Linguistics Fieldwork at Stanford University
Other Linguistics Fieldwork Sites
Endangered Language Documentation Sites

Linguistics Fieldwork/Language Documentation Sites

The Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project
Covers documentation methods, recording equipment, archiving, intellectual property protocol.

Jim Fox's Anthropology/Linguistics Fieldwork Checklist
This is the most comprehensive website we've seen so far on tips on what to pack when planning any kind of Linguistic Anthropological Fieldwork. Stanford Professor Jim Fox has covered every potential and necessary packing item you could think of! You won't need everything he lists, but his checklist is sure to keep you from forgetting something possibly crucial to your fieldwork.

Max Planck Institute
This has it all... Questionnaires, stimulus kits for data elicitation, grammar writing guides, glossing and formatting, ethical issues, interlinear glossing tools, elicitation stimuli, equipment recommendations

Linguistic Data Consortium
Describes resources for language documentation and linguistic exploration

Nadine Borchardt's (Uni Bielefeld) language documentation/endangered languages references page
References for language Documentation, Endangered Languages, Field Linguistics and Typology

UC Berkeley Linguistics Fieldwork Page

SIL's Linguistic Fieldwork Page

SIL's Linguistic Resource Page

The American Folklife Center

Endangered Language Documentation Sites
Links to a surfeit of resources on language endangerment and language maintenance.

A paper on endangered language documentation by Christian Lehmann
A bibliography on language endangerment (compiled by Tasaku Tsunoda)
A paper on collecting phonetic data on endangered languages by Matthew Gordon

Resource Network for linguistic diversity

The Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project

UNESCO Register of Good Practices in Language Preservation

Recommended Books

Austin, Peter (ed.). 2004. Language Documentation and Description, Vol 1, papers from the first conference sponsored by the Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project. London: School of Oriental and African Studies.

Booth, Wayne C., Joseph M. Williams, and Gregory G. Colomb. 2003. The Craft of Research. 2nd Ed. Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Kulick, Don. 1992. Language Shift and Cultural Reproduction: Socialization, Self, and Syncretism in a Papua New Guinea Village. New York: Cambridge University. Press.

Newman, Paul and Ratliff, Martha. 2001. Linguistic Fieldwork. Cambridge: CUP.

Payne, T. E. 1997. Describing Morphosyntax. A Guide for Field Linguists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vaux, Bert & Justin Cooper. (1999). Introduction into Linguistic Field methods. München, Newcastle: Lincom Europa.

This page is written and maintained by the student members of the Stanford Fieldwork Committee.