CS 21 In-Class Exercises
- Week 1: The Web & HTML Basics (exercises 1-3)
- Week 2: Adding Links, Fonts, and Colors (exercises 4-5)
- Week 3: Cascading Style Sheets (exercise 6)
- Week 4: Graphics/Photos/Images (exercise 7)
- Week 5a: More images; Adding Imagemaps and Sound and Video (exercises 8 & 9)
- Week 5b: Adding Lists and Tables (exercises 10 & 11)
- Week 6: Cascading Style Sheets -- advanced usage (exercise 12)
- Completed Exercise 12
- Bonus CSS exercises: index.html | style.css | Completed Exercise 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4
- Week 7: Forms and WYSIWYG editors
- Forms Exercise (only processes on Stanford network to help prevent spam)
- Creating Accessible Forms (from soap.stanford.edu, Stanford's Online Accessiblity Program -- opens in a new browser tab/window)
- Week 8: iFrames, Internal Links and Meta Tags (exercise 13)
- Completed Exercise 13
- (note: The PDFs of the exercises require Adobe PDF reader to view -- http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html)