Species associated with Grassy Habitats |
Night-Herons | |
..... Black-crowned Night-Heron | |
Herons / Egrets | |
..... Snowy Egret | Great Blue Heron |
..... Great Egret | |
Geese / Ducks | |
.....Canada Goose | Green-winged Teal |
.....Mallard | American Wigeon |
.....Gadwall | Northern Pintail |
Vultures / Birds of Prey | |
..... White-tailed Kite | American Kestrel |
..... Northern Harrier | Prairie Falcon |
Pheasants | |
..... Ring-necked Pheasant | |
New World Quail | |
..... California Quail | |
Marsh Birds / Shorebirds | |
..... Least Sandpiper | |
Gulls / Terns | |
..... California Gull | |
Pigeons / Doves | |
..... Mourning Dove | |
Owls | |
..... Common Barn-Owl | |
Poorwill / Nighhawk | |
..... Common Nighthawk | |
Larks | |
..... Horned Lark | |
Swallows | |
..... Tree Swallow | No. Rough-winged Swallow |
..... Violet-green Swallow | Barn Swallow |
..... Cliff Swallow | |
Thrushes | |
..... Western Bluebird | American Robin |
Pipits | |
..... American Pipit | |
Towhees | |
..... California Towhee | Spotted Towhee |
Sparrows | |
..... Lark Sparrow | Swamp Sparrow |
..... Grasshopper Sparrow | |
..... Savannah Sparrow | White-throated Sparrow |
..... Lincoln's Sparrow | White-crowned Sparrow |
..... Song Sparrow | |
Blackbirds | |
..... Western Meadowlark | Brewer's Blackbird |
..... Red-winged Blackbird | Brown-headed Cowbird |
Finches | |
..... House Finch | American Goldfinch |
..... Pine Siskin | Lesser Goldfinch |
Old World Sparrows | |
..... House Sparrow | |
Birds that collect grass for nest construction |
Sparrows | |
..... Lark Sparrow | Grasshopper Sparrow |
..... Fox Sparrow | White-throated Sparrow |
..... Savannah Sparrow | White-crowned Sparrow |
..... Lincoln's Sparrow | Golden-crowned Sparrow |
..... Song Sparrow | |
Juncos | |
..... Dark-eyed Junco | |
Bunting | |
..... Lazuli Bunting | |
Blackbirds | |
..... Western Meadowlark | Red-winged Blackbird |
..... Brewer's Blackbird | |
Orioles | |
..... Hooded Oriole | Bullock's Oriole |
Finches | |
..... Purple Finch | Lesser Goldfinch |
..... House Finch | |
..... Pine Siskin | |
Old World Sparrows | |
..... House Sparrow | |
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