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April 11, 2011

From IES Newsflash - Special Session of the NAEP/NIES Database Training Seminars for Research on American Indian/Alaska Native Students

To encourage research on American Indian and Alaska Native students, NCES will conduct a two and a half day advanced studies seminar on the use of its databases for education research and policy analysis on American Indian and Alaska Native students. This seminar, sponsored by the Office of Indian Education, will focus primarily on the National Indian Education Study (NIES), a supplemental study conducted as a part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in 2005 and 2007.

In addition, NCES collected education data on American Indian/Alaska Native students as a special study in other survey programs: the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) and the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS). Although the primary focus of this seminar is NAEP, the participants will also be given a brief overview of the other NCES surveys that collect education data on American Indian/Alaska Native students.

At the conclusion of the seminar, participants will submit a summary of a study design that uses NAEP/NIES data, including a clear specification of study issues, the rationale for the study, the study approach (specifications of population, variables, etc.), and preliminary analysis results, if available.

Application deadline is April 30. The seminar will be held in Arlington, VA, from June 28 through June 30, 2011. There is no fee to attend this seminar; NCES will also pay for transportation, hotel accommodations, and a fixed per diem for meals and incidental expenses during the training seminar.

For full information on this seminar, see

For information on the National Indian Education Study (NIES), see

NAEP is a product of the National Center for Education Statistics at the Institute of Education Sciences, part of the U.S. Department of Education.

Posted by ronbo at 09:48 PM

From IES Newsflash - 2011 Training Seminar for Schools and Staffing Survey

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) will sponsor a two and a half day seminar (July 12-14, 2011) on using the Schools and Staffing Survey, the Teacher Follow-up Survey, and the Principal Follow-up Survey.

Deadline for applications: June 7, 2011.

There is no fee to attend this seminar. NCES will provide training materials as well as computers for hands-on practice. For out-of-town participants, NCES will also pay for transportation, hotel accommodations, and a fixed per diem for meals and incidental expenses incurred during the training seminar.

For more information, please go to

The National Center for Education Statistics is in the Institute of Education Sciences, part of the U.S. Department of Education.

Posted by ronbo at 07:53 PM

April 07, 2011

From IES Newsflash - NCES is sponsoring a three-day seminar on the use of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) database

Using the ECLS-K Database for Research and Policy Discussion (ECLS-K Database Training)

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is sponsoring a three-day advanced studies seminar on the use of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998–99 (ECLS-K) database on June 7-9, 2011. The ECLS-K allows researchers to examine the relationships among a wide range of child, family, teacher, classroom, and school variables and children’s development and performance in elementary and middle school. The training this year will focus on the ECLS-K restricted data (e.g., special education teacher data, geocode information, etc.). Applicants must demonstrate that their specific research interests are related to information that can only be found in the restricted data files.

Advanced graduate students and faculty members from colleges and universities nationwide, and researchers, education practitioners, and policy analysts from federal, state, and local education, human services agencies, and professional associations are invited to apply.

There is no fee to attend this seminar. NCES will provide training materials as well as computers for hands-on practice. For out-of-town participants, NCES also will pay for transportation, hotel accommodations, and a fixed per diem for meals and incidental expenses during the training seminar.

Deadline for applications: May 6, 2011

For more information or to register, please visit

To learn more about the ECLS-K and to view reports and products using ECLS-K data, please visit

The National Center for Education Statistics is in the Institute of Education Sciences, part of the U.S. Department of Education.

Posted by ronbo at 01:43 PM

April 06, 2011

From ICPSR News - New Releases through 2011-04-03

Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data archive along with a list of released data collections that have been updated:

New Additions

* 21901 Efficacy of Court-Mandated Counseling for Domestic Violence Offenders in Broward County, Florida, 1997-1998
* 25865 Outcome Evaluation of the Teens, Crime, and the Community/Community Works (TCC/CW) Training Program in Nine Cities Across Four States, 2004-2005
* 29101 Advogato Online Open Source Community, 2000-2001
* 30263 Longitudinal Study of American Youth, 1987-1994, and 2007
* 30302 Immigrant Second Generation in Metropolitan New York
* 30802 Diplomatic Recognition of Taiwan (the Republic of China) From 1950-2007


* 4626 Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A), 2005
* 5514 New States and Functional International Organizations: Delegate Survey, 1965
* 21540 Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A), 2006
* 26344 Integrated Fertility Survey Series, Release 3, 1955-2002 [United States]
* 26382 National Crime Victimization Survey, 2008 [Record-Type Files]
* 28481 The Mexican American Study Project II (MASP II), 1998-2000

Posted by ronbo at 06:06 PM

From ICPSR News - Add Health Wave IV public data available

The Data Sharing for Demographic Research project at ICPSR is proud to announce the release of the Add Health Wave IV public data.

Wave IV consists of data from the most recent of four in-home interviews which have followed a nationally representative sample of adolescents since they were in grades 7-12 during the 1994-195 school year. The Wave IV interviews were completed in 2008, when the sample was aged 24-32. The study combines longitudinal survey data on respondents' social, economic, psychological, and physical well-being with data on the family, neighborhood, community, school, friendships, peer groups, and romantic relationships.

Add Health has been one of the most downloaded datasets from ICPSR.

The Wave IV public data is available for download under Study #21600.

Posted by ronbo at 06:05 PM

From IES Newsflash - NCES is sponsoring a three-day seminar on the use of the new High School Longitudinal Study of 2009, (HSLS:2009) database

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is sponsoring a three-day advanced studies seminar on the use of the new High School Longitudinal Study of 2009, (HSLS:2009) database on July 19-21, 2011. The data capture the coursework, experiences, activities, plans, motivations, and performance in algebra of a nationally representative sample of ninth graders, as well as the influences of schools, teachers, friends, and family in students’ decision-making about courses, college, and careers, especially in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Advanced graduate students and faculty members from colleges and universities nationwide, and researchers, education practitioners, and policy analysts from federal, state, and local education, human services agencies, and professional associations are invited to apply.

There is no fee to attend this seminar. NCES will provide training materials as well as computers for hands-on practice. For out-of-town participants, NCES also will pay for transportation, hotel accommodations, and a fixed per diem for meals and incidental expenses during the training seminar.

Deadline for applications: June 30, 2011.

For more information or to register, please visit

To learn more about HSLS:09 and to view HSLS:09 data products and reports, please visit:

The National Center for Education Statistics is in the Institute of Education Sciences, part of the U.S. Department of Education.

Posted by ronbo at 04:33 PM

From IES Newsflash - NCES is sponsoring a three-day seminar on the use of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) database

Using the ECLS-B Database for Research and Policy Discussion (ECLS-B Database Training)

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is sponsoring a three-day advanced studies seminar on the use of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) database, on June 1-3, 2011. The ECLS-B is designed to support research on a wide range of topics pertaining to young children’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development and their health status across multiple contexts (e.g., home, child care, kindergarten).

Advanced graduate students and faculty members from colleges and universities nationwide, and researchers, education practitioners, and policy analysts from federal, state, and local education, human services agencies, and professional associations are invited to apply.

There is no fee to attend this seminar. NCES will provide training materials as well as computers for hands-on practice. For out-of-town participants, NCES also will pay for transportation, hotel accommodations, and a fixed per diem for meals and incidental expenses during the training seminar.

Deadline for applications: April 29, 2011

For more information or to register, please visit

To learn more about the ECLS-B and to view reports and products using ECLS-B data, please visit

The National Center for Education Statistics is in the Institute of Education Sciences, part of the U.S. Department of Education.

Posted by ronbo at 04:31 PM

From TeachSpatial blogs - Spatial Concept Terms in U.S. Science Teaching Standards

by KarlG on 3/29/11

In March, 2011 eight researchers from the fields of geography, psychology, earth science, mathematics, cognitive psychology and math education met at a UC Santa Barbara Center for Spatial Studies workshop to take preliminary steps towards developing a set of spatial literacy benchmarks for college freshmen; that is the set of spatial concepts, spatial principles and spatial reasoning skills they might reasonably be expected to have understanding of and/or proficiency with.

[ read more ]

Posted by ronbo at 04:28 PM

From Revolutions blog - How to search the documentation of all CRAN packages

by David Smith on 4/5/11

Ever tried to find a specific function or algorithm in R that you're sure that someone has implemented in a CRAN package, but you don't know which one? Now you can find it, in the R Packages section of R community site

The R Packages section now includes the ability to browse and search help files from R packages. Use the letter index to search for a particular package (say, ggplot2), and click on the Package Reference tab to browse the functions within the package:

[ more here ]

Posted by ronbo at 04:25 PM