LUSOL: Sparse LU for Ax = b
- AUTHOR: Michael Saunders
- CONTRIBUTORS: Philip Gill, Walter Murray, Margaret Wright, Michael O'Sullivan, Kjell Eikland, Yin Zhang, Nick Henderson, Ding Ma
- CONTENTS: A sparse LU factorization for square and rectangular
matrices A, with Bartels-Golub-Reid updates for column replacement
and other rank-1 modifications.
Typically used for a sequence of linear equations as in the
simplex method:
Solve Ax = b and/or A'y = c Replace a column of A Repeat with different b, c
Special feature 1: Three sparse pivoting options in the Factor routine:
Threshold partial pivoting (TPP) Threshold rook pivoting (TRP) Threshold complete pivoting (TCP)
Special feature 2: Multiple update routines:
Add, delete, or replace a column of A Add, delete, or replace a row of A Add a general (sparse) rank-1 matrix to A
Numerical stability: LUSOL maintains LU factors with row and column permutations P, Q such that A = LU with PLP' lower triangular (with unit diagonals) and PUQ upper triangular. The condition of L is controlled throughout by maintaining |Lij| <= factol (=10 or 5 or 2 or 1.1, ...), so that U tends to reflect the condition of A. This is essential for subsequent Bartels-Golub-type updates (which are implemented in a manner similar to John Reid's LA05 and LA15 packages in the HSL library).
If a fresh factorization is thought of as A = LDU (with unit diagonals on PLP' and PUQ), then TRP and TCP control the condition of both L and U by maintaining |Lij| <= factol and |Uij| <= factol, so that D reflects the condition of A. This is why TRP and TCP have rank-revealing properties.
Proven applications: LUSOL is the basis factorization package (BFP) for MINOS, SQOPT, SNOPT, lp_solve, AMPL/PATH, GAMS/PATH.
Factor: No special handling of dense columns.
Solve: No special treatment of sparse right-hand sides.
Documentation: No user's manual. Primary documentation is in-line comments within the f77 source code (and the more recent f90 version). - REFERENCES:
J. K. Reid (1982). A sparsity-exploiting variant of the Bartels-Golub decomposition for linear programming bases, Mathematical Programming 24, 55-69.
P. E. Gill, W. Murray, M. A. Saunders and M. H. Wright (1987). Maintaining LU factors of a general sparse matrix, Linear Algebra and its Applications 88/89, 239-270.
P. E. Gill, W. Murray and M. A. Saunders (2005). SNOPT: An SQP algorithm for large-scale constrained optimization, SIGEST article, SIAM Review 47(1), 99-131. (See sections 4 and 5.)
- 01 Feb 2008:
First downloadable version, including f77 source code, C translation by Kjell Eikland, and two cmex implementations by Mike O'Sullivan and Yin Zhang respectively. - 06 Dec 2009:
Example Matlab files for forming a well-conditioned nullspace operator Z from LUSOL's LU factors of a sparse rectangular matrix, and applying it to a given vector or matrix: Z*v or Z*V. Based on 01 Feb 2008 - 17 Jan 2011:
New implementation of LUSOL mex interface and M-files by Nick Henderson, ICME, Stanford. - 31 Jul 2013:
Second new implementation of LUSOL interface and M-files by Nick Henderson, ICME, Stanford. This is based on a new f90 version of the main factorization and column-replace routines (lu1fac, lu6sol, lu8rpc). In lu1fac the efficiency of Threshold Rook Pivoting is significantly improved (Ding Ma and Michael Saunders, MSandE and ICME, Stanford).
Note: The github distribution includes 64-bit binaries for Linux and Mac OS X.