land birds, such as vultures and certain hawks, sustain
flight for long periods without flapping their wings. They
take advantage of updrafts produced when the wind blows over
hills and mountain ridges or make use of rising columns of
warm air called "thermals." Vultures stay within thermals by
flying slowly in tight circles. They have short, broad wings
and a low wing loading (ratio of bird weight to wing area)
that allows them to remain aloft and to be highly
maneuverable at slow speeds. They also have a low aspect
ratio (ratio of length to width of the wing), something that
is dictated by their takeoff requirements. Low-aspect-ratio
wings generally produce a lot of drag -- that is, resistance
from the air through which they are moving. Air from
high-pressure areas beneath the wings tends to flow over the
wingtips into the low-pressure areas above the wings. That
flow produces wingtip turbulence, drag-creating disturbances
of the smooth flow of air. A low-aspect-ratio wing,
important for maneuvering, nevertheless creates a great deal
of drag, something that is very undesirable in a soaring
Vultures alleviate this
problem slightly by flying with their primary feathers
extended, creating slots between them. Each primary serves
as an individual high-aspect-ratio wing, reducing wingtip
turbulence and lowering the stalling speed of the wing so
that the bird can remain aloft at a slower speed. This helps
vultures to circle perpetually in thermals, maintaining
thrust by gliding downward, but staying aloft by sinking at
a rate slower than the hot air is rising.
A soaring
California Condor spreads its primary feathers so
that each acts as a small,high-aspect-ratio wing.
This reduces turbulence at the wingtips and lowers
the stall speed,helping the condor to stay aloft
circling slowly in thermals (columns of rising warm
It has been possible to
measure a vulture's rate of sink by flying in aircraft in
close formation with them. Turkey Vultures have a minimum
sink rate of 2 feet per second, while Black Vultures have a
minimum rate of 2.6 feet per second. Black Vultures,
therefore, need stronger thermals than Turkey Vultures,
which helps to explain why they are restricted to the
southern United States while Turkey Vultures can penetrate
the relatively cool climes of southern Canada.
Albatrosses and other
seabirds such as shearwaters and petrels also soar. But
their techniques are different from those of vultures.
Albatrosses have long, slender wings with a high aspect
ratio. They have the longest wings of any birds; the
wingspan of the Wandering Albatross is in the vicinity of 10
feet. The high-aspect-ratio wings of soaring seabirds
minimize drag, since the amount of wingtip is small in
comparison with the length of the wing. The wing loading of
albatrosses is very high also. Indeed, it is thought that
albatrosses are close to the structural limits of wing
length and wing loading.
Albatrosses and other
soaring seabirds use their high wing loading and
high-aspect-ratio wings to take advantage of the slope lift,
updrafts created on the windward slopes of waves in the same
manner they are created on mountain ridges. Albatrosses are
able to proceed upwind by zigzagging along in the slope
lift, and can even soar in windless conditions if there are
waves. The waves push air upward as they move, and the
albatrosses stay in that rising air. Seabirds can also
extract some energy from the altitudinal gradient in the
wind, which is slowed by friction near the water and
increases in speed with height above its surface. That
process has been called "dynamic soaring," but recent work
by a leading authority on bird flight, Colin Pennycuick,
indicates that slope soarers gain relatively little energy
in that way. For instance, in typical wind conditions in the
South Atlantic, dynamic soaring would permit albatrosses to
rise about 10 feet above the surface, but they are regularly
observed to soar to near 50 feet.
SEE: Wing
Shapes and Flight.
® 1988 by Paul R. Ehrlich, David S. Dobkin, and Darryl