ASP: Sparse Optimization
- AUTHORS: Michael Friedlander and Michael Saunders.
- CONTENTS: A set of Matlab routines for solving several variations
of the sparse optimization problem
\text{minimize } & \lambda \|x\|_1 + \frac12 \|Ax-b\|_2^2,
where \(A\) may be an explicit dense or sparse rectangular
matrix or an operator for computing \(Av\) and \(A^T u\)
for given vectors \(v, u\).
There are functions for the following problems:
- basis pursuit denoising (BPDN), including \(Ax=b\) (BP)
- orthogonal matching pursuit
- homotopy version of basis pursuit denoising
- reweighted basis pursuit for approximating 0-norm solutions
- sequential compressed sensing (adding rows to \(A\) and \(b\))
- nonnegative least-squares
- sparse-residual and sparse-solution regression
- generalized Lasso for sparsity in \(Bx\)
For certain matching values of \(\lambda\) and \(\tau\), BPDN is equivalent to the Lasso problem: minimize \(\frac12 \|Ax-b\|_2^2\) subject to \(\|x\|_1 \le \tau\).
[1] Michael Friedlander and Michael Saunders (2012). A dual active-set quadratic programming method for finding sparse least-squares solutions, DRAFT Technical Report, Dept of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, July 30, 2012.
[2] Hatef Monajemi, Sina Jafarpour, Matan Gavish, Stat 330/CME 362 Collaboration and David L. Donoho (2012). Deterministic matrices matching the compressed sensing phase transitions of Gaussian random matrices, PNAS 110:4, 1181-1186.
This paper made use of ASP (via BPdual) as well as CVX, FISTA, SPGL1, and Mosek. - RELEASE:
17 Dec 2012: downloadable from Michael Friedlander's homepage.
14 May 2015: BPprimal.m added to zip.
26 May 2015: asp is now a Git repository.
13 Apr 2019: asp/doc/bpprimal.pdf files added to
- MATLAB files:
- containing asp-v1.0 files plus bpprimal.pdf.
- See also Michael Friedlander's software site.