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Deborah E. Kenney, MS
OTR Occupational Therapist |
kenney5 -at- comcast.net
- BS Kinsesiology - UCLA, 1984
- MS Occupational Therapy - San Jose State University, 1992
Research Interests
- Kinesiology, functional restoration, design methodology, and hand therapy
Publications and Presentations
Publications in the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and
Smaby N, Johanson ME, Baker B, Kenney DE, Murray WM, Hentz VR.
Identification of key pinch forces required to complete functional tasks. J
Rehabil Res Dev, 41: 215-24, 2004.
Peer Reviewed Articles
Lum, P.S., Burgar, C.G., Kenney, D.E., Van der Loos, H.F., "A
mechanically assisted method for quantification of upper limb incoordination in
post-stoke hemiparesis" submitted to IEEE Transactions of Biomedical
Engineering (1997).
Kenney, D.E., Klima, R.R., "Modified arm sling for soft-tissue
injuries of the shoulder and glenohumeral subluxation" J Hand
Therapy 1993;6:215-6.
O'Laughlin, T.J.. Klima, R.R., Kenney, D.E., "Rehabilitation of
Eosinophilic Fasciitis, A case report:, Am J Phys Med Rehabil
Winograd, C.H., Gadd, J.J., Dunn-Gabrielli, S., Kenney, D.E., Sabelman,
E.E., "Accelerometric Balance Diagnosis Compared To Qualitative
Methods", J Amer Geriatrics Soc, in press.
O'Laughlin, T.J.. Klima, R.R., Kenney, D.E., "Rehabilitation of
Eosinophilic Fasciitis, A case report:, Am J Phys Med Rehabil
Kenney, D.E., Klima, R.R., "Modified arm sling for soft-tissue
injuries of the shoulder and glenohumeral subluxation" J Hand
Therapy 1993;6:215-6.
Data Ready for Journal of Rehabilitation R&D Publication
Van der Loos HFM, Kenney DE, Buckley E, Dozono JM. Critical elements
video analysis scale for assessment of wheelchair transfers: validity and
reliability testing. J Rehab Res Dev, in preparation.
Sabelman EE, Jaffe DL, Kenney DE, Troy BS, Yap R. Accelerometric upper
body motion analysis for dagnosis and therapy of mobility disorders. J Rehab
Res Dev, in preparation.
Conference Presentations and Abstracts
Johanson ME, Smaby N, Baker B, Kenney DE, Murray WM, Hentz VR. Target
key pinch forces for assessment of surgical outcome in tetraplegia. (Best
Poster Award). 29th Ann Mtg Amer Spinal Injury Assoc, Miami, FL, Apr,
2003. Abstract: J Spinal Cord Med, 26 (suppl 1): 541, 2003.
Sabelman EE, Troy BS, Kenney DE, Yap R, Lee B. Quantitative balance
analysis: accelerometric lateral sway compared to age and mobility status in
60-90-year-olds. Proc RESNA 2001 Ann Conf, Reno, NV, 2001.
Baker B, Smaby N, Johanson M, Murray W, Towles J, Kenney D, Hentz VR.
Identification of target key pinch forces for functional tasks. Proc 7th
Intl Conf Tetraplegia, Bologna, Italy, p 74, 2001.
Accelerometric Analysis of St-to-Stand as an Evaluation Tool for Balance
in Parkinson's Patients, 2nd National Rehabilitation Research and Development
Service Meeting, Arlington, VA, February 20-22, 2000.
Abstract - Poster
Identification of Lower Limb Motor Control Strategies, 2nd National
Rehabilitation Research and Development Service Meeting, Arlington, VA,
February 20-22, 2000.
"Sit-to-Stand as an Evaluation Tool for Balance" BS Troy, DE
Kenney, and EE Sabelman, presented at GSA, 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Nov.
19-23, 1999 San Francisco, CA. The abstract can be found in The Gerontologist,
Vol 39, Special Issue I (Program Abstracts), 1999: p374.
Troy, Betty S., Sabelman, Eric E., Kenney, Deborah E., Dunn-Gabrielli,
Sandy, "Accelerometric Motion Analysis of Balance-Impaired Elderly
Subjects," Proc RESNA '96 Annual Conference (Salt Lake City, UT,
June 7 - 12), 1996.
Sabelman, E.E., Gadd, J.J., Kenney, D.E., Winograd, C.H., "Balance
analysis for the fall-prone elderly", 45th Annual Meeting,
Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, Nov 18-22, 1992.
Kenney, D.E., Winograd, C.H., Gadd, J.J., Sabelman,
E.E.,"Comparison of upper-body accelerometry with clinical balance
assessments", American Gerontological Society, Washington, DC, Nov.
17, 1992.
Sabelman, E.E., Gadd, J.J., Kenney, D.E., Winograd, C.H., "Balance
diagnosis using a wearable upper body motion analysis computer", Proc
RESNA International '92, Toronto, Canada, June 6-11, 1992, paper 5.5,
Sabelman, E.E., Gadd, J.J., Kenney, D.E., Winograd, C.H., "New
apparatus for analysis of loss-of-balance and falling in the elderly",
American Federation for Clinical Research, Washington, DC, April 29 -
May 1, 1992.
Sabelman, E.E., Gadd, J.J., Kenney, D.E., Winograd, C.H.,
"Detection and prevention of loss-of-balance and falling in the
elderly", Engineering design for an Aging Society, 2nd International
Stein Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 23-25, 1991: Exper imental Aging
Research, 17: 130, 1991.
Last updated 03/10/2008