CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
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Keyword Index M–O
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
Macauite 33v Mace (spice) 16p Machinery 5s Machining 5w, 12f, 32j Macrocyclic compounds 46b Macroglobulins 21f, 30m, 48d Macromolecular compounds 46a Macrophage 3a, 21d Macusanite 33v Madelung constant 54b Madupite 33v Maenaite 33v Mafraite 33v Mafurite 33v Maganite 33v Magma 33w Magmatism 33av Magnesioxanes 23f, 23ac, 38w, 46l Magnesium arsenate halide sulfates 23e, 23f, 23p, 23ah, 23as Magnesium chalcogonides 23d 23f, 23z Magnesium halides 23e, 23f, 23as Magnesium ores 33i Magnesium pnictides 23e, 23f, 23o Magnetic aftereffect 27e Magnetic analysis and testing 5o, 5p, 27b Magnetic anisotropy 27e Magnetic apparatus 5n, 5p Magnetic balances 5p Magnetic birefringence 36e, 36f Magnetic breakdown 27a Magnetic charge 27a Magnetic circular dichroism 36f Magnetic cores 5i Magnetic dichroism 36f Magnetic domain 27e Magnetic energy product 27e Magnetic field 27a, 32j Magnetic flux 27b Magnetic form factor 27e Magnetic hyperfine field 27b Magnetic hysteresis 27e Magnetic induction and Magnetization 27d, 42h Magnetic loss 27e Magnetic moment 27a Magnetic monopole 27a, 34e Magnetic permeability 27e Magnetic property and Magnetism 13l, 42g, 51f Magnetic relaxation 27b, 27c, 27f, 34b Magnetic remanence 27e Magnetic resonance 27b Magnetic shunts 5i Magnetic structure 27e, 56b Magnetic substances 32f, 59f, 59j Magnetic susceptibility 27e Magnetic temperature 27f, 60w Magnetitite 33w Magnetoacoustic effect and resonance 27c, 42j Magnetochemistry 27c Magnetoelasticity 27c, 28b Magnetoelectric effect 13a, 13f, 27c, 27e Magnetohydrodynamics 27d, 32b, 62c Magnetomechanical damping 27c Magnetomechanical effect 27c, 28d Magnetometers 5p Magneton 27a Magnetooptical absorption 36f, 36g Magnetooptical diffraction 36g Magnetooptical effect 27d, 36f Magnetooptical reflection 36f, 36h Magnetooptical rotation 36f, 36h Magnetophonon resonance 27a Magnetophoresis 27d, 52b, 62b Magnetophotoconductivity 13g, 13l, 27a Magnetoplasma effect 13h, 27d Magnetoresistance 13j, 27d Magnetoresistors 5d Magnetosphere 27d, 63b Magnetostriction 27c, 28d Magnetotaxis 26e, 27d Magnetothermal effect 27d, 60d Magnetothermoelectric effect 13e, 13k, 27a Magnetovolumeeffect 27c Magnets 5g, 5i Maillard reaction 50d Maillard reaction catalysts 11h Maillard reaction products 16v, 36b, 38a, 38d, 38f, 38i, 38t Maillard reaction properties 16d Maillard reaction products 38h Main-group element compounds 23bc Main-group element halides 23aw, 23bc Main-group elements 15a Malacoplakia 30ag Malaria 30o Malchite 33w Malignite 33w Malleins 30c Malnutrition 26c, 30u Malphighian tubule 8f Malt 58e Malting 58e Mammary gland 8k, 30f Mandarin orange 16i Mandrels 5v Manganates 23ca Manganese chalcogenides 23ao, 23ca, 23cb, 23cj Manganese halide phosphates 23v, 23aw, 23ba, 23ca, 23cb, 23cm Manganese halides 23ba, 23ca, 23cb, 23cm Manganese ores 33i Manganese pnictides 23z, 23ca, 23cb, 23cp Manganins (proteins) 48i Manganolite (rock) 33w Mange 30ab Mangerite 33w Manicoba (rubber) 46h Manila hemp 46r Manjak 33w Manna 43b Mannich bases 38d, 38e, 38i Mannich reaction 50d Mannich reaction catalysts 11d Manometers 5p Manure 53b Manx syndrome 30ag Maple-sap products 16n Maps 59j Marangoni effect 57b, 57d, 62d Marble 10f, 33ai Marchiafava-Micheli syndrome 30j Marekanite 33w Marfan's syndrome 30u Margarine 16x, 35b Marianite 33w Mariupolite 33w Marjoram 16p Marketing 51e Marking 58e Marl 33ap Marlite 33ap Marloesite 33w Marlstone 33ap Marring 58e Marscoite 33w Marshallite 33ap Marshes 33au Martensitic structure 54e, 56c Marundite 33w Maser radiation 14b, 32j Masers 5i, 5ad Mashes 59f Mashing 58e Masking, analytical 2d Maslee 16b, 35a Masonry 10d Mass 28d Mass action law 24p, 42e, 42g Mass balance 28e Massecuites 46a Mass spectra 6e Mass spectrometers 5r Mass spectrometry 2d, 6e Mass transfer 27d, 28e, 58e, 62a Mast cell 3a, 21d Mastectomy 30aj Mastication, physical 58e Mastic (resin) 46p Mastics 45g, 59b Mastitis 30f Matches 5j Material balance 28e, 32b Materials 59j Mathematics 51e Matrix media 59j Mats 5aj Matter 63a Matthiessen's law 13j Mayapple 16j Mayonnaise 16x Measles 30p Measurement 42g Measuring apparatus 5n Meat 16b Meat-and-bone meal 16c Meat extracts 16c Meat substitutes 16c, 16v Mechanical chemistry 28e, 51c Mechanical loss 28e Mechanical property 42h Mechanics 51f Meckel syndrome 30u Meconium 8m Medical goods 5a, 41f, 45e, 45g Medicine 26c, 51b Medlar 16j Megacrysts 33e Megakaryoblast 3c Megakaryocyte 3c Meimechite 33w Meiosis 4b Meisenheimer complexes 38u Meladiabase 33w Melanins 7a Melanoblast 3b Melanocyte 3b Melanoidins 38t Melanoma 30ad Melanoproteins 48l Melanosome 37b Melaphyre 33w Meliacins 38ad Melilitite 33w Melilitolite 33w Melilot 16m Mellahite 33f Melon (anatomical) 8a Melon (plant) 16k Melteigite 33w Melting 5l, 32c, 52c, 55d Melting point 55d, 60x Membrane, biological 8h Membrane phases, biological 8h, 37c Membrane phase transition, biological 37c Membranes 5am, 45d Membron 37a Memory, biological 4g Memory devices 5g, 5m Memory effect, chemical and physical 13a, 13f, 27d, 27e Menaquinones 38j Mendelson's syndrome 30aa Meneidic compounds 38q Meninges 8h, 8j, 30x Meningitis 30x Meningoencephalitis 30w, 30x Meningopneumonitis 30p Meniscus 57d Menkes' syndrome 30x Menopause 4e Menshutkin reaction 50p Menshutkin reaction catalysts 11n Menstruation 4e Menstruation disorder 30g Mental activity 4g Mental disorder 30w Mercaptals and Mercaptoles 38t Mercapto compounds 38t Mercapto group 17b Mercerization 47b Mercurates 23bi Mercuration 50b, 50p Mercuration catalysts 11b, 11n Mercury chalcogenide halides 23am, 23ax, 23bi Mercury chalcogenides 23am, 23bh, 23bi, 23cg Mercury halides 23ax, 23bh, 23bi, 23ck Mercury ores 33i Mercury pseudohalides 23be, 23bi Meromyosins 48c Merrifield synthesis 50d Merrifield synthesis catalysts 11d Mesenchyme 8b Mesentery 8h, 30e Meso-ionic compounds 38t Mesonephros 8f Mesophase 42d, 55b, 56b Mesothelium 8h Mesquite 16m Meta-aleurolite 33ai Meta-andesite 33ai Meta-anorthosite 33ai Meta-aplite 33ai Meta-argillite 33ai Meta-arkose 33ai Metabasalt 33aj Metabasite 33aj Metabentonite (rock) 33ap Metabitumite 33f Metabolism 26c Metaboninite 33aj Metachromasia 2e, 36b Metachromatism 36b Metaconglomerate 33aj Metadacite 33aj Metadiabase 33aj Metadiorite 33aj Metadolerite 33aj Metafelsite 33aj Metagabbro 33aj Metagabbronorite 33aj Metagranite 33aj Metagranodiorite 33aj Metagraywacke 33aj Metaharzburgite 33aj Meta-ironstone 33aj Metakeratophyre 33aj Metakomatiite 33aj Metalamprophyre 33aj Metalation 50b, 50o Metalation Catalysts 11b, 11n Metallatranes 23bc, 38w Metallic fibers 10c, 15a, 32f, 46r Metallic glasses 12a, 15a, 32f, 54a, 56a Metallography 14b Metallothioneins 48i Metallurgy 32a, 32d, 51f Metals 10b, 15a, 32f, 32g Metalworking 32j Metamorphic rocks 33af Metamorphism 33aw Metamorphosis 4c Metanorite 33aj Metapelite 33ak Metaperidotite 33ak Metaphosphates 23v Metaphosphimates 23u, 23v Metapicrite 33ak Metaporphyry 33ak Metapsammite 33ak Metapyroxenite 33ak Metaquartzite 33ak Metarhyodacite 33ak Metarhyolite 33ak Metarodingite 33ak Metasandstone 33ak Metaserpentinite 33ak Metasomatism 33aw Metasomatite 33ak Metastable state 29e Metasyenite 33ak Metatextile 33ak Metatholeiite 33ak Metatonalite 33ak Metatrachyanodesite 33ak Metatrachyte 33ak Metatroctolite 33ak Metatrondhjemite 33al Metatuff 33al Metatuffite 33al Metaturbidite 33al Metawehrlite 33al Meteorites 39d, 63a Meteorology 51d Meteors 63a Methanation 50k Methanation catalysts 11j Methanolysis 50l Methanolysis catalysts 11k Methoxycarbonylation 50m Methoxycarbonylation catalysts 11k Methoxy group 17b Methoxylation 50p Methoxylation catalysts 11o Methylation 50n Methylation catalysts 11m Methylenation 50n Methylenation catalysts 11m Methylene group 17b Methyl group 17a Mezereum resin 46p Miaskite 33w Mica-group minerals 33e Micelles 39c, 56a Michaelis constant 26b Michael reaction 50a Michael reaction catalysts 11a Microbial capsule 37c Microbial conjugation 18b, 26e Microbial hormones and pheromones 20b Microbial virulence 26e, 30o Microbicidal and microbiostatic actin 41j Microbiology 51b Microbody, biological 37b Microchemistry 51c Microclinite 33x Microdiabase 33x Microdiorite 33x Microdolerite 33x Microfilament 37b Microfilms 19c, 22b Microglobulins 21a, 48d Microgranite 33x Micromachines 5t, 5v Micrometers 5p Microorganism 26d Microorganism, soil 53c Microorganism adaptation 26e Microorganism development 26e Microorganism growth 26e Microorganism metabolism 31c Microorganism nutrition 26d Microorganism respiration 31d Micropegmatite 33x Microperthitite 33x Microscopes 5aa Microscopy 2d, 14b Microscopy, electron 2d, 34d Microsome 37c Microstructure 54e, 56b Microsyenite 33x Microtomes 5a, 5v Microtonalite 33x Microtrons 5z Microtubule 37c Microvillus 37a Microwave 14b, 32j Microwave devices 5g, 5ad Microwave spectra 14b Microwave spectrometry 14b Migmatite 33x Migmatization 33aw Mildew 43d Milk 9b, 16a Milk analysis 2d Milking machines 5w, 16u Milk preparations 16a Milk substitutes 16a, 16v Milk vetch 16n Miller number 28f Milt 3b, 8k, 9b Minamata disease 30r, 30z, 61e Mineral elements 15b, 26d Mineral incrustations 33f Mineralogy 51d Minerals 10f, 12d, 33e, 46r Minerals, new 33f Mineral wool 10b, 10c, 12i, 46r Mines and Mining 33i Minette 33x Mint 16p Miosis 30j, 41j Miotics 41d Mirrors 5ab, 12i Mirzaanite 33b Miscibility 55g Miso 16n Missourite 33x Mist 39b, 56a Mitochondria 37c Mitogens 4b Mitosis 4b Mixing 39c, 41k, 55a, 58e Mixing apparatus 5x Mixtite 33ap Mixtures 39a, 55a Models, physical 59j Modlibovite 33x Moellon degras 64a Moessbauer effect 14a Moessbauer spectrometry 14a Molar volume and Molecular volume 6f, 28b, 60y Molasse 33ap Molasses 10f, 16n, 46a Molded products 10d, 12j Molding 5v, 10c, 12f Molding apparatus for plastics and rubbers 5v Molding compositions 59j Molding of plastics and rubbers 47c Molding sand 12a, 12f, 32c Molds (forms) 5w, 12a, 45a Molecular association 6f, 26b Molecular beam magnetic resonance 6f, 27c, 34b Molecular beams 6f Molecular centrifugal distortion 6g, 6h, 29a Molecular cloning 18b Molecular dynamics 6f, 29a Molecular electronic devices 5g Molecular integral 49d Molecular libration 6f, 29a, 29b Molecular mechanics 6g, 29d Molecular modeling 6h, 22a Molecular orbital 49d Molecular orientation 6g Molecular rotation 6g, 29a Molecular sieves 59g Molecular structure 6g, 56c Molecular structure, natural product 6h Molecular structure-biological activity relationship 6i Molecular structure determination 6i Molecular structure-property relationship 6i Molecular topology 6i Molecular vibration 6g, 29b Molecular weight 6j, 28e Molecules 6e, 39d Mole (gram equivalent weight) 28e Mole (neoplasm) 30ad Molerite 33c Molluscicides 1b Mollusk 16c Molting 4c Molybdates 23bz Molybdate sulfates 23ah, 23bz Molybdenum bronzes 23ae, 23ap, 23bz Molybdenum chalcogenides 23ao, 23by, 23bz, 23ci Molybdenum halide oxides 23ad, 23ae, 23ap, 23av, 23az, 23by, 23bz, 23ci, 23cm Molybdenum halides 23az, 23bz, 23cm Molybdenum ores 33i Molybdoferredoxins 48h, 48i Momentum 29b Monchiquite 33x Mondhaldeite 33x Monellins 48l Monochromators 5q, 5ab Monocyte 3a, 21d, 30k Monomers 46k Mononucleosis 30k, 30p Monopole 34e Monosaccharides 38f Monothermite 33ap Monotropy 54d Montanwax 64a Monzodiorite 33x Monzonite 33x Monzosyenite 33x Moon 63c Moraines 33au Mordants 44a Morphactins 1d Morphogenesis 33aw Mortar 10a, 12c, 45h Mother-of-pearl 59i Mother-of-pearl substitutes 59i Mothproofing 44c, 47b Motion sickness 30z Motorcycles 5ap Mountain sickness 30aa Mouth 8a, 8c, 30d Mouthwashes 59c Mucins 48f Mucolipids 25c Mucopeptides 40a Mucopolysaccharides 38g, 48f Mucopolyhsaccharidosis 30s Mucoproteins 48f Mucous membrane 8h Mucus 9b Mud 33g, 39c Mudstone 33ap Mufflers 5aj Muffles 5l, 5aj Mugearite 33x Mulberry 16h Mulches 53b Multiple sclerosis 30x Multipole 13b Multipole moment 13a, 34a Mummy (preserved body) 8m Mumps 30p Muon spin rotation 34e Murunite 33x Muscle 3c, 8i Muscle, disease 30v Muscle, neoplasm 30v Muscle relaxant 41f Muscular dystrophy 30v, 30y Museums 51e Mushroom 16s Musical instruments 5af Musks 59c Mussel 16c Mustard 16s Musts 59f Mutsbilite 33b Mutagens 1d, 18c, 61n, 61b Mutarotation 50i Mutarotation catalysts 11b Mutation 18c, 61d Mutation inhibitors 1d, 18c, 61b Myasthenia gravis 30v, 30y Mycetocyte 3c Mycolic acids 38b Mycorrhiza 43b Mycosis 30n, 43d Mycotoxins 61c Mydriasis 30j, 41j Mydriatics 41d Myelins 30z Myelitis 30y Myeloblast 3c Myelocyte 3c Myeloma 21f, 30m, 30ad Myeloproliferative disorder 30k Mylonite 33al Myoblast 3c, 8i Myochromes 7a Myogens 48b Myoglobins 48h, 48k Myoglobins, carbonyl- 48h, 48k Myoglobins, met- 48h, 48k Myoglobins, oxy- 48h, 48k Myoma 30ad Myosins 48b Myrrh 58c
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Nail (anatomical) 8g Nails (mechanical) 5ai Named reagents and solutions 2b, 55g Nanomachines 5t Naphtha 38q, 59l, 59o Naphthalenesulfonic acids 38ab, 38ac Naphthenes 38p, 59l Naphthenic acids 38b Naphthenic oils 59l Naphthols 38s Narcolepsy 30z Narcotic antagonists 41e Narcotics 41e, 61a Natural gas 33g Natural gas, substitute 59l Natural gas condensates 33g Natural gas prospecting 33g Natural gas reservoirs 33g Natural products 38t Naujaite 33y Nausea 30d Naval stores 59q Nebulas 63a Nebulite 33ai Necic acids 38b, 38c Necines 38c Neck, anatomical 8b, 30w Necrosins 61b Necrosis 30q Nectar 43b Nectarine 16k Nectary 43b Needles 5w, 5ao Neel point 27f, 60x Negative resistance 13j Negri body 30p Neighboring group participation 6j, 42b, 50i Nelsonite 33y Nelson syndrome 30g, 30ad Nematocides 1b Neodymium chslcogenided 23an, 23bm, 23br, 23ch Neodymium halides 23ak, 23bo, 23br, 23bs, 23cl Neoplasm 30ac, 61d Neoplasm inhibitors 41c Neorsins 52c Nephelauxetic effect 6b, 49a Nepheline syenite 12d, 33y Nephelinite 33y Nephelometers 5ab Nephelometers 2e, 36a Nephrectomy 30aj Nephridia 8f Nephritogenocides 38f Neptunates 23bk Neptunium chalcogenides 23am, 23bj, 23bk Neptunium halides 23ax, 23bk, 23bn Neptunium pnictides 23y, 23bj, 23bk, 23bl, 23bp, 23co Neptunyl compounds 23bl Nernst-Ettingshausen effect 27b Nerve 8j Nerve, disease 30y Nerve, neoplasm 30y Nerve center and Ganglion 8j Nervous system 8i, 30w Nervous system agents 41d Nervous system depressants 41d Nervous system stimulants 41e Nets 5aj Neuroglia 3c, 8j Neurohormones 20b Neuromelanins 7a Neuromuscular blocking agents 41f Neuromuscular disease 30y Neuromuscular junction 8i, 8j Neuromuscular transmission 4d Neurophysins 48l Neurotransmission 4d Neurotransmitter agonists 41d Neurotransmitter antagonists 41d Neutralization 50i Neutralization catalysts 11h Neutrophil 3a, 21d, 30k Nevadite 33y Nevoite 33y Newborn 4c Newcastle disease 30p New Zealand spinach 16s Nickelates 23cd Nickel black 59j Nickel chalcogenide pnictides 23z, 23ao, 23cc, 23cd, 23cj, 23cp Nickel chalcogenides 23ao, 23cc, 23cd, 23cj Nickel halides 23ba, 23cc, 23cd, 23cm Nickel ores 33i Nickeloxanes 23ac, 23ce, 38w, 46l Nictitating membrane 8h, 8l Niemann-Pick disease 30t, 30x Niobates 23bx Niobium bronzes 23ae, 23ap, 23bw, 23bx, 23ci Niobium chalcogenides 23ao, 23bw, 23bx, 23ci Niobium halide oxides 23ae, 23ap, 23av, 23az, 23bw, 23bx, 23ci, 23cm Niobium halides 23az, 23bw, 23bx, 23cm Niobium ores 33i Nitrates 23u Nitration 50p Nitration catalysts 11n Nitridation 32h, 50c Nitridation catalysts 11c Nitrides 23u Nitrification 31c, 50i, 53a Nitrification catalysts 11h Nitriles 38j Nitriless 46k Nitrites 23u Nitro compounds 38t aci-Nitro compounds 38t Nitrogen acids 23a, 23u Nitrogen cycle 53a Nitrogen fixation, biological 31c, 53a Nitrogen fixation, synthetic 50k Nitrogen fixation catalysts 11j Nitrogen halides 23s, 23u, 23au Nitrogen mustards 38d, 38l Nitro group 17b Nitrohumic acids 38b, 38t, 53c Nitrometers 5o Nitrones 38t Nitrosation 50p Nitrosation catalysts 11n Nitroso compounds 38u Nitrosyl halides 23s, 23u, 23au Nitrosyls 23u Nitroxides 38u Nodules 33g, 43b Nomenclature, general 22b Nomenclature, new concepts 22b Nomenclature, new natural products 22b Nomenclature, new synthetic compound 22b Nomographs 22b, 51f Nonelectrolytes 55g Nonmetals 15b Noonan syndrome 30ag Nootropics 41e Nordmarkite (rock) 33y Norite 33y 19-Norsteroids 38aa Nose 8b, 8l, 30aa Nose cones 5b Notochord 8i Novaculite 33ap Nozzles 5x, 12i Nuclear acoustic resonance 34b, 42j Nuclear auxiliary power systems 5ae Nuclear batteries 5c, 5ae Nuclear binding energy 34a, 60a Nuclear bombs 5j Nuclear charge 13c, 34a Nuclear dispersion in fission 34c Nuclear dispersion in reactions 34c Nuclear energy 34b, 60a Nuclear energy level 34a, 49b Nuclear explosion 34c Nuclear force 29c, 34a Nuclear fusion 34c Nuclear fusion-fission hybrid reactors 5ae Nuclear fusion reactor fuels and plasmas 5ae, 13d, 34f Nuclear fusion reactors 5ae Nuclear fusion reactors, mirror 5ae Nuclear fusion reactors, pinch 5ae Nuclear fusion reactors, stellarator 5ae Nuclear fusion reactors, tokamak 5ae Nuclear installations 5z Nuclear isobar 34a Nuclear magnetic moment 27a, 34a Nuclear magnetic resonance 14c, 27c, 34b Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry 14c, 27c, 34b Nuclear materials and Fissile materials 34f Nuclear matter 34f, 63a Nuclear model 34a, 49c Nuclear moment 34a Nuclear photographic emulsions 19c, 34f Nuclear polarization 34b, 42h Nuclear potential 29d, 34a, 60b Nuclear quadrupole resonance 13c, 14c, 34b Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrometry 14c, 34b Nuclear reaction 34b Nuclear reaction energy 34c Nuclear reaction fragments 34c Nuclear reactor fuel reprocessing 34f Nuclear reactor fuels and fuel elements 5ae, 12c, 12i, 34f Nuclear reactors 5ae Nuclear reactors, breeder 5ae Nuclear reactors, fast 5af Nuclear reactors, gas-cooled 5af Nuclear reactors, water-cooled 5af Nuclear spectrometers 5r Nuclear spectrometry 14d, 34a Nuclear targets 5aa Nuclear technology 51h Nuclear temperature 34a, 60w Nuclear wave function 49d Nucleic acid bases 18d, 38e Nucleic acid hybridization 18d Nucleic acids 18c, 38f Nucleohistones 48i Nucleoid 37a Nucleoidosome 37a Nucleopeptides 40a Nucleophiles 38u Nucleophilicity 42b Nucleoprotamines 48i Nucleoproteins 48i Nucleosides 18d, 38f Nucleosome 37a, 48i Nucleosynthesis 34c, 63b Nucleotides 18d, 38f Nusselt number 62a Nut grass 16l Nutmeg (spice) 16p Nutrients 16x, 26c, 31c, 41a, 41c, 41d Nut (seed) 16n, 43b Nuts (mechanical) 5t, 5ai Nyctinasty 36c, 43e Nyrtite 33ap Nystagmus 30j
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Oat 16e Obesity 4d, 30u Obituary 51e, 51g Obsidian 33y Obstetrics 30ai Oceanite 33y Oceanography 51d Oceans 33au Ochratoxins 61c Ochronosis 30r Octane number 59h Octopus 16c Odinite (rock) 33y Odor and Odorous substances 16v, 59c Odorization 58f Oenocyte 3c Office machines 5ag Oilcloth 59j Oiliness 42h Oilproofing 44c, 47b Oils 53c Oil sand 33g Oil shale 33g Ointments 59j Okaite 33y Okra 16s Oleocellosis 43d Olfaction 4g Olibanum 46p, 59d Oligoclasite 33y Oligodynamic action 26e Oligosaccharides 38f Oliguria 30ae Olistostrome 33aq Olive 16n Olive oil 16g, 16o, 35b Olivine-group minerals 33f Olivinite 33y Omentum 8h, 30e Ommatins 7a Ommins 7b Ommochromes 7b Ondite 12d Ongonite 33v Onion 16s Onium compounds 38u Onsager equation 13g Onsager reciprocal relation 29e, 60v, 62e Onyx marble 33aq Oogenesis 4e Oogenins 37c Oolite 33aq Opacification 36g, 47a Opacifiers 44a Opacimeters 5ab Opacity 36g Opalescence 36g Opaline (molluskan secretion) 8m Opaline (rock) 33aq Opaque materials 59k Opdalite 33y Operon 18a Ophicalcite 33aq Ophiolite 33y Ophispherite 33y Ophite 33y Opioids 20b, 41e, 61b Opium 41e, 61b Opoka 33aq Opopanax (gum) 46b Opsins 48f Opsonins 21b Optical absorption 36g Optical anisotropy 36g Optical conductivity 36g Optical detectors 5g, 5n, 5q, 5r, 5ab, 5ac, 59m Optical diffraction 36g Optical dispersion 36g Optical double resonance 27c, 36c Optical fibers 45b Optical filters 5ab Optical imaging devices 5aa, 5ag Optical instruments 5g, 5aa Optically active compounds 38u Optical materials 59j Optical modulation 36g Optical nonlinear property 13a, 36g Optical property 36e, 42h Optical pumping 36c Optical reflection 36g Optical reflectors 5ab, 12i Optical rotation 36h Optical rotatory dispersion 36h Optics 51f Optimization 22a, 41k, 58a Orange 16i Orange juice 16j Orbite 33y Orchard 1e Orchard grass 16l Ordanchite 33z Order 56c, 57c Ore briquets 32c Ore formation 33i Oregano 16p Orendite 33z Ore prospecting 33i Ores and Ore deposits 33g Ore treatment 32c, 33i Organ 8b Organelle 26a, 43a Organic chemistry 51c Organic matter 38u Organometallic compounds 38u, 46l Organ preservation 4d Orgoteins 48l Orifices 5t Ornithosis 30o Orosomucoids 48d, 48f Ortho acids 38b Orthochlorite 33e Orthoclasite 33z Ortho effect 42c Orthogneiss 33al Orthophyre 33z Orthoschist 33al Orthosite 33z Osazones 38o Oscillating reaction 50j Oscillating reaction catalysts 11i Oscillator model 29b, 49c Oscillators and Resonators 5e, 5i Oscillator strength 14d, 49b Oscillometry 2a Oscilloscopes and Oscillographs 5e, 5aa Osmates 23ce Osmeterium 8b Osmium ores 33i Osmometers 5q Osmoregulation 4d, 62d Osmosis 5al, 52b, 62d Osmotic coefficient 29c, 60a, 60w, 62d Osmotic pressure 29c, 60w, 62d Osteoblast 3b Osteocalcins 48l Osteoclast 3b Osteocyte 3b Osteomalacia 30s, 30u Osteomyelitis 30o, 30v Osteoporosis 30s, 30v Otolith 8a, 8l Ouachitite 33z Ovalbumins 48a, 48f Ovardite 33al Ovarian cycle 4e, 30g Ovarian extracts 20b Ovariectomy 30aj Ovary 8e, 8k, 20b Ovary, disease 30h Ovary, neoplasm 30h Ovens 5l, 5m, 12i Overhauser effect 14c, 27c, 34b Overhauser spectrometry 14c, 27c, 34b Overvoltage 13e Oviduct 8k, 30b Ovomucoids 48f Ovulation 4e, 30g Oxidation 31d, 32j, 50j Oxidation, aut- 50k Oxidation, electrochemical 50k Oxidation, photochemical 31d, 50k Oxidation catalysts 11i Oxidative stress, biological 4h, 30ae, 31d Oxides 23ad Oxide sulfides 23ae, 23ai Oxidizability 42b Oxidizing agents 59k Oximation 50d Oximation catalysts 11d Oximes 38z Oximeters 5a, 5c Oxychlorination 50o Oxychlorination catalysts 11n Oxygenation 50k Oxygen halides 23ab, 23af, 23av Oxygen index 42e Oxykerite 33b Oxymercuration 50b Oxymercuration catalysts 11b Oxymetalation 50b Oxymetalation catalysts 11b Oxytalans 8c Oyster 16d Ozocerite 33f, 64a Ozonides 23af, 38z Ozonization 50c, 50k Ozonization catalysts 11b, 11i Ozonizers 5af