Making Agreements with Manufacturers
The Veterans Administration RR & D Service develops
products, it does not manufacture products. Although the VA
develops products that have applicability to VA patients, it is only after
manufacture that the patients can benefit from the technology. Therefore,
the VA is committed to transfer and encourages staff to establish
cooperative relationships with firms that might manufacture and distribute
rehabilitation products incorporating technologies developed at the RR &
D Center.
There are three easily defined stages at which you may decide to
initiate contacts with firms in order to encourage transfer. These are:
- when the research or development idea is being formulated
- when the design or knowledge is under development
- when the design is complete and can be demonstrated
The following sections suggest appropriate topics to consider when
contacting firms during each of the three time frames described above.
These topics are guidelines, not rigid requirements for every
project. Common sense will suggest which topics are appropriate for a
particular project.
NOTE: When making contacts with businesses, keep a record of the
date, purpose, and outcome of each interaction. Note also who was
involved and whether any proprietrary topics were discusssed. If they
were, have a non-disclosure agreement signed in order to protect your
interests. Be consistent and keep a record of each significant contact.
As will be indicated later, the Transfer Officer is the key person to be
involved if it seems likely that an agreement with a manufacturer will
enhance transfer. |
Investigator |
Transfer Officer |
Center Director |