Heilshorn Biomaterials Group

Honors & Awards

Narelli Paiva

PhD Student, Materials Science and Engineering

2024 Lieberman Fellowship

2024 American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship

Yueming Liu

PhD Student, Materials Science and Engineering

2024 Stanford Centennial Teaching Assistant Award

Neil Baugh

PhD Student, Materials Science and Engineering

2024 ARCS Scholar

2023 PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Drug Delivery Fellowship
2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Diya Singhal

PhD Student, Chemical Engineering

2023 Stanford Graduate Fellow

David Kilian


2023 ISBF Conference Best Presentation Award
2023 Stanford Bio-X Symposium Best Poster Award
2023 Stanford Bio-X Travel Award

Isabella Martina Szabo

Undergraduate Student, Mechanical Engineering

2023 Stanford Undergraduate Research Student Small Grant

Daniel Ramos Mejia

Undergraduate Student, Biomedical Engineering

2023 Bay Area Stanford Regenerative Medicine Poster Award
2023 Latinos in Technology Scholar
2023 McNairs Scholar
2023 Stanford Summer Cardiovascular Institute Awardee

Sam Navarro


2023 SACNAS Postdoc Leadership Institute Award
2023 NIH NHLBI K99/R00
2022 American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship
2021 Bio-X Star Mentor Award

Ram Rao


2023 Society for Pediatric Research Fellow's Basic Research Award
2022 Bio-X Star Mentor Award
NIH K12 Pediatric Scientist Development Program funding

Chris Long

PhD Student, Materials Science and Engineering

2021 Stanford Bio-X Graduate Fellowship
2021 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Fotis Christakopoulos


2023 Swiss National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship

Sadegh Ghorbani


2023 Stanford Bio-X Novo Nordisk Visiting Postdoc Fellowship

Daiyao Zhang

PhD Student, Chemical Engineering

2023 Stanford JEDI Travel Award
2023 NIH T32 Biotech Training Program
2022 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2021 Stanford Graduate Fellow (SGF)

Betty Cai

PhD Student, Materials Science and Engineering

2021 Knight-Hennessy Scholar

Katarina Klett

PhD Student, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Ashley Westerfield

Undergraduate Student, Bioengineering

2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Michelle Huang

PhD Student, Chemical Engineering

2023 Stanford Lieberman Fellowship
2022 Ruth L. Kirschstein NIH NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship through the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
2019 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2019 Stanford ChEM-H O'Leary-Thiry Graduate Fellow

Lucia Brunel

PhD Student, Chemical Engineering

2023 ARCS Scholar Fellowship
2023 Stanford Community Impact Award
2023 JEDI Graduation Award
2022 Ruth L. Kirschstein NIH NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship through the National Eye Institute (NEI)
2022 AIChE John C. Chen Young Professional Leadership Scholarship
2019 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2019 Tau Beta Pi Fellowship

Pam Cai

PhD Student, Chemical Engineering

2023 APS Padden Award
2019 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2019 Honorary Stanford Bio-X Graduate Fellow

Sarah Hull

PhD Student, Chemical Engineering

2019 Bio-X Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship (SIGF)
2019 Ruth L. Kirschstein NIH NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship through the National Eye Institute (NEI)

Riley Suhar

PhD Student, Materials Science

2019 Stanford Lieberman Fellowship

Bauer LeSavage

PhD Student, Bioengineering

2018 Stanford Bioengineering Teaching Assistant Award
2018 Stanford Bio-X Graduate Student Fellowship, Bowes Fellow
2017 Stanford Bioengineering Agilent Fellowship

Julien Roth

PhD Student, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

2017 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2017 Stanford Graduate Fellowship (SGF)

Mike Kratochvil


2018 Outstanding Poster Award at GRC: Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices
2016 ChEM-H Mechanobiology Postdocotral Fellowship

Chris Lindsay

PhD Student, Materials Science

2016 Kodak Fellowship

Nicole Romano

PhD Student, Materials Science

2008 NSF Graduate Student Fellowship
2008 Stanford Graduate Fellowship
2010 Attended 60th Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany

Kelly Huggins


2012 Carl Storm Underrepresented Minorities Travel Fellowship

Patrick Benitez

PhD Student, Bioengineering

2011 Guest Researcher, Amrita Center for Nanosciences in Cochin, India
2012 Ruth L. Kirschstein NIH NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship
2012 Carl Storm Underrepresented Minorities Travel Fellowship

Midori Greenwood-Goodwin

PhD Student, Bioengineering

2009 Stanford School of Engineering 3D Fellowship
2009 Department of Homeland Security ORISE Fellowship
2010 Stanford NIH Biotechnology Training Grant Fellowship

Rebecca DiMarco (Snyder)

PhD Student, Bioengineering

2009 Bio-X Bioengineering Graduate Student Fellowship
2011 NSF Graduate Student Fellowship
2012 MRS Meeting Poster Award - Honorable Mention
2012 Bio-X Travel Award
2014 Class of Siebel Scholars

Kyle Lampe


2011 Ruth L. Kirschstein NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship
2012 SBE International Conference on Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (ICBN) Poster Award - 1st Place
2012 Stanford Postdoctoral Association Postdoc Research Award

Hui Xu


2010 NIH T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute

Cindy Chung


2010 American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship

Andreina Parisi-Amon

PhD Student, Bioengineering
2008 NSF Graduate Student Fellowship
2009 Fletcher Jones Foundation NSF Graduate Fellowship in Enginering
2011 Joshua E. Neimark Memorial Travel Assistance Endowment
2012 MRS Graduate Student Silver Award
2012 Bio-X Travel Award

Cheryl Wong Po Foo


2008 UK-US Stem Cell Collaboration Development Award

Widya Mulyasasmita

PhD Student, Bioengineering
2008 Stanford Graduate Fellowship
2011 Society for Biomaterials Student Travel Achievement Recognition
2012 SBE International Conference on Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (ICBN) Student Travel Award
2012 Siebel Scholar Award (Class of 2013)
2012 Tissue Engineering Young Investigator Council Representative

Alia Schoen

PhD Student, Materials Science
2008 Larry and Joan Owen Fellowship
2009 Bio-X Graduate Student Fellowship, Bowes Fellow
2010 MRS/NSF Apprentice Science Reporter Award
2010 ACS Arthur K. Doolittle Award nominee
2011 Guest researcher, FOM AMOLF in Amsterdam
2012 MRS Graduate Student Gold Award
2012 ARCS Fellowship
2012 Bio-X Travel Award
2013 California Science and Technology Policy Fellowship

Debanti Sengupta

PhD Student, Chemistry

2006 Forris Jewett Moore Graduate Fellowship
2009 Lyons Award for Leadership
2010 Bio-X Travel Award
2011 Society for Biomaterials Student Travel Achievement Recognition

Karin Straley

PhD Student, Chemical Engineering

2007 Bio-X Travel Award
2007 Biointerface Conference - Best Poster Award