From Shandor's email on the matter:
Hey ARL,
It has come to my attention that many here are unfamiliar with the ARL JabRef. It is a magical tool. JabRef is profound wizardry that enables mere graduate students to manage scores of references with ease, or which the Aerospace Robotics Lab is a humble user.
Yea, follow the directions below, and thou shalt exalt it's powers. This is likely to go on the ARL blog as well.
Accessing the Great JabRef
For access to the ARL JabRef, one must first navigate across the internets to the site of legend,
whereupon one may download and install the wondrous tool.
Only after the first step has been completed may thou look upon the fabled ARL JabReef file. This is located in the heart of the ARL server, in the directory
with the file name of
Open the file, and the full glory of the BibTex Database shall shine forth.
Contributing to the JabRef
Even thou, a mere earthling, may add to this database of joy. There are, however, guidelines
1) Includeth sufficient data for citing (year, journal, authors, etc)
2) Includeth the abstract, such that one may search for said paper more easily
3) The bibtexkey shall be AuthorNameYYYY, so that all papers may be cited with ease. (additional papers from the same year become AuthorNameYYYYa, b, etc.)
4) Includeth the paper as AuthorNameYYYY.pdf in the Papers/ folder, and link to it
Citing from JabRef
The great miracle of the JabRef is that thou mayest cite the myriad of works contained within the database in LateX. Thou must linketh the path from thy latex bibleography, and thenceforth may citeth the references using the simple command of \cite{SomePerson1999}.
Last modified Wed, 4 Feb, 2015 at 12:45