Guidelines for Preparing a Work Statement for
Contracted Manufacture
You sometimes are called on to develop work statements for
manufacturers. Brief statements for each of the following items should be
included. (Be sure there are no inadvertent errors before it is released!)
- General statement of what is to be built and how many are to be built
- Description/specifications for the product to be built
- Requirements for contractor experience and capability, including
evidence. (This will eliminate unqualified low-bidders. You will not be
asked to select the winning bidder.)
- Statement about necessary design changes from the prototype
- Assumptions about the extent of collaboration with the VA
investigator in making necessary modifications
- Exceptions allowed with respect to the specifications supplied
- Expectations about delivery date and notification procedures to be
followed in the case of delays
- Requirements for delivery of drawings and other technical data
- Assumptions about quoting an adequate bid price to allow for minor
adjustments during the course of fabrication
- Estimate of the parts cost for the prototype
- Technical manual, source code, drawings, and other data to be
supplied to the contractor
- Other information specific to the product
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