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Suggested ArticlesArticles on Active LearningJohnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Smith, K. A. (1991). Active Learning: Cooperation in the college classroom. Edina, MN: Interaction Book. McCarthy, J. P., & Anderson, L. (2000). Active Learning Techniques versus Traditional Teaching Styles: Two Experiments from History and Political Science. Innovative Higher Education, 24(4), 279-294.
Articles on Calculus ReformBrackebusch, Ann. (1993). "Initiating Reform at Olympic College." Washington Center News, 7(2), 14-15. Cole, Robert S. (1993). "Calculus Reform and the Revitalizing of Mathematics Education". Washington Center News, 7(2), 1-2. Cole, Robert S. (1996). "Changing Teaching; Changing Teachers; The Impact of Calculus Reform". Washington Center News, 10(1), 1-2. Committee on the Mathematical Sciences in the Year 2000. (1991). Moving Beyond Myths: Revitalizing undergraduate mathematics. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Dick, Thomas. (1990-96). Issues in Mathematics Education, Vols. 1-6. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Douglas, Ronald, ed. Toward a Lean and Lively Calculus. The Mathematical Association of America, (1986), MAA Notes #6. Fraga, Robert, ed. Calculus Problems for a New Century. The Mathematical Association of America, (1993), MAA Notes #28. From Analysis to Action: Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology. Hughes Hallett, Deborah & Gleason, Andrew M. (1994). Calculus. John Wiley and Sons. Leinbach, L. Carl, ed. The Laboratory Approach to Teaching Calculus. The Mathematical Association of America, (1991), MAA Notes #20. Nicklin, Julie L. Liberal Arts Educators Unveil a Plan to Improve Undergraduate Programs in Math and Sciences; Chronicle of Higher Education. February 13, 1991. Ray, Janet. (1993). Mathematics Program Reform at Seattle Central: A Case Study Washington Center News, 7(2),18-19. Righi, Bobby. (1996). What Students Say about Group Work in Calculus. Washington Center News, 10(1), 8-11. Smith, David. (1992). The Calculus Reader. Preliminary edition, Vol. I-III. D.C. Heath. Steen Lynn, ed. Calculus For A New Century: A Pump, Not a Filter. The Mathematical Association of America, (1988), MAA Notes #8. Steen, Lynn, ed. Reshaping College Mathematics. The Mathematical Association of America, (1989), MAA Notes #13. Steen, Lynn, ed. Heeding the Call for Change: Suggestions for Curricular Action. The Mathematical Association of America, (1992), MAA Notes #22. Steen, Lynn. 20 Questions that Deans Should Ask Their Mathematics Department. Washington Center News, 7 (2), 8-13. Sterrett, Andrew, ed. Using Writing to Teach Mathematics. The Mathematical Association of America, (1990), MAA Notes #16. Tucker, Thomas, ed. Priming the Calculus Pump. Innovation and Resources. The Mathematical Association of America, (1990), MAA Notes #17. Wilson, Robin. (1997). "Reform Calculus" Has Been a Disaster, Critics Charge. Chronicle of Higher Education, February 7, 1997, A12. Zimmerman, Walter and Cunningham, Steve, eds. Visualization in Teaching and Learning Mathematics. The Mathematical Association of America, (1990), MAA Notes #19.
Articles on Collaborative LearningBruffee, Kenneth A. (1987). The Art of Collaborative Learning. Change, March/April, 42-47. Bruffee, Kenneth A. (1995). Sharing Our Toys: Collaborative Learning Versus Cooperative Learning. Change, January/February 12-18. Byrne, Candace. (1994). Collaborative Approaches in Science Education Reform. Washington Center News, 9(1), 1-2. Gamson, Zelda F. (1994) Collaborative Learning Comes of Age. Change, September/October 44-49. Whipple, William R. (1987.) Collaborative Learning: Recognizing it when we see it. AAHE Bulletin, October 1987, 3-5. Articles on Cooperative LearningBredehoft, David J. (1991). Cooperative Controversies in the Classroom. College Teaching, 39(3), 122-125. Bruffee, Kenneth A. (1995). Sharing Our Toys: Collaborative Learning Versus Cooperative Learning. Change, January/February 1995, 12-18. Felder, M., & Brent, R. (1996). Navigating the bumpy road to student-centered instruction. College Teaching 44(2), 43-47. Johnson, W., Johnson, R. T, & Holubec, E. H. (1994). The nuts and bolts of cooperative learning. Edina, MN: Interaction Book. Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Smith, K. A. (1991). Active Learning: Cooperation in the college classroom. Edina, MN: Interaction Book. McManus, S. M., & Gettinger, M. (1996). Teacher and student evaluations of cooperative learning and observed interactive behaviors. The Journal of Educational Research, 90(1), 13-22. Tinto, V. (1993). Building learning communities for new college students: A summary of research findings of the Collaborative Learning Project. University Park, PA: National Center on Post-secondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. Tinto, V., Goodsell-Love, A., & Russo, P (1993). Building community. Liberal Education, Fall 1993. Weimer, M. (1994). Learning together makes a difference. The Teaching Professor, 8(6), p. 5. Articles on Critical ThinkingArons, Arnold B. (1985). "Critical Thinking" and the Baccalaureate Curriculum. Liberal Education, 71(2), 141-157. Facione, Peter A. (1986). Testing College-Level Critical Thinking. Liberal Education, 72(3), 221-231. Garver, Eugene. (1986). Critical Thinking, Them, and Us: A Response to Arnold B. Arons's "'Critical Thinking' and the Baccalaureate Curriculum." Liberal Education, 72(3), 245-249. Walters, Kerry S. (1986.) Critical Thinking in Liberal Education: A Case of Overkill? Liberal Education, 72(3), 233-244 Articles on General EducationGaff, J (1988). Reforming Undergraduate General Education. Liberal Education, November/December. Feldman, R (1988). Reforming General Education. Liberal Education, November/December. Smith, Barbara Leigh. (1991). Taking Structure Seriously. Liberal Education 77(2). Smith, Barbara Leigh, and Hunter, Rosetta (1988). Learning Communities: A Paradigm for Educational Revitalization. Community College Review, 15(4). Study Group on the Conditions of Excellence in Higher Education (1984). Involvement in Learning: Realizing the Potential of Higher Education. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Education. Washington Center (1992). General education reform: rhetoric and reality. Barbara Leigh Smith. Articles on Learning CommunitiesDavis, David J. The Cluster College Revisited: A Dream Falls on Hard Times. College Teaching 33(1), 15-20. Gabelnick, Faith, MacGregor, Jean, Matthews, Roberta, and Smith, Barbara Leigh (1990). Learning Communities: Building Connections among Disciplines, Students and Faculty. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, 41. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Gaff, Jerry G., et. al. (1980) The Cluster College. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Finley, Nancy (1991). What Differences Do Learning Communities Make with Faculty? An Inside-Out View: Conversations about Curriculum Reform at Seattle Central. Washington Center News, 6 (1). Levine, Jodi H. and Tomkins, Daniel P. (1996). Making Learning Communities Work: Seven Lessons From Temple University. AAHE Bulletin 3(June), 3-6. MacGregor, Jean. (1991). What Differences Do Learning Communities Make? Washington Center News, 6 (1), 4-9. Matthews, Roberta. (1986). Learning Communities in the Community College. Community, Technical and Junior College Journal, 57(2). Matthews, Roberta S., Smith, Barbara Leigh, MacGregor, Jean and Gabelnick, Faith. (1996). Chapter 22, Creating Learning Communities. Handbook of the Undergraduate Curriculum: A Comprehensive Guide to Pursposes, Structures, Practices, and Change. Ryan, Mark. B. (1992). Residential Colleges: A Legacy of Living and Learning Together. Change 26-35. Smith, Barbara Leigh. (1991). Taking Structure Seriously. Liberal Education, 77(2). Smith, Barbara Leigh, and Hunter, Rosetta (1988). Learning Communities: A Paradigm for Educational Revitalization. Community College Review, 15(4). Study Group on the Conditions of Excellence in Higher Education (1984). Involvement in Learning: Realizing the Potential of Higher Education. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Education. Sullivan, Claire F. (1990). Freshman Interest Groups at the University of Washington: Building Community for Freshmen at a Large University. Washington Center News, 4 (2), 1- 8. Thompson, Lyle. (1973). Johnston College: An In-Depth Description of a Successful Experiment. AAUP Bulletin 59 (December), 411-418. Tinto, Vincent, and Russo, Pat (1994). Coordinated Studies Program: The Effect on Student Involvement in a Community College. Community College Review. Tollefson, Gary. (1991). What Differences Do Learning Communities Make? An Outside-In View: Faculty Views of Collaborative Learning Communities in Washington Community Colleges. Washington Center News, 6 (1), 4-9. Articles on Science ReformAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science. The liberal art of science: Agenda for action, 1990. Byrne, Candace. (1994). Collaborative Approaches in Science Education Reform. Washington Center News, 9(1), 1-2. Byrne, Candace. (1994). "Rethinking Introductory Biology : Conversion Experiences". Washington Center News, 9(1), 8-10. From Analysis to Action: Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology. Massey, Walter E. (1988). Making Science Accessible. Liberal Education, 24(2). 16-19. Project Kaleidoscope. What works: Building Natural Science Communities: A Plan for Strengthening Undergraduate Science and Mathematics, 1991. Shaping the Future, Advisory Committee to the NSF Directorate, 1996 Tobias, Sheila. (1988). Dealing with Math/Science Blocks. Liberal Education, 24(2). 20-23. Tobias, Shiela. (1992). Science Education Reform: What's Wrong with the Process? Change, May/June 1992, 13-19. Articles on Service LearningBoughner, Cynthia J. (1996). The Metacurriculum of Arts Classrooms: Skills for the Next Century. NSEE Quarterly, 21(4), 6-7, 22-23. Combining Service and Learning, NSEE publication. Rama, D.V. and Zlotkowski, Edward. (1996). Service-Learning and Business Education: Creating Conceptual Bridges. NSEE Quarterly, 21(4), 10-11, 26-27. Ylvisaker, Paul N. (1988). Teaching about a Human Instinct. Liberal Education, 74(4), 26-27. Articles on Undergraduate ResearchHoyte, Robert M. (1993). "I Can Do It:" Minority Undergraduate Science Experiences and the Professional Career Choice. New Directions for Teaching and Learning No. 53, Spring 1993. p81-90. "Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education." New Directions for Teaching and Learning No. 47, Fall 1991. p37-49. Promising Practices: Praxis. Liberal Education v76 No. 2, Mar-Apr 1990. p18-29. Allen, J. C. (1991) Integrating Undergraduate Research with a Writing Program. Journal of Geological Education v39 No. 3, May 1991. p224-26. Purdom, William Berlin and others. (1990). Study of Local Radon Occurrence as an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Project. Journal of Geological Education v38 No. 5, Nov 1990. p428-33. Journal of Chemical Education (SCIENCE QD 1 J86), v61 No. 6, June 1984. Special Issue: Undergraduate Research as Chemical Education - A Symposium including these articles:
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