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The Faculty Survey

Use of Factor Scales and Individual Variables in Survey Data Analysis

Current research conducted by NCPI indicates that several variables factor particularly well into scales used to analyze survey data. Researchers may want to consider the following list of variables and factor scales when designing survey instruments and/or analyzing survey data.

NCPI scale reliabilities are listed for those interested in using variable sets as factors. The scale reliabilities are based on a sample of seven institutions (two community colleges, one liberal arts college, two comprehensive institutions, and one research university).

Variables and Factors extracted from the Undergraduate Student Survey:

Aspects of Faculty Work Life





Aspects of Faculty Work Life

Category Factor Scale – Variable Survey Question – Variable Identification Response Options
Faculty Time Allocation Administrative Activities
What is the level of faculty involvement in your institution on the following:
1. Resource allocation
2. Student recruitment policies and decisions
1=no involvement
2=little involvement
3=moderate involvement
4=strong involvement
5=very strong involvement
Network/Mentor Colleagues
(alpha = .65)
How frequently do you do each of the following?
1. Talk with colleagues regularly about ways in which we can improve our teaching
2. Have a network of colleagues with whom I discuss teaching issues
3. Make an effort to mentor graduate students and junior faculty in their own teaching
1=not at all
Undergraduate Education and Service
(alpha = .46)
In a typical week during the past term, how many hours did you spend pursuing the following activities?
1. Undergraduate education committees (including thesis and examinations)
2. Undergraduate student advising
3. Institutional service (committees, administrative duties)
4. External service (including professional organizations and civic projects)
1=1 hour or less
2=2 to 4 hours
3=5 to 10 hours
4=11 to 15 hours
5=16 or more hours
Research Scholarship
(alpha = .53)
In a typical week during the past term, how many hours did you spend pursuing the following activities?
1. Scholarship/professional growth (expanding your knowledge of the field)
2. Research (activities leading to a product)
3. Teaching (including class time, grading, lab, preparing for class)
4. Professional consulting for pay
1=1 hour or less
2=2 to 4 hours
3=5 to 10 hours
4=11 to 15 hours
5=16 or more hours
Graduate Education In a typical week during the past term, how many hours did you spend pursuing the following activities?
1. Graduate education committees (including thesis and examinations)
2. Graduate student advising
1=1 hour or less
2=2 to 4 hours
3=5 to 10 hours
4=11 to 15 hours
5=16 or more hours
Interdisciplinary Teaching How frequently have you engaged in each of the following activities?
1. Participated in intensive writing or research projects with other faculty
2. Collaborated with colleagues from the same field of study
Faculty Time Allocation/
Professional Development
Attend or Present at a Workshop
(alpha = .76)
In the past three years, how many times have you performed each of these activities?
1. Attended a faculty development workshop presented by your institution’s teaching and learning center
2. Presented a faculty development workshop
3. Attended a teaching workshop sponsored by your disciplinary association
4. Attended a faculty development workshop sponsored by your department
5. Presented a teaching workshop sponsored by your disciplinary association
2=every 2 to 3 years
4=more than once a year
Informal Activities In the past three years, how many times have you performed each of these activities?
1. Discussed teaching with colleagues
2. Participated in informal teaching development activities with colleagues
2=every 2 to 3 years
4=more than once a year
Pedagogy (Innovative) Encouraging Peer Learning
(alpha = .80)
How important are each of these activities at your institution?
1. Creating small communities where students’ academic and social environments are seamless
2. Assisting cohorts of students in taking a series of linked introductory courses/sections
3. Encouraging more faculty involvement in discussions about teaching improvement
4. Using student peer groups to reinforce course learning
5. Encouraging faculty to do research on how students learn in their classes
1=not important
2=somewhat important
3=very important
Use In-class
(alpha = .48)
In how many of your undergraduate courses do you do each of the following?
1. Use an electronic assessment method
2. Use computer-based practice exercises
3. Provide a course web page
Interdisciplinary Teaching
(alpha = .59)
How frequently have you engaged in each of the following activities?
1. Team taught a course
2. Participated in interdisciplinary course development or projects
3. Offered a course listed in more than one department
Use Innovative Techniques
(alpha = .68)
How frequently do you do each of the following?
1. Introduce new or experimental teaching strategies in class
2. Depend on the same teaching routines year after year
3. Expect students to guide the discussion and activities for a majority of class time
4. Create regular assignments that have many different correct answers or approaches
1=not at all
Encourage Student Collaboration
(alpha = .65)
How frequently do you do each of the following?
1. Encourage students to act as “peer mentors” to others in review or discussion sections
2. Ask students directly whether they understand course material
3. Encourage students to collaborate on course work through study groups or Internet discussions
1=not at all
Expanding Student Horizons
(alpha = .72)
How important are each of these activities at your institution?
1. Including multicultural issues/readings in the general education curriculum
2. Coordinating the improvement of student writing skills across all disciplines
3. Providing students with experiential learning opportunities to supplement course content
1=not important
2=somewhat important
3=very important
Encourage Student Involvement
(alpha = .60)
How frequently do you do each of the following?
1. Work to get students to ask questions during class
2. Listen to students' concerns, and take them into account in my teaching
3. Design classes to be highly interactive
1=not at all
Use Active
(alpha = .82)
In how many of your undergraduate courses do you do each of the following?
1. Require multiple drafts of student written work for progressive feedback
2. Lecture extensively
3. Use small group work/group projects
4. Use short in-class writing exercises (e.g. one minute papers) to quickly assess student understanding of course material
5. Require student in-class presentations
6. Collect and evaluate portfolios of student work
7. Explicitly state to students your goals for student learning
Cross-Disciplinary Teaching
(alpha = .72)
How frequently have you engaged in each of the following activities?
1. Included reading on theories and scholarship from other fields in your teaching
2. Drew on theories and scholarship from other disciplines to enhance your own work
3. Collaborated with colleagues from outside your discipline on teaching issues
4. Consulted literature on teaching and learning to inform your teaching
5. Met with students outside of formally scheduled times
6. Spent a good amount of class time addressing student questions
Pedagogy (Assessment) Provide Feedback
(alpha = .56)
How frequently have you engaged in each of the following activities?
1. Provided feedback more than three times each term to all students
2. Limited all student feedback to final course grades
3. Utilized short class activities to assess whether students have grasped concepts
4. Provided feedback to students immediately after each assessment
5. Stopped lectures to make sure students understood the material
Pedagogy (Innovative Assessment) Self-Evaluation
(alpha = .62)
In how many of your undergraduate courses do you do each of the following?
1. Have another faculty member review my teaching for feedback
2. Use service learning experiences
3. Try new teaching practices
4. Use student performance information to evaluate my own teaching
Pedagogy (Traditional Assessment)   Traditional Testing In how many of your undergraduate courses do you do each of the following?
1. Use a standardized test
2. Use a department-wide examination
Pedagogy (Teaching Support) Teaching Support Resources
(alpha = .87)
At this institution, how would you evaluate the facilities, resources, or personnel supporting your work?
1. Support to implement changes in teaching
2. Funds to develop teaching/learning initiatives
3. Resources for student assessment activity
4. Faculty development workshops
5. Assistance with teaching skill development
6. Release time for course development or faculty development
7. Department funds for teaching
8. Institutional funds for teaching
9. Travel funds
1=not available
Other Support/Resources
(alpha = .82)
At this institution, how would you evaluate the facilities, resources, or personnel supporting your work?
1. Technology for teaching
2. Classrooms
3. Laboratories
4. Computer facilities
5. Colleagues in the department
6. Secretarial support
7. Library holdings
1=not available
and Support
(alpha = .81)
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following aspects of your job at this institution?
1. Support for teaching and learning
2. Support for assessment activities
3. Collegiality in your department
4. Relationships with administrators
1=very dissatisfied
2=somewhat dissatisfied
3=somewhat satisfied
4=very satisfied
Fair and Equitable
(alpha = .68)
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution?
1. Female faculty are treated fairly here
2. Faculty who are members of racial or ethnic minority groups are treated fairly
3. There has been pressure to increase faculty workload here
4. The administration is often autocratic
1=very much worse
2=somewhat worse
3=about the same
4=somewhat improved
5=very much improved
Innovation and Flexibility Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about rewards at your institution.
1. Faculty receive public recognition and rewards for innovative or effective use of student assessment
2. The tenure/promotion system is flexible in terms of weight given to teaching, research, and service
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Job Structure
(alpha = .80)
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following aspects of your job at this institution?
1. Opportunity for advancement
2. Your job security
3. Your work load
4. Department support for promotion and tenure
5. Your salary/benefits
1=very dissatisfied
2=somewhat dissatisfied
3=somewhat satisfied
4=very satisfied
Teaching Valued by Institution Values Collaboration and Teaching
(alpha = .79)
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution?
1. My institution is striving for a national reputation for high quality teaching
2. Coordination of assessment activities among faculty and administrators has improved
3. Administrators work collaboratively with faculty
4. Administrators are collegial
5. My institution is trying to increase its research reputation at the expense of teaching
6. There are clear policies that support collaborative work here
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Course Development
(alpha = .62)
How centralized are each of the following activities at your institution?
1. Determination of coursework requirements
2. Development of final exams
3. Decisions regarding course content
4. Development of teaching techniques
1=no coordination
2=voluntary by ad-hoc faculty groups
4=college or school
Evaluation of Teaching How centralized are each of the following activities at your institution?
1. Student evaluations of teaching
2. Faculty peer evaluations of teaching
1=no coordination
2=voluntary by ad-hoc faculty groups
4=college or school
Student Learning-based Evaluations
(alpha = .74)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about rewards at your institution.
1. Faculty evaluation for annual salary and merit increases incorporates evidence of student performance
2. Faculty evaluation for promotion considers evidence of student performance in their classes (not just student teaching evaluations)
3. Merit/salary increases are adequate here
4. Scholarship on teaching is considered in promotion, tenure, and salary reviews
5. Faculty scholarship on or innovative uses of student assessment is considered in promotion, tenure, or salary reviews
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Rewards for Teaching Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about rewards at your institution.
1. The most highly rewarded faculty are those oriented primarily toward research
2. One can be promoted and tenured primarily on the basis of teaching
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Program Quality
(alpha = .81)
In the last five years, how have each of these changed at your institution?
1. The quality of undergraduate education
2. The ability of this institution to meet the educational needs of entering undergraduate students
3. The quality of learning that students in my program achieve
4. Knowledge about how to better prepare undergraduates
1=very much worse
2=somewhat worse
3=about the same
4=somewhat improved
5=very much improved
Support for Student Learning
(alpha = .74)
Please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements about your department.
1. Allows student input on academic program issues
2. Encourages faculty to work with other campus units to improve student learning
3. Is recognized by faculty on other campuses for its approach to teaching, learning and assessment
4. Is perceived as a campus leader on issues of student assessment
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Rewards for Research Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about rewards at your institution.
1. The most highly rewarded faculty are those oriented primarily toward research
2. One can be promoted and tenured primarily on the basis of teaching
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Teaching Support Resources
(alpha = .87)
At this institution, how would you evaluate the facilities, resources, or personnel supporting your work?
1. Support to implement changes in teaching
2. Funds to develop teaching/learning initiatives
3. Resources for student assessment activity
4. Faculty development workshops
5. Assistance with teaching skill development
6. Release time for course development or faculty development
7. Department funds for teaching
8. Institutional funds for teaching
9. Travel funds
1=not available
Personal Value of Teaching Network/Mentor Colleagues
(alpha = .65)
How frequently do you do each of the following?
1. Talk with colleagues regularly about ways in which we can improve our teaching
2. Have a network of colleagues with whom I discuss teaching issues
3. Make an effort to mentor graduate students and junior faculty in their own teaching
4=almost always
Value of Research Research Reputation To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution?
1. There is a concerted institutional effort to increase grant-funded research
2. My institution is trying to increase its national ranking
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Research Resource Support
(alpha = .77)
At this institution, how would you evaluate the facilities, resources, or personnel supporting your work?
1. Funding opportunities for research
2. Research equipment and instruments
3. Funds and administrator support for collaborative work
1=not available
Research Scholarship
(alpha = .53)
In a typical week during the past term, how many hours did you spend pursuing the following activities?
1. Scholarship/professional growth (expanding your knowledge of the field)
2. Research (activities leading to a product)
3. Teaching (including class time, grading, lab, preparing for class)
4. Professional consulting for pay
1=1 hour or less
2=2 to 4 hours
3=5 to 10 hours
4=11 to 15 hours
5=16 or more hours
Nature of Scholarship in Disciplines Importance of Collaboration
(alpha = .77)
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following views about scholarship in your discipline?
1. Today's complex research problems require the multiple perspectives that collaborative scholarship can provide
2. An increase in interdisciplinary scholarship would revitalize current work
3. Recent important advances in my field are the result of collaboration
4. Recent departures from traditional research are fundamentally important to the discipline
5. Employee and professional association requirements influence what is taught
6. Traditional scholarship as it was practiced in general 20 years ago is no longer relevant
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Change in the Nature
of Inquiry
In your opinion, how much have the following aspects of academic work in your discipline changed in the past 15 to 20 years?
1. Uniformity of research methods
2. Kinds of work performed by scholars
1=not at all changed
2=slightly changed
3=somewhat changed
4=greatly changed
Paradigm Shift
(alpha = .76)
In your opinion, how much have the following aspects of academic work in your discipline changed in the past 15 to 20 years?
1. Conceptions about teaching
2. Differentiation from other disciplines
3. Conceptions of knowledge
4. The nature of inquiry
5. Basic concepts
1=not at all changed
2=slightly changed
3=somewhat changed
4=greatly changed
Reliance on Traditional Approach
(alpha = .54)
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following views about scholarship in your discipline?
1. A single paradigm informs most current inquiry
2. Scholarship operates more or less on the assumption that knowledge is absolute regardless of context
3. In general, students now emerge with an inferior command of essential facts
4. Expanding and improving a central set of facts is the main focus of scholarship
5. Relativism in recent scholarship sacrifices rigor
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Keeping Current/ Professional Development From Conferences and Publications
(alpha = .69)
How do you learn to use new teaching, learning or assessment techniques?
1. Publications in my discipline
2. Faculty development workshops
3. Disciplinary conferences
4. General higher education publications
4=almost always
From Faculty
(alpha = .65)
How do you learn to use new teaching, learning or assessment techniques?
1. Discussion in faculty meetings
2. Presentations by faculty in your department
3. Conversations with faculty colleagues
4=almost always
From Students How do you learn to use new teaching, learning or assessment techniques?
1. Your undergraduate students
2. Your graduate students
4=almost always
Informal Activities In the past three years, how many times have you performed each of these activities?
1. Discussed teaching with colleagues
2. Participated in informal teaching development activities with colleagues
2=Every 2 or 3 years
4=More than once a year
From in-house expert How do you learn to use new teaching, learning or assessment techniques?
1. A designated master teacher in your department
4=almost always
Attend or Present at a Workshop
(alpha = .76)
In the past three years, how many times have you performed each of these activities?
1. Attended a faculty development workshop presented by your institution’s teaching and learning center
2. Presented a faculty development workshop
3. Attended a teaching workshop sponsored by your disciplinary association
4. Attended a faculty development workshop sponsored by your department
5. Presented a teaching workshop sponsored by your disciplinary association
2=Every 2 or 3 years
4=More than once a year
Beliefs about Students Improvement in Academic Ability (alpha = .85) Please rate the growth undergraduate students demonstrate in your department from college entry to graduation.
1. Problem solving ability
2. Competitiveness on the job market
3. General academic ability
4. Mathematical ability
5. Critical thinking ability
1=greatly decrease
2=decrease somewhat
3=stay about the same
4=increase somewhat
5=greatly increase
Dependent, Passive
(alpha = .62)
Please indicate your agreement about what students expect of you.
1. Extensive use of audio/visual aids
2. High grades
3. Opportunities to redo assignments to improve grades
4. Outlines and other printed course aids
5. An entertaining lecture style
6. Multiple out-of-classroom gatherings
7. Frequent summaries of key concepts
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Challenging, Independent
(alpha = .64)
Please indicate your agreement about what students expect of you.
1. A challenging learning experience
2. Opportunities to pursue subject matter further
3. Extensive one-on-one interaction
4. Availability during office hours
5. Clearly articulated expectations for coursework
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Low Learning Expectations
(alpha = .45)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about students in your courses.
1. Get credit for effort demonstrated on exams and assignments
2. Learn more when I keep questions and discussions to a minimum
3. Will never master the concepts if they do not grasp them right away
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Improvement in Multicultural Competence
(alpha = .83)
Please rate the growth undergraduate students demonstrate in your department from college entry to graduation.
1. Ability to interact in multicultural environments
2. Acceptance of people with different beliefs
3. Knowledge of other cultures
4. Understanding others’ points of view
5. Understanding their own strengths, weaknesses and learning processes
6. Written communication skills
1=greatly decrease
2=decrease somewhat
3=stay about the same
4=increase somewhat
5=greatly increase
Peer Learning
(alpha = .73)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about students in your courses.
1. Understand material better when they also hear course concepts explained by peers
2. Have a better grasp of course concepts when they discuss concepts with peers
3. Understand the complexity of a topic better after exchanging ideas with peers
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
(alpha = .61)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about students in your courses.
1. Are less prepared for college level work than they were five years ago
2. Are capable of learning the basic concepts
3. Do not have the ability to ask good questions
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Student Quality
(alpha = .86)
In the last five years, how have each of these changed at your institution?
1. The effort undergraduate students devote to their studies in your department
2. The quality of undergraduate students who choose to pursue majors in your field
3. The preparedness of undergraduate students for courses in your department
4. Undergraduate students’ development of necessary competencies in your field
5. The quality of education that a bachelor’s degree represents
1=very much worse
2=somewhat worse
3=about the same
4=somewhat improved
5=very much improved
Traditional Learning
(alpha = .69)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about students in your courses.
1. Learn best when they are given a test on course content
2. Learn best through repetition of material in lectures, texts, and exams
3. Want more feedback than grades or exam scores provide
4. Can communicate what they learn through methods outside of formal tests or assessment
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Improved Ability to Work with Others
(alpha = .78)
Please rate the growth undergraduate students demonstrate in your department from college entry to graduation.
1. Ability to work cooperatively with others to accomplish goals
2. Leadership ability
3. General self-confidence
4. Oral communication skills
1=greatly decrease
2=decrease somewhat
3=stay about the same
4=increase somewhat
5=greatly increase
Cross-Concept Learning among Students
(alpha = .58)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about students in your courses.
1. Often make connections across concepts I had not anticipated
2. Like to think about questions for which no single authoritative solution exists
3. Do not question the readings or textbook
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly




Category Factor Scale – Variable Survey Question – Variable Identification Response Options
Attitudes toward Assessment Accuracy Please indicate your level of agreement with the following views about assessment.
1. Student assessment techniques accurately measure student learning
2. Regular assessment of students accurately captures what they are learning in my classroom
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Assessment is Working Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about student assessment at this institution.
1. Most faculty do a good job of assessing what students are learning in the classroom
2. Most faculty regularly assess what their students are learning in the classroom
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Improves Education
(alpha = .69)
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following views about assessment.
1. Students today are learning more due to an institutional focus on the assessment of student learning
2. Student assessment has improved the quality of education at this institution
3. Student assessment reduces the quality of education
4. Frequent communication with colleagues improves my student assessment practices
5. Monitoring student assessment is a distraction and competes with essential academic work
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Influential Effect of Assessment Please indicate your level of agreement with the following views about assessment.
1. The results of student evaluations of my teaching influence my approach to assessing student work
2. State or federally mandated assessment requirements improve the quality of undergraduate education
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
(alpha = .84)
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following views about assessment.
1. Faculty have a professional obligation to regularly assess what students are learning
2. The effectiveness of teaching is enhanced when faculty regularly assess students
3. From an educational standpoint, it is necessary for us to monitor what students learn
4. An effective teacher is one who regularly assesses what students are learning
5. What I learn by assessing student learning has immediate relevance to what takes place in the classroom
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Use of Assessment Data
(alpha = .76)
How important are each of these activities at your institution?
1. Using standard measures of student learning in all departments
2. Complementing student evaluations with other faculty teaching performance information
3. Encouraging faculty to use student performance information to reflect on their own teaching
4. Using student assessment data to meet external agency requirements
5. Using student assessment data to improve teaching and learning
1=not important
2=somewhat important
3=very important
Assessment is Worthwhile
(alpha = .56)
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about student assessment at this institution.
1. Assessment instruments provide a better gauge of student learning than course grades
2. Student grades provide the best measure of what students learn
3. Faculty should spend more time assessing student learning
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Involvement with Assessment Department Involvement in Assessment
(alpha = .81)
Please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements about your department.
1. Has standard criteria for student performance
2. Coordinates its student assessment activity with campus administrators
3. Has an effective plan for monitoring student outcomes
4. Has influence on assessment techniques I use
5. Demonstrates a great deal of consensus on its approach to student learning
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Institutional Use of Assessment
(alpha = .38)
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about student assessment at this institution.
1. This institution does very little to use student assessment in shaping academic planning and policymaking
2. Grading practices are increasingly influenced by results from new forms of student assessment
3. Students have little say about assessment techniques used here
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Assessment Strategy Development
(alpha = .79)
How centralized are each of the following activities at your institution?
1. Criteria for assessment of student learning
2. Development of new classroom assessment strategies
3. Goals for student learning
4. Criteria for student grading
5. Use of student assessment data
1=no coordination
2=voluntarily by ad-hoc faculty groups
4=college or school
Evaluate Students How frequently do you participate in the following activities?
1. Test students entering my department
2. Assess students for course placement purposes
Academic Core Planning
(alpha = .83)
What is the level of faculty involvement in your institution on the following?
1. Undergraduate curriculum development
2. Academic planning for undergraduate education
3. Faculty development activities
4. Use of educational technology
5. Teaching/learning workshops for undergraduate education
1=no involvement
2=little involvement
3=moderate involvement
4=strong involvement
5=very strong involvement
Course Development
(alpha = .62)
How centralized are each of the following activities at your institution?
1. Determination of coursework requirements
2. Development of final exams
3. Decisions regarding course content
4. Development of teaching techniques
1=no coordination
2=voluntary by ad-hoc faculty groups
4=college or school
Resistance to Assessment Deterrents
(alpha = .41)
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following views about assessment.
1. Student assessment limits the amount of time I have to devote to other academic activities
2. Faculty are reluctant to engage in student assessment for fear that student assessment results will be used in evaluations
3. Mandated student assessment limits the academic freedom of faculty
4. Student assessment is more effective when determined by the faculty member rather than by the institution
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Lack of Efficacy
(alpha = .73)
Regarding new teaching and learning practices, to what extent do you feel that each of the following is a concern of faculty in your department?
1. They feel that following teaching trends or fads is dangerous
2. They feel the new practice is less effective than traditional teaching techniques
3. New practices seem ill-founded or ill-researched
4. They feel that such practices make them give up too much classroom control
1=not a concern
2=minor concern
3=major concern
Performance Pressure Regarding new teaching and learning practices, to what extent do you feel that each of the following is a concern of faculty in your department?
1. They do not feel they can perform this practice well
2. There is pressure from peers to resist new practices
1=not a concern
2=minor concern
3=major concern
(alpha = .46)
Regarding new teaching and learning practices, to what extent do you feel that each of the following is a concern of faculty in your department?
1. New practices are typically dictated by the needs of administrators
2. New practices seem too time-consuming
3. New practices are too time-consuming for students
1=not a concern
2=minor concern
3=major concern
Faculty Assessment is Working Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about student assessment at this institution.
1. Most faculty do a good job of assessing what students are learning in the classroom
2. Most faculty regularly assess what their students are learning in the classroom
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Student Learning-based Evaluations
(alpha = .74)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about rewards at your institution.
1. Faculty evaluation for annual salary and merit increases incorporates evidence of student performance
2. Faculty evaluation for promotion considers evidence of student performance in their classes (not just student teaching evaluations)
3. Merit/salary increases are adequate here
4. Scholarship on teaching is considered in promotion, tenure, and salary reviews
5. Faculty scholarship on or innovative uses of student assessment is considered in promotion, tenure, or salary reviews
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Implement and Evaluate Teaching and Learning Practices
(alpha = .73)
How frequently do you participate in the following activities?
1. Assist faculty peers in their use of new teaching and learning practices
2. Make recommendations to administrative offices about new teaching and learning practices
3. Evaluate faculty in their use of new teaching and learning practices
4. Evaluate the effectiveness of new teaching and learning practices for my department
5. Help determine the performance standard for students graduating from my department
(alpha = .62)
In how many of your undergraduate courses do you do each of the following?
1. Have another faculty member review my teaching for feedback
2. Use service learning experiences
3. Try new teaching practices
4. Use student performance information to evaluate my own teaching
Student Improvement of Academic Ability
(alpha = .85)
Please rate the growth undergraduate students demonstrate in your department from college entry to graduation.
1. Problem solving ability
2. Competitiveness on the job market
3. General academic ability
4. Mathematical ability
5. Critical thinking ability
1=greatly decrease
2=decrease somewhat
3=stay about the same
4=increase somewhat
5=greatly increase
Improved Ability to Work with Others
(alpha = .78)
Please rate the growth undergraduate students demonstrate in your department from college entry to graduation.
1. Ability to work cooperatively with others to accomplish goals
2. Leadership ability
3. General self-confidence
4. Oral communication skills
1=greatly decrease
2=decrease somewhat
3=stay about the same
4=increase somewhat
5=greatly increase
Traditional Learning
(alpha = .69)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about students in your courses.
1. Learn best when they are given a test on course content
2. Learn best through repetition of material in lectures, texts, and exams
3. Want more feedback than grades or exam scores provide
4. Can communicate what they learn through methods outside of formal tests or assessment
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Low Learning Expectations
(alpha = .45)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about students in your courses.
1. Get credit for effort demonstrated on exams and assignments
2. Learn more when I keep questions and discussions to a minimum
3. Will never master the concepts if they do not grasp them right away
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Improvement in Multicultural Competence
(alpha = .83)
Please rate the growth undergraduate students demonstrate in your department from college entry to graduation.
1. Ability to interact in multicultural environments
2. Acceptance of people with different beliefs
3. Knowledge of other cultures
4. Understanding others’ points of view
5. Understanding their own strengths, weaknesses and learning processes
6. Written communication skills
1=greatly decrease
2=decrease somewhat
3=stay about the same
4=increase somewhat
5=greatly increase
Peer Learning
(alpha = .73)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about students in your courses.
1. Understand material better when they also hear course concepts explained by peers
2. Have a better grasp of course concepts when they discuss concepts with peers
3. Understand the complexity of a topic better after exchanging ideas with peers
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
(alpha = .61)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about students in your courses.
1. Are less prepared for college level work than they were five years ago
2. Are capable of learning the basic concepts
3. Do not have the ability to ask good questions
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Cross-Concept Learning among Students
(alpha = .58)
Please indicate your level of agreement on statements about students in your courses.
1. Often make connections across concepts I had not anticipated
2. Like to think about questions for which no single authoritative solution exists
3. Do not question the readings or textbook
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Provide Student Feedback
(alpha = .56)
How frequently have you engaged in each of the following activities?
1. Provided feedback more than three times each term to all students
2. Limited all student feedback to final course grades
3. Utilized short class activities to assess whether students have grasped concepts
4. Provided feedback to students immediately after each assessment
5. Stopped lectures to make sure students understood the material




Category Factor Scale – Variable Survey Question – Variable Identification Response Options
Involvement with Innovation Implement and Evaluate Teaching and Learning Practices
(alpha = .73)
How frequently do you participate in the following activities?
1. Assist faculty peers in their use of new teaching and learning practices
2. Make recommendations to administrative offices about new teaching and learning practices
3. Evaluate faculty in their use of new teaching and learning practices
4. Evaluate the effectiveness of new teaching and learning practices for my department
5. Help determine the performance standard for students graduating from my department
Academic Bridging Initiatives
(alpha = .71)
What is the level of faculty involvement in your institution on the following?
1. Interdisciplinary teaching initiatives
2. Innovations in undergraduate education
3. Student assessment policies and procedures
4. Student academic support services
1=no involvement
2=little involvement
3=moderate involvement
4=strong involvement
5=very strong involvement
Pedagogy Enacting Pedagogical Changes How important are each of these activities at your institution?
1. Changing the way students learn mathematics
2. Changing the way students learn science
1=not important
2=somewhat important
3=very important
Encouraging Peer Learning
(alpha = .80)
How important are each of these activities at your institution?
1. Creating small communities where students’ academic and social environments are seamless
2. Assisting cohorts of students in taking a series of linked introductory courses/sections
3. Encouraging more faculty involvement in discussions about teaching improvement
4. Using student peer groups to reinforce course learning
5. Encouraging faculty to do research on how students learn in their classes
1=not important
2=somewhat important
3=very important
Use In-class Technology
(alpha = .48)
In how many of your undergraduate courses do you do each of the following?
1. Use an electronic assessment method
2. Use computer-based practice exercises
3. Provide a course web page
Interdisciplinary teaching
(alpha = .59)
How frequently have you engaged in each of the following activities?
1. Team taught a course
2. Participated in interdisciplinary course development or projects
3. Offered a course listed in more than one department
Use Innovative Techniques
(alpha = .68)
How frequently do you do each of the following?
1. Introduce new or experimental teaching strategies in class
2. Depend on the same teaching routines year after year
3. Expect students to guide the discussion and activities for a majority of class time
4. Create regular assignments that have many different correct answers or approaches
1=not at all
Encourage Student Collaboration
(alpha = .65)
How frequently do you do each of the following?
1. Encourage students to act as “peer mentors” to others in review or discussion sections
2. Ask students directly whether they understand course material
3. Encourage students to collaborate on course work through study groups or Internet discussions
1=not at all
Use Active Learning
(alpha = .82)
In how many of your undergraduate courses do you do each of the following?
1. Require multiple drafts of student written work for progressive feedback
2. Lecture extensively
3. Use small group work/group projects
4. Use short in-class writing exercises (e.g. one minute papers) to quickly assess student understanding of course material
5. Require student in-class presentations
6. Collect and evaluate portfolios of student work
7. Explicitly state to students your goals for student learning
Cross-Disciplinary Teaching
(alpha = .72)
How frequently have you engaged in each of the following activities?
1. Included reading on theories and scholarship from other fields in your teaching
2. Drew on theories and scholarship from other disciplines to enhance your own work
3. Collaborated with colleagues from outside your discipline on teaching issues
4. Consulted literature on teaching and learning to inform your teaching
5. Met with students outside of formally scheduled times
6. Spent a good amount of class time addressing student questions
Encourage Student Involvement
(alpha = .60)
How frequently do you do each of the following?
1. Work to get students to ask questions during class
2. Listen to students' concerns, and take them into account in my teaching
3. Design classes to be highly interactive
1=not at all
Dependent, Passive
(alpha = .62)
Please indicate your agreement about what students expect of you.
1. Extensive use of audio/visual aids
2. High grades
3. Opportunities to redo assignments to improve grades
4. Outlines and other printed course aids
5. An entertaining lecture style
6. Multiple out-of-classroom gatherings
7. Frequent summaries of key concepts
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Minimal Innovation Traditional Testing In how many of your undergraduate courses do you do each of the following?
1. Use a standardized test
2. Use a department-wide examination
Working Environment Value of Innovation by Institution
(alpha = .74)
Please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements about your department.
1. Allows student input on academic program issues
2. Encourages faculty to work with other campus units to improve student learning
3. Is recognized by faculty on other campuses for its approach to teaching, learning and assessment
4. Is perceived as a campus leader on issues of student assessment
1=disagree strongly
2=disagree somewhat
3=agree somewhat
4=agree strongly
Course Development
(alpha = .62)
How centralized are each of the following activities at your institution?
1. Determination of coursework requirements
2. Development of final exams
3. Decisions regarding course content
4. Development of teaching techniques
1=no coordination
2=voluntary by ad-hoc faculty groups
4=college or school
Department Resistance to Innovation Lack of Efficacy
(alpha = .73)
Regarding new teaching and learning practices, to what extent do you feel that each of the following is a concern of faculty in your department?
1. They feel that following teaching trends or fads is dangerous
2. They feel the new practice is less effective than traditional teaching techniques
3. New practices seem ill-founded or ill-researched
4. They feel that such practices make them give up too much classroom control
1=not a concern
2=minor concern
3=major concern
  Performance Pressure Regarding new teaching and learning practices, to what extent do you feel that each of the following is a concern of faculty in your department?
1. They do not feel they can perform this practice well
2. There is pressure from peers to resist new practices
1=not a concern
2=minor concern
3=major concern
(alpha = .46)
Regarding new teaching and learning practices, to what extent do you feel that each of the following is a concern of faculty in your department?
1. New practices are typically dictated by the needs of administrators
2. New practices seem too time-consuming
3. New practices are too time-consuming for students
1=not a concern
2=minor concern
3=major concern
Professional Development Collaboration with Colleagues In the past three years, how many times have you performed each of these activities?
1. Discussed teaching with colleagues
2. Participated in informal teaching development activities with colleagues
2=Every 2 or 3 years
4=More than once a year
  From Conferences and Publications
(alpha = .69)
How do you learn to use new teaching, learning or assessment techniques?
1. Publications in my discipline
2. Faculty development workshops
3. Disciplinary conferences
4. General higher education publications
4=almost always
  From Faculty
(alpha = .65)
How do you learn to use new teaching, learning or assessment techniques?
1. Discussion in faculty meetings
2. Presentations by faculty in your department
3. Conversations with faculty colleagues
4=almost always
  From Students How do you learn to use new teaching, learning or assessment techniques?
1. Your undergraduate students
2. Your graduate students
4=almost always
  From in-house expert How do you learn to use new teaching, learning or assessment techniques?
1. A designated master teacher in your department
4=almost always




© 2003, National Center for Postsecondary Improvement, headquartered at the
Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research