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July 29, 2005
Student Reports of Bullying in 2001
The National Center for Education Statistics has just released 'Student Reports of Bullying: Results from the 2001 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey.' This publication uses data from the 2001 School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) to examine the prevalence and nature of bullying. Bullying, as reported by students ages 12 through 18, is examined in relation to student characteristics, school characteristics, and criminal victimization. In addition, the report explores other behaviors that were reported by the bullied student, such as fear, avoidance behavior, weapon carrying, and academic grades. This report examines student reports of being bullied by direct (i.e. physical) means only, by indirect means (such as social exclusion and rejection) only, and by both direct and indirect means.
To download, view and print the report as a pdf file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 04:53 PM
New NCES Postsecondary Education Report
This new NCES report, 'Enrollment in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2003; Graduation Rates 1997 & 2000 Cohorts; and Financial Statistics, Fiscal Year 2003,' presents findings from the Spring 2004 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Web-based data collection. Data were requested from over 6,600 postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV federal student financial aid programs. The tables in this publication present enrollment data for fall 2003, financial statistics for fiscal year 2003, and student financial aid data for academic year 2002-2003. Also included are graduation rate data for the 1997 and 2000 student cohorts.
To download, view and print the report as a pdf file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 01:20 PM
July 27, 2005
NCES Education Statistics Quarterly-Vol. 6 Issue 3
The Quarterly offers a comprehensive overview of work done across all of NCES. Each issue includes short publications and summaries overing all NCES publications and data products released in a given time period as well as notices about training and funding opportunities. In addition, each issue includes a featured topic with invited commentary, and a note on the topic from NCES.
To download, view and print the report as a pdf file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 05:27 PM
July 26, 2005
Recent ICPSR updates and additions - July 26, 2005
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data
archive along with a list of released data collections that have been
1319 Refugee or Internally Displaced Person?
4124 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 2003
4259 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Salaries, Tenure, and Fringe Benefits of Full-Time Faculty, 1987-1988
4260 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Salaries, Tenure, and Fringe Benefits of Full-Time Faculty, 1989-1990
4269 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Police Employee (LEOKA) Data, 2003
13578 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Systematic Social Observation, 1995
13579 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Infant Assessment Unit, Wave 1, 1995-1997
13580 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Master File, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13581 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Demographic File, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13582 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Child Behavior Checklist, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13583 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Conflict Tactics Scale for Partner and Spouse, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13584 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Conflict Tactics for Parent and Child, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13585 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Deviance of Peers, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13586 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Emotionality, Activity, Sociability, and Impulsivity Temperament Survey, Wave 1, 1994-1995
13587 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Employment and Income Interview, Wave 1, 1994-1995
13588 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Exposure to Violence (Primary Caregiver), Wave 1, 1994-1997
13589 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Exposure to Violence (Subject), Wave 1, 1994-1997
13590 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Family Environment Scale, Wave 1, 1994-1995
13591 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Family Mental Health and Legal History, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13592 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Family Structure and Health History, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13593 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Health Screen, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13594 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13595 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Pubertal Development Scale, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13596 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Prenatal Health Screen, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13597 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Provision of Social Relations (Primary Caregiver), Wave 1, 1994-1995
13598 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Provision of Social Relations (Subject), Wave 1, 1994-1995
13599 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Stanford-Binet, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13600 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): School Screen, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13601 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Self Report of Offending, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13602 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Substance Use, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13603 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13604 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13605 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Wide Range Achievement Test, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13606 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Young Adult Self Report, Wave 1, 1994-1995
13607 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Youth Self Report, Wave 1, 1994-1997
13630 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Home and Life Interview, Wave 2, 1997-2000
13666 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Young Adult Self Report, Wave 2, 1997-2000
3091 British Social Attitudes Survey, 1987
3092 British Social Attitudes Survey, 1989
3093 British Social Attitudes Survey, 1990
3096 British Social Attitudes Survey, 1993
3097 British Social Attitudes Survey, 1994
4204 Census of Population and Housing, 2000 [United States]: 5-Percent Public Use Microdata Sample: Elderly Households Extract
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last
ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/.
Posted by ronbo at 03:04 PM
July 25, 2005
NCES - Developments in School Finance: 2004
This report contains papers presented at the 2004 annual NCES Summer Data Conference. Discussions and presentations dealt with such topics as measuring school efficiency, analyzing the return on education investment, calculating education costs per student, and assessing the financial condition of school districts.
To download, view and print the report as a pdf file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 02:06 PM
July 22, 2005
NCES - UPDATED VERSION - Build a Table with Public Elementary/Secondary Data
The CCD Build a Table (BAT) tool allows users access to multi-year Common Core of Data (CCD), elementary/secondary public school information. Data tables can be created for schools, school districts, counties, states for school years 1986-87 through 2002-2003. This new updated release of BAT includes (1) much faster export to excel and between pages of data (2) ability to create reports with larger number of records and columns, and (3) increased categorical analysis options.
To use this tool to begin creating your own data tables, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 04:30 PM
National Forum on Education Statistics Guide to Education Indicators
The Forum Guide to Education Indicators provides encyclopedia-type
entries for 44 commonly used education indicators. Each indicator entry contains a definition, recommended uses, usage caveats and cautions, related policy questions, data element components, a formula, commonly reported subgroups, and display suggestions. The document will help readers better understand how to appropriately develop, apply, and interpret commonly used education indicators.
To download, view and print the report as a pdf file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 03:03 PM
July 19, 2005
Roper Center Data Acquisitions Update, June 2005
Click here for a list of new additions to the Roper Center data archive. By following the links associated with each study listed, you will find documentation files (PDF) for these studies. Stanford University Libraries maintains a membership to the Roper Archive and Stanford faculty, staff, and students can order data from the Archive. To request specific data files, click on the "Data Services - Roper" link for information on ordering Roper data.
This month the PDF contains:
• TransAtlantic Trends Survey conducted by Taylor Nelson Sofres for the German Marshall Fund of the United States and Compagnia di San Paolo di Torino, Italy of 11 countries totaling 11,020 respondents June 6-26, 2004.
* 7 new NBC News/Wall Street Journal polls conducted by Hart-Teeter Research from April 2002-July, 2004.
* Health Pulse of America—5 conducted by Stony Brook University’s Center for Survey Research June 5-27, 2004.
* 4 Harvard School of Public Health SARS series 2003 conducted by ICR—International Communications Research in the US and in Canada by GPC Research sponsored by Health Canada.
These notices have been archived on the Roper Center website at:
Posted by ronbo at 06:20 PM
July 15, 2005
Recent ICPSR updates and additions - July 15, 2005
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data
archive along with a list of released data collections that have been
3885 American Community Survey (ACS): Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), 1996
3886 American Community Survey (ACS): Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), 1997
4131 ABC News Pennsylvania Poll, September 2004
4273 Police-Public Contact Survey, 2002: [United States]
4023 Youth-Parent Socialization Panel Study, 1965-1997: Youth Wave IV, 1997
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last
ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/.
Posted by ronbo at 04:34 PM
July 13, 2005
Roper Center Newsletter, July 2005
Tip of the Month:
Don't forget to check out the list of topics covered by Public Opinion Matters!
Sample results from iPOLL, our Catalog of Datasets, Public Perspective magazine, etc. on over 40 different topics--from abortion to the economy to US Role in the world. POM! gets you started. This month's featured topic is Space Exploration.
Roper Award Fellowship - The Roper Center is beginning a Roper Award Fellowship Program that provides fellows the opportunity to devote 18-24 months to research using the holdings of the Roper Center, free from teaching or administrative responsibilities. To learn more...
Public Opinion Matters!--"Space Exploration"
Space Exploration is this month's POM topic and within its pages you will learn how the American people feel about the money spent on space exploration; the practicality of a space based defense; the value of learning if there were ever living creatures on Mars; and if we believe in UFOs and beings from other planets. Click here for more...
Based on a new topic each month, POM offers a generous free sampling of related polling data and details of survey datasets held by the Roper Center, along with articles previously published in Public Perspective magazine.
Experience the depth of information housed in the Roper Center archives - The complete list of "Public Opinion Matters!" topics.
Newly spotlighted datasets
Updated as of July 5, 2005
Special studies of interest recently added to iPOLL. The database now contains nearly a half million questions!
Title: Health Survey [March,2005]
Source: National Women's Health Resource Center
Methodology: Conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, March 7- March 13, 2005 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult women including oversamples of African-American, Latina, and Asian women sample of 1,005. Results were weighted to be representative of a national adult women population.
Search for: Keyword: 'health'; Organization: 'Greenberg'; Date: '03/07/2005 to 03/07/2005'
Title: Thinking about the Holocaust 60 Years Later Survey [March,2005]
Source: American Jewish Committee
Methodology: Conducted by TNS Intersearch during March, 2005 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,005. Parallel surveys were conducted by TNS affiliates in Germany , France , Great Britain , Austria , Poland , and Sweden.
Search for: Keyword: 'nazi'; Date: '02/28/2005 to 03/31/2005'
Additional resources - Web sites with special survey samples
AARP Physicians' Attitudes and Practices Regarding Generic Drugs
Greenberq Quinlan Rosner Research/Soloman Project The Jewish Vote in 2004
Institute of Politics at Harvard University College Students Attitudes Toward Politics
The Partnership for a Drug-Free America Teens Attitude Tracking Survey
Thinking about the Holocaust 60 Years Later A Multinational Public-Opinion Survey of the United States, Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria, Poland, and Sweden. http://www.ajc.org/InTheMedia/PubSurveys.asp?did=1589
News Worthy
Roper Award Fellowship - The Roper Center is beginning a Roper Award Fellowship Program that provides fellows the opportunity to devote 18-24 months to research using the holdings of the Roper Center, free from teaching or administrative responsibilities. To learn more...
Post your source citation - Did you know that you can post source citations into the searchable bibliographic database on the Center's web site? Post any articles and/or books produced using data from the Roper Center! You've done important work--let the world know! http://roperweb.ropercenter.uconn.edu/PPIndex/AddCitation.html
Posted by ronbo at 05:38 PM
Recent ICPSR updates and additions - July 08, 2005
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data
archive along with a list of released data collections that have been
2071 Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) XX: Fall Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education, 1985
3560 Washington Post Catholic Church Poll, June 2002
3913 Voter News Service Presidential Primary Exit Polls, 2000
4125 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Supplementary Homicide Reports, 2003
4129 Campaign Expenditures in the United States, 1995-1996: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Data
4130 Campaign Expenditures in the United States, 1999-2000: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Data
4247 National Survey of Parents, 2000-2001
4253 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Earned Degrees, 1990-1991
4258 Problem Behaviors in Maltreated Children and Youth: Influential Child, Peer, and Caregiver Characteristics, 1999-2000 [United States]
4262 Afrobarometer: Round I Survey of Malawi, November-December 1999
2935 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Employer Health Insurance Survey [Community Tracking Study and State Initiatives in Health Care Reform Program], 1997
4023 Youth-Parent Socialization Panel Study, 1965-1997: Youth Wave IV, 1997
4054 Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2001.1, October 2001
4109 Organizations Convicted in Federal Criminal Courts, 2002
6399 Homicides in Chicago, 1965-1995
6835 Central and Eastern Eurobarometer 6: Economic and Political Trends, October-November 1995
6908 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Employer Health Insurance Survey, 1993
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last
ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/.
Posted by ronbo at 05:15 PM