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E. Engdahl (University of Göteborg) Strange things happen on extraction paths
T. Gibson (MIT) Working memory and syntactic islands revisited
P. Hofmeister and L. Staum Casasanto (University of Essex and Stony Brook University) Individual differences and acceptability judgments
Coffee break
C. Pollard (Ohio State University) Traces exist (hypothetically)!
S. Müller (Freie Univsersität Berlin) Unifying everything
G. K. Pullum (University of Edinburgh and Brown University) Structure, evidence and the epistemology of syntax
J. Hankamer (U. of California, Santa Cruz) Antecedent-Contained VP Deletion is Pied Wiping
P. Jacobson (Brown University) (Antecedent Contained) Deletion and Logical Form: 37 years later
J. Kim and P. Sells (Kyung Hee University, Seoul, and The University of York) Sluicing in Korean
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P. Miller (Université Paris Diderot) Unexpectedly acceptable
J. Ginzburg (Université Paris Diderot) Rethinking deep and surface: anaphoric processes in dialogue
J. Nykiel (U. of Silesia and the U. of Chicago) Beneficial and (dis)preferred: Why do we omit prepositions from ellipsis remnants?
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R. Levy (U. of California, San Diego) The internal structure of coordinate phrases: the nature of the coordination of likes and of preferences in conjunct ordering
F. Ackerman, R. Malouf and J. Moore (U. of California, San Diego, San Diego State University, and U. of California, San Diego) Symmetrical objects and the architecture of HPSG: Evidence from Moro
E. Hinrichs and T. Nakazawa (Universität Tübingen and The University of Tokyo) Evidence for verbal complexes in German from treebank data
G. Bouma (Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen) Om-Omission and Filler-Gap Dependencies
F. Van Eynde (K. U. Leuven) Complement raising in Dutch
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L. Karttunen and A. Zaenen (Stanford University) Veridicality and inference
S. Wechsler (University of Texas at Austin) Why 'you' and 'I ' are special
A. Lascarides (University of Edinburgh) A Formal Semantic Analysis of Iconic Gesture
Coffee break
G. Webelhuth (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt) Barking up the wrong tree
J. Blevins (University of Cambridge) Generalizations of Phrase Structure Grammar