CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
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Keyword Index E-G
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
Ear 8a, 8l, 30e Earth 63b Earthquake 33av Eating utensils 5m, 5ao, 16u Ebulliometers 5p Ecdysis 4c Ecdysteroids 20a, 20c, 38aa Eclogite 33ah Ecology 26a, 51b, 61c Economics 51c Eczema 30ab Edema 30ag Edman degradation 50e Edman degradation catalysts 11e Education 51c Effervescence 55a Effervescent substances 59d Efflorescence 12e, 55c Effusion 52b, 62b Egg 3b, 16b Egg, poultry 3b, 16b Eggplant 16s Egg preservation 4e, 18a Egg white 3b, 16b Egg yolk 3b, 16b Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 30ab, 30ag Eicosanoids 20a, 25a, 38a Ejectors 5v Ekerite 33p Elastic deformation 28b Elasticity 28b Elastic materiels 59d Elastic recoil detection 2c, 34e Elastic tiseue 8c Elastins 48a Elaterite 33a Elder 16h Electrets 12h, 13a, 59e Electric activation 13b, 32i Electric activity 4d, 13b Electric admittance 13g Electric amplification 13g Electric amplifiers 5c Electric apparatus 5c, 5h, 5n, 12h Electric appliances 5c, 5j, 5l Electric arc 13c Electric birefringence 36e, 36f Electric breakdown 13c, 13d Electric brushes 5d Electric cables 5d Electric capacitance 13b Electric capacitors 5c Electric charge 13b, 44b, 47b Electric circuit breakers 5d, 5ai Electric circuits 5c Electric coils 5c Electric conductivity and conduction 2a, 13g Electric conductivity transitions 13g Electric conductors 5c, 59d Electric conductors, ceramic 5d, 12b, 12h, 59d Electric conductors, polymeric 5d, 46i, 59d Electric contacts 5d Electric corona 13d Electric current 13f Electric current carriers 13g Electric current-potential relationship 13j Electric discharge 13c, 32i Electric discharge devices 5e Electric double layer 13b Electric energy 13c Electric field 13c, 32i, 42j Electric field gradient 13d, 32i, 54b Electric filters 5d Electric fuses 5d, 5ai Electric generators 5f Electric ground 13d Electric impedance 13j Electric inductance 13d Electric insulators and Dielectrics 5d, 12h, 45b, 59e Electricity 51f Electric lamps 5f, 5ad Electric meters 5f Electric motors 5f Electric noise 13j Electric organ and tissue 8i Electric potential 13d Electric property 42d Electric rectification 13j Electric rectifiers 5d Electric relays 5d Electric resistance 13j Electric resistors 5d Electric resonance absorption 13b, 14b, 1k Electric shock 13d, 30q, 58f Electric skin effect 13j Electric spark 13d, 32i Electric switches and switching 5d, 13j Electric transport property 13f, 27a, 62a Electrocaloric effect 13e, 60d Electrocapillarity 13d, 57a, 57c Electrochemistry 13l Electrochromic materials 59b, 59j Electrochromism 36b, 36f Electrode effect 13l Electrodeposition and Electroplating 2a, 5f, 5u, 5ae, 13l, 32a, 52b, 54e, 57a, 58b Electrodeposits and Electroplates 45a, 54e, 57a, 59b Electrode reaction 13l Electrodes 5f, 12h Electrodialysis 13k, 32a, 52b, 62b, 62d Electrodiffusion 5f, 5al, 13e, 13k, 32a, 52b, 62b Electrography 5af, 13e, 19b Electrohydrodynamics 13f, 62c Electrokinetic phenomena 13k, 62b Electrokinetic potential 13d Electroluminescent devices 5f, 5ad Electrolysis 13k, 5Oe Electrolysis catalysis 11e Electrolytes 10a, 32a, 55f, 59d Electrolytes, biological 4d, 3m, 31b Electrolytic cells 5f, 5ae Electrolytic depolarization 13l, 42h Electrolytic depolarizers 59d Electrolytic polarization 13l, 42h Electromagnetic field 14a Electromagnetic wave 13l, 34g, 42e Electromechanical effect 13e, 28d Electromotive force series 13d, 13k Electron 13h, 34c Electron, conduction 13h Electron, solvated 13h Electron acceptors 6d, 13g Electron affinity 6b, 6d, 42a Electron angular momentum 34d, 9c Electron beam 13i, 32j, 34c Electron beam spectroscopy 2c, 34c Electron bubble 13b, 34d Electron capture 6d Electron-capture decay 34c, 34g Electron configuration and electron density 6b, 34d, 49a Electron correlation 5b, 49a Electron crystal 34d, 49a Electron detachment 6d Electron donors 6d, 13h Electronegativity 6b Electron emission 13e, 13h, 34d Electron emission spectroscopy 2c, 34d Electron exchange and Charge transfer 6d, 31c, 50f Electron exchange catalysts 11f Electron exchangers 45e Electron gas 13h, 34d Electron-hole plasma 13h Electronic device packaging 13l, 58f Electronic property 6b, 42e Electronics 13l Electronic structure 6b, 49a, 56b Electron internal conversion 34a Electron liquid 13i, 34d Electron microprobe analysis 2e, 1kl, 34c Electron nuclear double resonance 14b, 27b, 34b Electron nuclear triple resonance 14b, 27b, 34b Electron optics 34d Electron pair production 34d Electron-phonon interaction 13i Electron sources 5f, 5ac Electron spin resonance 14b, 27b Electron spin resonance spectrometry 27b Electron temperature 34d, 60 v Electron transport system, biological 31c, 43d Electron tubes 5e, 12h Electrooptical absorption 36f, 36g Electrooptical effect 13e, 36f Electrooptical reflection 36f, 36g Electroosmosis 5f, 5al, 13k, 52b, 62b, 62d Electrophiles 38l Electrophilicity 42b Electrophoresis and Ionophoresis 2c, 5f, 5al, 13k, 52b, 62b Electrophotographic developers 19t Electrophotographic development 5ag, 19b Electrophotographic paper 19b Electrophotographic photoconductors 5ag, 19b Electrophotographic sensitizers 19b Electrophotography 5ag, 13e, 19b, 2a Electrophotography, color 19b Electroporation 13f, 18a, 58d Electroscopes 5f Electrostriction 13e, 8d Electrothermographic copying 5af, 5ag, 13e, 19b Electrothermooptic effect 36f Elementary-particle force 29b, 34d Elementary-particle magnetic moment 34d Elementary-particle potential 29d 34d, 60b Elementary particles 34c, 39d Elementary-particle wave function 49d Elephant grass 16l Elephantiasis 30l, 30o Elimination reaction 50f Elimination reaction, coordinative 50g Elimination reaction catalysts 11f Ellipsometers 5ab Ellipsometry 36a Elutriation 52b Elutriators 5al Elvanite 33p Embedding materials 45b Embolism 30b Embossing 47c Embrechite 33p Embrittlement 28c Embryo 4c Embryo preservation 4c, 4e, 18a Emerson enhancement effect 31d, 36c Emery cloth and paper 5y, 45f Emissivity 14a Emotion 4f, 4g, 4h, 30ae Emphysema 30aa Empyema 30q Emulsification 5x, 39c, 41j, 56b, 58e Emulsifying agents 45g Emulsions 39b, 56a Enameled ware 5b, 12b, 19a, 32f Enameling 12b, 19a, 32h, 58b Enamels 12b, 12k, 19a, 45b, 59b Enamines 38d Enantiotropy 54d Encapsulation 41j, 58f Encephalitis 30w Encephalomyelitis 30w Encyclopedias 22b Enderbite 33p Enderpines 20a Endigens 20a Endive 16s Endocrine system 8e, 30e Endocrinology 30ai Endoplasmic reticulum 37b Endostyle 8c Endotaxy 54c Endothelium 8h Endozepines 20b Energy 42e, 60a Energy, total 60a Energy balance 32b, 60a Energy level 6c, 49a, 60a Energy level, band structure 6c, 49a Energy level, Fermi 6c, 49a Energy level, ground state 6c, 49a Energy level, hyperfine structure 6c, 49b Energy level, surface 6c, 49b, 57a Energy level excitation 6c, 49b, 62a Energy level splitting 6c, 13f, 27b, 49b Energy level transition 6c, 49b, 62a Energy-rich phosphates 23u Energy transfer 60a, 62a Engineer 51g Engineering 13l, 51g Engines 5i, 12h Engraving 5v, 5af, 19b Enkephalins 40a Enols 38r Enstatitite 33p Enterohepatitis 30c Enterotoxemia 30n Enthalpy and Enthalpy function 60b Entner-Doudoroff pathway 31a Entobacterins 1b, 61b Entrainment 62c Entropy 60b Entropy of activation 24a, 42f, 60b Enuresis 30ae Environment 26a Environmental analysis 2d Environmental modeling 22a, 26a 51b, 58d, 61d, 62c, 63b Environmental pollution 58d, 61d Environmental transport 62c Enzyme activation energy 26b Enzyme functional sites 26b Enzymes 26b Eolianite 33ao Eosinophil 3a, 21c, 30k Eosinophilia 30k Epidemiology 30ai Epididymis 8k, 30h Epidiorite 33p Epidosite 33ah Epidotite 33sh Epihalohydrins 38o, 38s Epilepsy 30y Epimerization and Anomerization 50i Epimerization catalysts 11h Epinasty 43e Epitaxial growth kinetics 42f, 54c, 57a Epitaxy 5u, 5al, 54c, 57a, 58b Epithelium 3b, 8h, 43b Epoxidation 50j Epoxidation catalysts 11i Epoxides 38l Epoxy group 17a Epoxy resins 10g, 46d, 46i, 46n, 46q Equation 51e Equation of state 42e, 60b Equilibrium 29e, 42e, 55b, 60b Equivalent weight 28e Erasers 5ah Erbates 23bq Erbium halides 23ay, 23bo, 23bq, 23b, 23cl Erbium pnictides 23bp, 23bq, 23bt, 23co Ergochromes 61c Erlanfels 33ah Erosion 28f, 32j Error 42g, 51e Erythema 30ab, 36c Erythremic myelosis 30k Erythroblast 3c Erythroblastosis 30k Erythrocruorins 48h, 48k Erythrocyte 3a, 30j Erythromelalgia 30ag Erythrophore 3b Erythropoieus 4b Esophogus 8c, 30c Espichellite 33p Essences 43a Essential Oils 16f, 35a, 38ad Essexite 33p Esterification 50d, 50o Esterification catalysts 11d, 11m Esters 38h, 46i Estrogens 20b, 20c Estromedins 20a Estrus 4e Estuaries 33at Esuiite 33q Etching 32j, 50g Etching catalysts 11g Ethanolysis 50l Ethanolysis catalysts 11k Etherification 50d, 50o Etherification catalysts 11d, 11m Ethers 38l, 46i Ethoxylation 50p Ethoxylation catalysts 11o Ethylation 50n Ethylation catalysts 11l Ethyl group 17a Ethynylation 50o Ethynylation catalysts 11m Etindite 33q Etiolation 1a, 43e Eucrite (rock) 33q Eudiometers 5o, 5ae Eukaryote 26b Eulysite 33q Euremite 33q Eurite 33q Europium chalcogenides 23an, 23bm, 23bq, 23br, 23ch Europium halides 23ay, 23bo, 23bq, 23bs, 23cl Europium ores 33h Eutectics 55a Eutectoids 55a Eutrophication 33av Evans-Polanyi equation 24a, 42b, 42f, 60a, 60c, 60g Evaporation 52b, 55c, 58d Evaporators 5al Evolution 18a, 26b, 51b Exchange, quantum mechanical 6b, 27a, 49b Exchange reaction 50o Exchange reaction catalysts 11n Exciplexes 6f Exciton 13i, 39d Excretions 8m Exercise 4d Exfoliatins 61c Exfoliation 58d Exhalite 33ao Exhaust gases 59p Exhaust systems 5v Exinite 33c Exochelins 40a Exophthalmos 30j Exothermic materials 59e Exotic atoms 6a, 34e Exotic molecules 6f, 34e Exotic nuclei 34a, 34e Exotic particle exchange 34e Exotic particle internal conversion 34e Expansion, Dilation, and Elongation 28a, 28b, 60b Expansion joints 5ai Expectorants 41g Explosibility 42b Explosion 32j, 58d, 58g Explosives 5i, 59e Exposure meters 5ab Extensometers 5p Extracellular matrix 37c Extraction 32b, 41j, 52c Extraction apparatus 5am Extrusion 32j, 62c Extrusion apparatus 5v Extrusion apparatus for plastics and rubbers 5v Extrusion of plastics and rubbers 47c, 62c Exudate 9a Eye 8a, 8l Eye, disease 30i Eye, neoplasm 30j Eyeglasses 5aa Eyestalk 8e
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Fabry's disease 30t Fading 36b Fanconi's syndrome 30ae Fans 5v Farsundite 33q Fasteners 5ai Fat body 8m Fatigue, biological 4d Fatigue, mechanical 28d Fats snd Glyceridic oils 16b, 16f, 26d, 35a, 38h, 64a Fat substitutes 16d, 16g, 26d, 35b Fatty acids 25a, 38a, 46c Fatty materials 59e Favism 30j Favorskii rearrangement 50i Favorskii rearrangement catalysts 11h Feather 8g Feces 8m Feed 26c Feed analysis 2d Feed contamination 16d Feed energy 26d Feeding 4d, 26c Feeding apparatus 5v Feeding experiment 26c Feeding techniques 4d, 5v, 26c Feldspar-group minerals 12d, 33e Feldspathoid 33e Fels 33ah Felsite 33q Felting 47b Feltproofing 44c, 47b Felty's syndrome 30v Fenite 33ah Fennel 16p Fenugreek 16p Fergusite 33q Fermentation 18a, 31a, 50h, 58d Fermentation apparatus 5ae Fermi fluids 55a Fermi glasses 55a Fermi resonance 6d, 49b Ferrates 23cd Ferredoxins 48h Ferrichlorite 33e Ferricrete 33ao Ferrite substances 23cd, 59j Ferritins 48g Ferroalkremite 33q Ferroalloys 32f Ferrodiorite 33q Ferroelastic domain 28b, 59d, 59f Ferroelasticity 28b Ferroelastic substances 59d, 59f Ferroelectric domain 13a Ferroelectricity 13a Ferroelectric substances 32f, 59e, 59f Ferrofluids 59j Ferroic substances 59f Ferrolite 33d Ferropicrite 33q Ferroxanes 23ac, 23cd, 38w, 46l Fertility 4e, 30g Fertilization 4e Fertilizer analysis 2d, 53a Fertilizer experiment 53a, 53d Fertilizers 26d, 53a Fescue 16l Fetal alcohol syndrome 30x, 61d Fetoproteins 48l Fetuins 48d, 48e Fever and Hyperthermia 30ag Fiamme 33at Fiber optics 51f Fibers 10c, 45b, 46q, 47a Fibril 45b Fibrinogen degradation products 40a, 48d, 48e Fibrinogens 48d, 48e Fibrinolysis 4a, 30l Fibrinolytics 41b Fibrins 48d, 48e Fibroblast 3a Fibroins 48a Fibroma 30ac Fibronectins 48e Fibrosis 30ag Fibrous materials 45b Fiddlehead 16s Field theory 34e, 49c Fig 16i Figure of merit 42e Filaments 59f Filamins 48b Files (mechanical) 5ao Filiferines 38aa Filling apparatus 5v Filling materials 10f, 12h, 44b Films 54e, 57a, 59b Filterability 42e Filter cake 59g Filter flasks 5b Filter paper 45f, 59f Filters and Filtering materials 5am, 12h, 59f Filtration 30ak, 41k, 52c Fin 8a Fine structure constant 14d Fingerprints 51c, 61a Finishing 47b Fire 58g, 61a Fire boxes 5k Firedamp 59g Fire point 42e Fireproofing 10c, 47a, 47b, 58b, 58g, 59b Fireproofing agents 44c, 44d, 45b, 47b, 58g Fire-resistant materials 58g, 59g Firing, heat-treating process 5k, 10c, 12e, 60d Firing of furnaces 10c, 32b Fischer indole synthesis 50l Fischer indole synthesis catalysts 11j Fish 16b Fish nets 5ao Fission 34c Fission fragments and products 34c Flagella 37c Flagellins 48b Flame 58g Flammability 42e Flares 5j, 5ad Flash index 42e Flash lamps 5f, 5ad, 12h Flash point 42e Flatulence 30c Flavanols 38r Flavins 38i Flavodoxins 48c Flavonoids 38i Flavoproteins 48c Flavor 16v Flavoring materials 16w Flax 46r Flaxseed 16g Flexibility 28b Flexirubins 7a Flexoelectricity 13a Floating materials 59g Flocculating agents 32b, 59g Flocculation 5am, 32b, 39a, 52a, 55e Flocculation reaction 2d Flocks 45c Floors 10d Flotation 5am, 32b, 52c Flotation agents 2b, 32b Flours and Meals 16g Flow 13f, 27d, 29a, 58e, 62c Flower 43a Flowmeters 5p Flue dust 10h, 59p Flue gases 59p Fluidization 32b, 62c Fluidized beds and systems 5k, 5ae Fluid mechanics 13f, 29b Fluids 55a Fluorescence 36d Fluorescence quenching 36d Fluorescent brighteners 44a Fluorescent substances 59k Fluoridation 58h Fluoride nitrides 23t, 23ar Fluorides 23aq, 38n Fluorination 50a, 50o Fluorination catalyst 11a, 11n Fluorohydrins 38o, 38s Fluorometers 5ac Fluorometry 36d Fluoropolymers 46j, 46n Fluoroscopes 5a, 5aa Fluoroselenates 23ag, 23ar Fluorosulfates 23ah, 23ar Fluorosulfites 23ai, 23ar Fluxes 32b Foam fractionation 52c Foaming 39c, 56b Foaming agents 10a, 45g Foams 12e, 39c, 56b Foam volume 28a, 39c Fog 39b, 56a, 63c Foidite 33q Foidolite 33q Food 26c Food analysis 2d Food contamination 16d Food functional properties 16d, 16v Foot 8a Foot-and-mouth disease 30p Footprints 51c, 61a Footwear 45c Force 13l, 29b Force constant 28b, 29b Forest 43a Forest litter 53a, 53b Forestry 1e Forging 32j Formation constant and Stability constant 42e Formolysis 50l Formolysis catalysts 11k Formylation 50m Formylation catalysts 11l Formyl group 17a Fossils 33d Fouling 58e Fouling control agents 1a, 1b, 1c, 45b, 59g Foundries 32b Fourchite 33q Fowl pox 30p Foyaite 33q Fractals 51e Fractrography 32j Fracture 28c Fragmentation reaction 50e Fragmentation reaction catalysts 11e Francium halides 23b, 23c, 23ar Franck-Condon principle 6c, 49b, 62a Franz-Keldysh effect 36f Free energy 60c Free energy function 60c Free energy of activation 24a, 42f, 60c Freemartin 30g Freeze drying 41k, 52a, 58d Freezing 52d, 55d Freezing point 55d, 60x Frequency 29b, 42k Frequency factor 42f Fretting 32j Friction 28e Friction materials 12h, 32f Friedel-Crafts reaction 50m, 50n Friedel-Crafts reaction cataIysts 11l Fries rearrangement 50i Fries rearrangement catalysts 11h Fringelite 33f Frits 10f, 12h Fritting 12b Frog 16b Frost 63c Frost point 55b Frozen desserts 16a, 16w Frozen foods 16w Fruit 16g, 43a Fruit and vegetable juices 16i Fuel briquets 59g Fuel-cell electrolytes 5c, 55f, 59e Fuel cells 5c Fuel gases 59g Fuel gas manufacturing 59g Fuel oil 59g, 59k Fuel oil additives 59g Fuels 59g Fuels, diesel 59g Fuels, jet aircraft 59g Fuels, rocket 59g Fugacity 29c, 60c Fulgurite 33q, 33at Fullerenes 38k Fuller's earth 33c Fulvanic acids 53b Fulvenic acids 38b, 53c Fulvic acids 38b, 53b Fulvinic acids 38b, 53c Fulvonic acids 38b, 53c Fumaroles 33at Fumes 59p Fumigants 1c Fumigation 1a Functional groups 6h Fungicide resistance 1c, 41a, 41i Fungicides and Fungistats 1c, 41a, 44c, 44d Funnels 5v, 5am, 12h, 59g Fur 8g, 46f, 46q, 47b Furnaces 5k, 5m, 12h Furnaces, blast 5k Furnaces, electric 5k, 5m, 12h Furniture 5m Furocoumarins 38i Fur substitutes 45c Fusel oil 59f Fuses, explosives 5i Fusibility 55d Fusinite 33d Fusion, biological 4d Fusion, reactive 55d
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Gabbro 33q Gabbronorite 33q Gadolinium halides 23ay, 23bo, 23bq, 23bs, 23cl Gadolinium ores 33h Gadolinium pnictides 23y, 23bp, 23bq, 23bt, 23co Galactolipids 25a Galactoproteins 48e Galactosides 38f Galaxies 63a, 63b Galbanum gum 46a Gallates 23i Gallbladder 8c, 30c Gallium chalcogenides 23i, 23aa Gallium halides 23i, 23at Gallium ores 33h Gallium pnictides 23i, 23j, 23q Gall (plant tumor) 43d Galvanization 32i, 58b Galvanized iron and steel 32j Galvanostats 5e Galvanotaxis 13b, 26e Gambier 46p Gamboge 46p Gamete and Germ cell 3b, 43a Gamma ray 14a, 32k Ganch 33ao Ganglionic blocking agents 41d Gangliosides 25a, 25b, 25e Gangliosidosis 30t Gangrene 30q Gardner's syndrome 30ag Garnet group minerals 33f Garnetite 33ah Garnet-type crystals 54d Gas analysis 2d Gas appliances 5j, 5l Gases 55a Gas generators 5ae Gaskets 5aj Gas oils 59g, 59k Gasoline 59h, 59k Gasoline additives 59h Gastrectomy 30aj Gastric juice 9a Gastrointestinal hormones 20a Gaucher's disease 30l, 30t Gauteite 33q Gazha 33ao Gears 5s Gedritite 33ah Gelatins 46e, 46f, 48a, 48e Gelation 39c, 55d, 56b Gels 39b, 56a Gel strength 28d Gems 33f, 59h Gene 18a Gene, animal 18a Gene, microbial 18a Gene, plant 18a Genetic code 18c Genetic element 18a Genetic engineering 18a Genetic inheritance 18b Genetic linkage group 18c Genetic mapping 6h, 18b Genetic methods 6h, 18b Genetic polymorphism 18b Genetics 18b, 21d, 26c, 51b Genetic selection 18b Genetic vectors 18b, 37b Genipap 16j Genitourinary tract 8f, 8j Genome 3b, 18c, 37c, 43e Geochemistry 51b, 51d Geochronology 51d Geode 33at Geography 51d Geological age 33av Geological age determination 33av Geological fluid inclusions 33au Geological formations 33at Geological hydrothermal fluids 33au, 53a, 53d Geological materials 33au Geological sediments 33d, 39d Geological solid inclusions 33au, 53a Geological temperature 33av, 60w Geological weathering 33av, 53a Geology 51d Geophysics 51d, 51f Geothermal energy 60a Geotropism 33av, 43e Germacronolides 38ad Germanates 23k Germanium chalcogenide halides 23k, 23l, 23aa, 23at Germanium chalcogenides 23k, 23l, 23aa Germanium halides 23l, 23at Germanium ores 33h Germanium pseudohalides 23l, 23be Germasesquioxanes 23l, 23ac, 38w, 46l Germasesquithianes 23l, 23aj, 38w, 46l Germ-free environment 21d Germination 1a, 43f Germoxanes 23l, 23c, 38w, 46l Getters 58h Geysers 33au g-factor 14d, 27a Ghee 16b, 35a Gibberellins 1d, 20c, 38a Gibbs-Duhem-Margules equation 42h, 60w Gigantism 30g Gill 8l Gillespie syndrome 30u Gibonite 33b Ginger 16p Gingiva 3d, 30d Ginseng 16a Gizzard 3d Glaciers 33au Gladkaite 33r Gland 8b Glanders 30n Glass, nonoxide 12a, 12b, 12k, 54a Glass oxide 10b, 12a, 12b, 12j, 12k, 45a, 54a Glass ceramics 12a, 12b, 12k Glass fibers 10c, 12b, 46r Glass structure 54a, 56a Glass substitutes 12c, 12k, 45d, 54a Glass temperature and transition 55b, 60l Glaucoma (disease) 30j Glaucophanite 33r Glazes 12b, 12c, 12k, 19a, 59b Glazing 12b, 12c, 19a, 58b Gleyans 33c Gliadins 48j Glimmerite (rock) 33r Globins 48l Globosides 25b, 25e Globulins 48c Glove boxes 5b, 5ae, 12g, 12h Gloves 45c, 45h Gluconeogenesis 31b Glues 45g, 46f Gluing 58e Glutelins 48d Glutenins 48d Glutens 48l Glycerides 25a, 38h Glycinins 48d Glycocalyx 37c Glycogenosis 30s Glycogenosome 37b Glycolate pathway 31b Glycolipids 25a Glycolipopeptides 40a Glycolipoproteins 48e, 48g Glycollecithins 25c Glycols 38r, 46d Glycolysis 31b Glycopeptides 40a Glycophorins 48f Glycophospholipids 25a Glycophosphopeptides 40a Glycophosphoproteins 48e, 48j Glycoproteins 48d Glycoproteins, specific or class 48e Glycosaminoglycans 38g, 48e Glycosidation 31b, 50o Glycosidation catalysts 11m Glycosides 38f Glycosphingolipids 25a, 25d Glyoxylate cycle 31b Glyoxysome 37b Gneiss 33ah Gnotobiosis 21d Goiter 30i Goldberg syndrome 30s Gold chalcogenides 23al, 23bf, 23cg Gold halides 23aw, 23bg, 23cj Gold ores 33h Goldware 5m, 5ao, 51a Golgi apparatus 37b Gonadotropins 20c Gondite 33r Goniometers 5p Gonorrhea 30n, 30o Gonyautoxins 61c Gooseberry 16h Gorsky effect 28c, 54a Gout 30s, 30v G proteins 30t, 46e, 46f, 48f Graft and Grafting, biological 43a Grahamite 33b Gram 16m Gram atom 28e Granatite 33r Granite 10f, 33r Granitization 33av Granodiorite 33r Granofels 33ah Granogabbro 33ah Granolite 33r Granophyre 33r Granosyenite 33r Granular substances 39a, 54e Granulating apparatus 5y Granulation 39a, 41k, 54e, 58e Granulation tissue 8c Granulite (rock) 33ah, 33ao Granuloma 30ac Granulomatous disease 30k Grape 16i Grapefruit 16i Grapefruit juice 16j Grape juice 16j Grapestone 33ah Graphic arts 51a, 58e Graphitite 33ah Graphitization 50h Graphitization catalysts 11g Graphitized carbon black 59a Graptolite 33d Grass 16l, 43a Grassland 43a Grates 5am Gravel 33d Graves disease 30i Gravitation 29c, 63a Gravitometers 5p Graviton (gravitational quantum) 29c, 39d Gravy 16w Grayanotoxins 61c Graystone 33r Graywacke 33ao Grease 35a Greenhouses 26a Greensand 33a, 33ao Greenschist 33ah Greenstone 33r Greisen 33ah Grignard reaction 50b Grignard reaction catalysts 11b Grignard's reagents 38w Griquaite 33r Grog 10f, 12d, 32b Grommets 5aj Grorudite 33r Grospydite 33r Group IB element alloys 32e Group IB element chalcogenides 23ai, 23bf, 23cf Group IB element compounds 23be Group IB element halides 23sw, 23bf, 23cj Group IB element pnictides 23x, 23k, 23cn Group IB elements 15a Group IIB element alloys 32e Group IIB element chalcogenides 23am, 23bh, 23cg Group IIB element compounds 23bg Group IIB element halides 23ax, 23bh 23ck Group IIB element pnictides 23x, 23bh, 23cn Group IIB elements 15a Group IIIA element alloys 32d Group IIIA element chalcogenides 23i, 23z Group IIIA element compounds 23g Group IIIA element halides 23i, 23at Group IIIA element pnictides 23j, 23q Group IIIA elements 15a Group IIIB element alloys 32e Group IIIB element chalcogenides 23am, 23bm, 23cg Group IIIB element compounds 23bi Group IIIB element halides 23az, 23bn, 23ck Group IIIB element pnictides 23x, 23bo, 23co Group IIIB elements 15a Group IIIA element alloys 32d Group IIIA element chalcogenides 23l, 23as Group IIIA element compounds 23j Group IVA element halides 23l, 23at Group IVA element pnictides 23m, 23q Group IVA elements 15a, 15b Group IVB element alloys 32e Group IVB element carbides 23j, 23bu Group IVB element chalcogenides 23an, 23bu, 23ch Group IVB element compounds 23bu Group IVB element halides 23az, 23bu, 23cl Group IVB element pnictides 23y, 23bv, 23cp Group IVB elements 15b Group VA element alloys 32d Group VA element chalcogenides 23r, 23aa Group VA element compounds 23o Group VA element halides 23r, 23au Group VA element pnictides 23e Group VA elements 15a, 15b Group VB element alloys 32e Group VB element chalcogenides 23an, 23bw, 23ci Group VB element compounds 23bw Group VB element halides 23az, 23bw, 23cm Group VB element pnictides 23y, 23bw, 23cp Group VB elements 15b Group VIA element alloys 32d Group VIA element chalcogenides 23ab Group VIA element compounds 23z Group VIA element halides 23ab, 23av Group VIA elements 15b Group VIB element alloys 32e Group VIB element chalcogenides 23ao, 23by, 23ci Group VIB element compounds 23by Group VIB element halides 23az, 23bz, 23cm Group VIB element pnictides 23y, 23bz, 23cp Group VIB elements 15b Group VIIB element alloys 32e Group VIIB element chalcogenides 23ao, 23ca, 23cj Group VIIB element compounds 23cs Group VIIB element halides 23az, 23ca, 23cm Group VIIB element pnictides 23y, 23ca, 23cp Group VIIB elements 15o Group VIII element alloys 32e Group VIII element chalcogenides 23ao, 23cc, 23cj Group VIII element compounds 23cc Group VIII element halides 23ba, 23cc, 23cn Group VIII element pnictides 23z, 23cd, 23cp Group VIII elements 15b Grout 10a, 45g Grueneisen constant 28a, 54b Guaiacum (resin) 46p Guainolides 38i, 38ad Guano 53a Guava 16j Guayule (rubber) 46h Gudden-Pohl effect 13f Guggulu gum 46b Guided missiles 5ap Guinier-Preston zone 39d, 54e, 56c Gum ammoniac 46b Gum benzoin 46b Gummite 33d Gums and Mucilages 46a Gunn effect 13j, 14b Guns 5j Gutta-percha 46h Guttation 43e Gymnemic acids 38b Gynecology 30ai Gynecomaatia 30f Gypcrete 33ao Gypsarenite 33ao Gyroscopes 5n