Scientific Publications
2005 |
2004 |
2003 |
2002 |
2001 |
Higher-Order Conditional Moment Closure Modelling of Local Extinction and Reignition in Turbulent Combustion, Cha, C. M., Pitsch, H., Comb. Theory Modeling, 6, pp.425--437, 2001.
Modeling extinction and reignition in turbulent nonpremixed combustion using a doubly conditional moment closure approach, Cha, C., Kosaly, G., Pitsch, H., Phys. Fluids, 13, pp. 3824--3834, 2001.
Investigation of Scalar Dissipation Rate Fluctuations in Non-Premixed Turbulent Combustion Using a Stochastic Approach, Pitsch, H., Fedotov, S Comb. TheoryModeling, 5, pp. 41--57, 2001.
Consistent Boundary Conditions for Integrated LES/RANS Simulations: LES Outflow Conditions, J. U. Schlüter and H. Pitsch, Stanford University/NASA Ames, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs 2001:19-30.
Large-eddy Simulation of Gas Turbine Combustors, Mahesh, K., Constantinescu, G., Apte, S.V., & Moin, P., Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2001.
Progress Variable Approach for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion, Pierce, C, & Moin, P., TF Report, Stanford University, 2001.