Walks: Central Campus |
The University, founded in 1885 on the site of a well-established stock farm, covers 8,180 acres. The Stanfords stipulated that, although the land could never be sold, portions could be used as a source of income for academic programs. About 1,000 acres are leased for income-producing uses, 6,000 are reserved for educational uses, and 1,200 acres hold the cental campus.
Central Campus
bird list
The Cental Campus includes 70 departments, 1,300 faculty,
14,000 students, as well as space to support 50,000 trees and about 170 resident and
visiting avian species, of which about 125 may be seen in most years.


Stillife Self-Destructing, painting of a Common Raven
by Carel Brest van Kempen
Birds to look for:
seed-eating, nectar-sipping, and
woodland species among the trees, shrubs, grassy areas, and flowers
House Sparrow, Common Raven, Dark-eyed Junco and Northern Mockingbird photos by Rohan Kamath