Deciding on a Transfer Strategy and Passing
As a part of the planning process described in the preceding section,
you have probably arrived at a decision about whether the project that you
are beginning will lead to an outcome that is transferable.
Remember the operational definition of technology transfer that we gave
earlier: technology transfer concerns the flow of products, processes,
and research findings directly resulting from laboratory work, leading to
their dissemination, adoption, and use by individuals and organizations
outside the RR & D Center.
- If there is no anticipated transferable product, process, or product
arising from the planned project, there is no reason for you to continue
to use this Guide until such a situation arises.
- If you have not decided, but there is a reasonable chance that there
may be a product, process, or product that is transferable, then you
should review the information on planning in Section 2 in this Guide.
- If you have decided that there will be a product, process, or finding
with transfer potential, you should indicate your decision on the form
titled "RR & D Center Technology Transfer Milestones."
(See the sample form in Section 5.)
- Show the date you made the decision.
- Specify each transferable product, process, or finding.
- (continued)
Investigator |
Transfer Officer |
Center Director |