Scientific Publications
2005 |
2004 |
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2001 |
Analysis and Performance Results of a Molecular Modeling Application on Merrimac, Mattan Erez, Jung Ho Ahn, Ankit Garg, William J. Dally, Eric Darve, SC'04, November 2004, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
A Eulerian Level Set/Vortex Sheet Method for Two-Phase Interface Dynamics, M. Herrmann to appear in J. Comput. Phys., 2004. (PDF)
Large-eddy Simulation of Reacting Turbulent Flows in Complex Geometriers, Mahesh, K., Constantinescu, G., Apte, S.V., Iaccarino, G., Ham, F., & Moin, P., to appear ASME J. of Applied Mechanics, 2004. (PDF)
Level Set/Vortex Sheet Method for Modeling Phase Interface Dynamics During Primary Breakup, M. Herrmann ILASS Americas 2004, C. Presser \& B. Helenbrook (eds.), NIST Special Publication 1016, 2004. (PDF)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Realistic Gas Turbine Combustors, Moin, P., & Apte, S.V.AIAA Paper 2004-0330,Reno, 2004. (PDF)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Realistic Gas Turbine Combustors, Moin, P., & Apte, S.V Simplicity, Rigor, & Relevance in Fluid Mechanics, Symposium in honor of Prof. A. Linan, Spain, 2004. (PDF)
Filtered Particle Tracking for Dispersed Two-Phase Turbulent Flows, Pozorski, J., Apte, S.V., & Raman, V., Proceedings of the Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 2004. (PDF)
Direct numerical simulation and modelling of the fluiddynamical processes during primary breakup of a turbulent liquid jet, M. Herrmann, German Research Foundation Final Report, HE 2721/1-1, 2004. (PDF)
Large Eddy Simulation Inflow Conditions for Coupling with Reynolds-Averaged Flow Solvers, J. U. Schlüter, H. Pitsch and P. Moin, AIAA Journal, 42(3): 478-484, 2004. (PDF)
A Framework for Coupling Reynolds-Averaged with Large Eddy Simulations for Gas Turbine Applications, J. U. Schlüter, X. Wu, S. Kim, J. J. Alonso, and H. Pitsch, Journal of Fluids Engineering, submitted 2004. (PDF)
LES Outflow Conditions for Integrated LES/RANS Computations, J. U. Schlüter, H. Pitsch and P.Moin, AIAA Journal, accepted, to appear 2004. (PDF)
Progress in Coupled LES-RANS Computations of Gas Turbines, J. U. Schlüter, X. Wu, S. Kim, J. J. Alonso, and H. Pitsch, 5th International ASME/JSME Symposium on Computational Technology for Fluid/Thermal/Chemical/Stressed Systems with Industrial Applications. July 2004. (PDF)
Coupled RANS-LES Computation of a Compressor and Combustor in a Gas Turbine Engine, J. U. Schlüter, X. Wu, S. Kim, J. J. Alonso, and H. Pitsch, AIAA-2004-3417, 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 2004. (PDF)
Integrated Simulations for Multi-Component Analysis of Gas Turbines: RANS Boundary Conditions, S. Kim, J. U. Schlüter, X. Wu, J. J. Alonso, and H. Pitsch, AIAA-2004-3415, 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 2004. (PDF)
Integrated RANS-LES Computations in Gas Turbines: Compressor-Diffuser, J. U. Schlüter, X. Wu, S. Kim, J. J. Alonso, and H. Pitsch, AIAA-2004-0369, 42nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Conference, January 2004. (PDF)
Anti-Aliasing for Integrated LES-RANS Computations, J. U. Schlüter and H. Pitsch, AIAA-2004-0258, 42nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Conference, January 2004. (PDF)