Speaker Series

The Stanford University Mathematical Organization hosts a weekly talk given by a professor, grad student, or visitor about undergraduate-accessible topics in pure and applied mathematics that go beyond the standard curriculum. The purpose of this series is to expose undergraduates to some topics not normally covered in the classroom, as well as to introduce them to Stanford's faculty and community. Talks will be accessible to freshmen in the 50-series.

2022–2023 Schedule

Fall 2022

Date Speaker Talk
November 3 Eric Kilgore An Introduction to Morse Theory
November 10 Romain Speciel Dido of Carthage, Grazing Sheep and Geometric Inequalities

Winter 2023

Date Speaker Talk
January 27 Shintaro Fushida-Hardy Parsing "Tetrahemihexahedron"
March 10 Brian Conrad Why is the Classification of Finite Simple Groups not a zoo?

Spring 2023

Date Speaker Talk
May 19 Romain Speciel A lot of hats (like, SO MANY hats)
May 26 Matt Larson Expander graphs
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