Campus Species Associated with Aquatic Habitats
including woody areas with scrub, and riparian corridors. Note: includes some species so rarely seen they are listed here but not given separate species accounts in the website.

..... Pied-billed Grebe
..... Double-crested Cormorant

..... Black-crowned
..... ..... Night-Heron

 Herons / Egrets
..... Green Heron Great Egret
..... Snowy Egret Great Blue Heron

 Geese / Ducks
..... Canada Goose Bufflehead
..... Mallard Greater Scaup
..... Gadwall Lesser Scaup
..... Green-winged Teal
..... American Wigeon
..... Northern Pintail
..... Northern Shoveler
..... Ruddy Duck

 Marsh Birds / Shorebirds
Greater Yellowlegs
..... American Coot Lesser Yellowlegs
..... Killdeer Spotted Sandpiper
..... American Avocet

 Gulls / Terns
..... Ring-billed Gull Forster's Tern
..... California Gull

..... Belted Kingfisher

..... Olive-sided Flycatcher Black Phoebe
..... Western Wood-Pewee Say's Phoebe
..... Pacific-slope Flycatcher Western Kingbird

..... Loggerhead Shrike

..... Tree Swallow No. Rough-winged Swallow
..... Violet-green Swallow Barn Swallow
..... Cliff Swallow

Brewer's Blackbird ..... Red-winged Blackbird

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