemical analysis 2e, 34g Radiochemistry 61c Radioelements 16b, 34f, 34h Radiography 19d, 30b, 34g, 41f Radiolarite 33aq Radiology 30ai, 34g Radiolysis 50f Radiolysis catalysts 11e Radiomimetics 34g, 41f Radioprotectants 34g, 41f Radios 5h, 5af Radiosensitizers, biological 34g, 41d, 41f Radiosondes 5h, 5af Radiotherapy 30al, 34g Radio wave 14c Radio-wave devices 6g, 6ad Radio-wave spectra 14c Radio-wave spectrometry 14c Radish 16t Radium halides 23e, 23f, 23as Radium ores 33j Radius gyration 29a Radomes 5c Ragi 16e Railways 32g Rain 63c Raisin 16j Raman spectra 36d Raman spectrometry 36d Rambutan 16k Ramie fibers 46r Ramsauer-Townsend effect 6d Rancidity 16v Raoult's law 29d, 60w Rape meal 16g, 16o Rape oil 16g, 16o, 35b Rape (plant) 16o Rape (sexual asssult) 4f, 61a Rare earth alloys 32e Rare earth borides 23h, 23br Rare earth chalcogenides 23am, 23bm, 23br, 23ch Rare earth chlorides 23aq, 23ay, 23bb, 23bo, 23bs, 23cl Rsre earth fluorides 23ar, 23ay, 23bb, 23bo, 23bs, 23cl Rare earth halides 23ay, 23bn, 23bs, 23ck Rare earth metals 15a Rare earth metals, compounds 23bq Rere earth ores 33j Rare earth oxides 23ae, 23an, 23ap, 23bn, 23br, 23ch Rare earth oxide sulfides 23ae, 23ai, 23an, 23ap, 23aq, 23bn, 23br, 23ch Rare earth pnictides 23y, 23bp, 23bt, 23co Rare earth sulfides 23ai, 23an, 23aq, 23bn, 23br, 23ch Raspberry 16i Rauhaugite 33aa Raw materials 10e Rayleigh number 62a Rayon 45f, 46b, 46s Razor blades 5ao Razor clam 16d r-centroid 6i Reaction 13k, 34g, 36i Reaction constant 42b Reaction mechanism 42b, 50i Reactive nitrogen species 23u Reactive oxygen species 23ag Reactivity 42a Reactivity ratio in polymerization 42b Reactors 5ad Rearrangement 50i Rearrangement catalysts 11h Rebinder effect 28d, 57c Receptors 8j, 8l Recognins 21a, 48l Recombination 6e, 13h, 50d Recombination, genetic 18c Recombination catalysts 11d Recombination of electron with hole 13h Recombination of electron with ion 6e, 13h Recording 27d, 36i, 42j Recording apparatus 5g, 5ah Recording materials 45d, 59j Recrystallization 39b, 54c Recycling 10b, 10h, 12f, 59p Recycling of plastics and rubbers 10b, 10f, 10g, 10h, 45e, 46f, 59q Redistribution reaction 50j Redistribution reaction catalysts 11i Red mud (bauxite processing residue) 10h, 32g, 32j, 50k, 59q Redox agents 59m Redox reaction 50j Redox reaction catalysts 11i Reducibility 42c Reducing agents 59m Reducing power 42c Reducing substances 59m Reduction 32c, 50k Reduction, electrochemical 50k Reduction, photochemical 31e, 60k Reduction catalysts 11i Reductones 38y Reductors 5af Refikite 33f Reflectometers 5ab Reflex 4g Reflux 52d, 58f Reformatskii reaction 50b Reformatskii reaction catalysts 11b Reforming 50k Reforming catalysts 11j Refractive index and Optical refraction 36h Refractometers 5ac Refractories 10b, 12a, 12c, 12j, 12k, 45a Refractory alloys 32d Refractory metal chalcogenides 23ag, 23cf, 23cj Refractory metal compounds 23cf Refractory metal pnictides 23z, 23cf, 23cp Refractory metals 32f Refrigerating apparstus 5l Refrigeration 58f, 60c Refsum's disease 30t, 30y Regeneration, biological 4e, 18b Regiochemistry 6j Regolith 33au Regulon 18a Reissert compounds 38y Reiter's disease 30n, 30v Relativity theory 29b, 51f Relaxation 28c, 29e Renaturation 6f, 55g Renner effect 6g, 29b, 36i Rennets 16a Repellents 1d Replication 2e, 34d Replicon 18a Reproduction 4e, 30g Reproductive organ 8j, 30h Reproductive tract 8j, 30h Research 51g Reservoirs 33au Resilience 28c Resin acids and Rosin acids 38b, 46p Resinography 14b Resins 46o, 53c Resists 19d Resolution 2e, 5am, 52d Resonance 6b, 49d Resorption 4a Respirators 5a, 41f, 61e Respiratory center 8j Respiratory distress syndrome 30aa Respiratory tract 8l, 30z Respirometers 5a, 5q Resuscitation 4f, 30al Reticulite 33aa Reticulocyte 3a Reticuloendothelial system 8l, 30l Retinite (fossil resin) 33d Retinoids 38ad, 41h Retorts 5af Retting 47b Reverse osmosis 62d Reverse transcription 18c, 31b Reye's syndrome 30x Reynolds number 27d, 62a Rhabdopissite 33b Rhenates 23cb, 23ce Rhenium chalcogenides 23ao, 23ca, 23cb, 23cf, 23cj Rhenium halide oxides 23ae, 23ap, 23av, 23ba, 23ca, 23cb, 23cf, 23cj, 23cm Rheniwm halides 23ba, 23ca, 23cb, 23ce, 23cf, 23cm Rhenium ores 33j Rheochor 6f, 28b, 62d Rheology 29a Rheopexy 39c, 55e Rheumatic fever 30n Rheumatism 30w Rheumatoid factors 21b Rhodates 23cf Rhodium halides 23ba, 23cd, 23cf, 23cn Rhodium ores 33j Rhodomelanochromes 7b Rhodopsins 48b, 48f Rhubarb 16o Rhyodacite 33ab Rhyolite 33ab Rhythm, biological 4f, 43e Ribonucleic acid formation factors 18d, 48c Ribonucleic acids 18d, 38f Ribonucleic acids, messenger 18d Ribonucleic acids, ribosomal 18d Ribonucleic acids, transfer 18d Ribonucleic acids, viral 18d Ribonucleic scid sequence determination 6i, 18d Ribonucleic acid sequences 6h, 18d Ribonucleohistones 48i, 48j Ribonucleoprotamines 48i, 48j Ribonucleoproteins 48j Ribosome 37c Ribozymes 18d, 26b, 38f Rice 16e Ricins 48l, 61c Rickets 30s Richettsia 30o Righi-Leduc effect 27b Ring 6i Ring cleavage 50k Ring cleavage catalysts 11j Ring closure and formation 50k Ring closure cablysts 11j Ring contraction 50l Ring contraction cablysts 11j Ring enlargement 50l Ring enlargement catalysts 11j Ringite 33ab Ringworm 30o Rischorrite 33ab Rivers 33au Rivets 5t, 5ai Robotics 6n, 22a, 51g, 58a, 58c Rocambole 16t Rocket (plant) 16t Rockets 5ap, 12j Rocks 10g, 33k, 39a Rocks, new 33an Rocky Mountain spotted fever 30o Rodberg 33ab Rodenticides 1e Rodent repellents 1d Rodingite 33ab Rolls 5t, 5w Rongstockite 33ab Roofing 10d Roofs 10d Root 43b Root absorption 43d, 62b Root knot 43d Root nodule 43b Ropes 5aj, 45b Roseki 33as Rosemary 16q Rosin 46p Rosin oil 35b, 46p Rotsxanes 38k Roton 6g, 39e Rotproofing 44c, 47c Rottenstone 33as Rowanberry 43c Royal jelly 8n Rozites 38a Rubber, butadiene 46h, 46j Rubber, bubadiene-styrene 10g, 46h, 46j, 46k Rubber, butyl 10g, 46h, 46j Rubber, chlorinated 46h Rubber, cyclized 46h Rubber, ethylene-propene 46h, 46k Rubber, isoprene 10g, 46h, 46j Rubber, natural 10g, 46h, 46j Rubber, neoprene 10g, 46i, 46j Rubber, nitrile 10g, 46i, 46j, 46l Rubber, polysulfide 10g, 46i, 46q, 46t Rubber, silicone 10h, 46i, 46m Rubber, synthetic 10g, 46h, 46i, 46j Rubber, urethane 10h, 46i, 46t Rubber hydrochloride 46h Rubella 30p Rubidium halides 23c, 23d, 23as Rubidium ores 33j Rubrax 59m Rubredoxins 48i Rudite 33aq Rue 16q Runting syndrome 21f, 30m Rupture disks 5aj Rust (iron oxide) 32k Rutabaga 16t Ruthenates 23cf Ruthenium halides 23ba, 23cd, 23cf, 23cn Ruthenium ores 33j Rutterite 33ab Rydberg constant 6a Rye 16e