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Here are some options for deciding when to involve the manufacturer:

Early in the project. Make contact when the research or development idea is being formulated and the firm has special knowledge in the area. For example, they may have developed special process control software or equipment that might be included in the design of a product that they might later have an interest in. The rationale for contacting the firm at the idea stage is to move the project forward by capitalizing on specialized knowledge, company resources or products that are already available. For example, they may supply equipment you would otherwise have to buy.

Part way through the project. Make contact when the design or knowledge is being developed within the VA and it becomes apparent that a marketable product might result. Firms that are candidates for collaboration in further development can be informed about the potential product and invited to indicate their interest, if any. Keep in mind that development is an expensive process. Collaboration during development implies the sharing of costs as well as joint interest in the outcome of the effort.

Late in the project. Make contact when the design is complete and proof of concept for a product is available.

The product may be currently under evaluation by the VA, but it is no longer being refined as part of an active project. By establishing contact with firms at this time, you will be expected to turn the product over to them for manufacture and marketing.

 Transfer Officer
 Center Director

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